<br />January 29, 1985
<br />�r
<br />i C�- ! d
<br />The meeting of 1;'r e Riverside Property Owner 1,i -t,,-,oci&t.Acn le
<br />to order by Lee C�L, lrman,' Rt 7: Z)•-1. ,
<br />at
<br />the Riverside Cl,�b, GI-and Island, N-brrig.-,a.
<br />Let the re- .: shov that o. January 1, -IC, (,Or,-,' 11,ttee of
<br />Riverside rroperty Owner I s, As,.iociat'on, co--Ir2i,f7itinF --�f Lee T uer-q,
<br />Chairman, Meta ArTr8trong, "i-,ter Suoervi.qrj, c,,jn,: 'Harry Stalker,
<br />Treasurer, called for 43 er
<br />nerp.1 prot.-'e'rt- oi-nert?
<br />forth In the restrictive ccvenants of. t", c. 2 es 1i J, I t
<br />to the city of Gr,ind Tc11tj,-,-.1. 7hjjj :set ; tall tijj -'et for
<br />29, 1985 at 7:30 P.m. tl,�e Riverside .",Jf Club. The 9p
<br />of business Is to a- specific order
<br />mend Article 12 0" t,,-,e HeFtrlct'ons and C-o-vpna-',
<br />for Riverside Acres to allow property Ovr,,Orz� to cri,-,nges ns tr.e
<br />need arises, y k
<br />Article 12 of "It" trIct've Coven-gnts,
<br />and Conditio-S f. amende�d as folilows:
<br />Art. 12 - TheF�e Co•renants, and oonditlonc
<br />are to rU',1 i tho laria and .-;.:al.l be binding, or, all
<br />persons Cn(; Pa7'ties
<br />uIlt-41 -,T1-rr-z,,r7 1, at vrnlc "ime !";p
<br />be autc -ratlC il)ly c- tendcd for s,,iccen.c ,je �erloas of ten
<br />years OfJit'�',,d b,i . e a
<br />-Lots In sal(� by
<br />action c.!'
<br />bre jn]
<br />�kpp-r VI!!
<br />nul n...r r- i ollj
<br />--ic,uld 1%; r r 1,!:j
<br />Of the lots 1�-1 oi-,IJ t n. pro-x.y V t c
<br />and t
<br />be soll -cltc:i b-
<br />votlni.-,
<br />Mee Irls7.
<br />The reqoluti
<br />e C'� n
<br />V P
<br />na by :Tle7,
<br />b- -1 51
<br />BERNICE C. 00FOM
<br />Comm. I* SOL 15.1916
<br />X�
<br />'t. —ate,
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<br />A?
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<br />a
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