<br />9
<br />$5.r: 001381
<br />and, e,ll 'P III In. .shad De n,�1� ai due and payable by Trustor and shall
<br />tear 'nlerasl at brie malkgllm �w[!Yy`�I0
<br />la Dal Iaa aed Obligations of Twat". cal rho duties
<br />legal rats• mOVrJed, now.,., . that al the
<br />CpT:pn Pf BerafiCary U! Try'to, strun Sum'
<br />and 0 Ilgatlons of Trustee
<br />shall ba dMarm'n.d solely by ins express provisions of the Trust
<br />may to added tO the principal balance
<br />Of any r,dabodnes, secured hereby ,no 5 %alt 0R
<br />Dead and Trustee
<br />shall not be liable except for the performance Of such Outies
<br />Ina Spine 'pare Si as Such
<br />nCebtwo.es and shall On pays blP !dldply
<br />and obligations as are
<br />SpeCIflc8llY 901 loth herein, and nP Implied covenants
<br />Over IriP rem a'n'nO term thereof
<br />of Obligations shall be
<br />imposed upon Tru Sloe. (b) No provision of this Trust Deed
<br />peaski Y
<br />,0 Ass 1 01 Rents. BPnehC'ar -snail nave
<br />Shall require Trustee to
<br />expand of risk his own funds, or otherwise Incur any financial
<br />Ina r: ni
<br />got and authority
<br />Curing the COnlmuanCe lot this Twist Deed
<br />obligation In the
<br />performance Of any Or It' dull., hereunder, Of In the
<br />IO collect the rents. 195.55 ano profit, Of
<br />file Properly and of any personal
<br />exercise Of any of Its right O!
<br />powers, II II shall nave grounds for
<br />aorr
<br />property "Gated thereon with Or without taking
<br />peaaaaalon of lha
<br />funds
<br />edaquale Indemnlly against such risk 118bllllyalst rreasonably
<br />Properly OIPOCOd hereby, and Trustor hereby absolutely and
<br />unconditional
<br />(or
<br />not assured to
<br />trustee may nonaull With counsel his
<br />assigns du such rents, issues and profits 10 Beneficiary
<br />Beneflclay,
<br />of and t
<br />own choosing entl till advise of such
<br />e
<br />counsel $flail be full and
<br />however, P010bY c.rito to the lrustor's collection and retention Of
<br />complete authorizatlon and Protection I In the respect of
<br />any action taken
<br />such rents. iSs..S no prole is as they accrue and become payable so long as
<br />Truefor
<br />nth
<br />Or Suffered by it hereunder in good lah and
<br />Trust" shall not be II.DIe for
<br />I: not, al such times, m tl.l9uli with respect to
<br />inCat`tadn.as secur@O heaby
<br />a^ OCtlnn taken D film In
<br />Y Y good faith and
<br />to Do or
<br />or in Iho POIIOrm9nce of any agreement hereundef
<br />Upon any such default, Beneflclary
<br />c0�lefir upon Silty within trig discrotlon or rlpma p} Powell
<br />d by his Deed
<br />Trust Dead.
<br />may at any time. e,thef in
<br />S rnoHyar 10 be
<br />regard tto
<br />appointed by a court, without notice and without the
<br />adequacy of any Se It 101 the
<br />11 Additional Seeurly lnstrumsea. TTU.(Pr, Ira
<br />lndgbtednoss RPOSOy secured, al enter upon and
<br />take paaSesaiort OI Ina Property
<br />el expanse, WIII execute and CellYOf
<br />to the Trust", promptly upon demand, eucn aeeunty , -111 execut
<br />Or any port thgrenf . and in rls own name :ue far or
<br />collect such rants, issues
<br />as may D0
<br />required by Trust", in form and substance satisfactory
<br />unMrwao and profits. including Ihosq past due and
<br />pald, and apply
<br />to Trust", covering any Of
<br />the Property conveyed by this Trust Deed,
<br />the same, less costs and expenses Of operation and collection,
<br />'nc'.udang reasonable attorney fees, upon any Indebtedness secured hereby,
<br />which security Instruments Shall be
<br />additional security for Tyu9tO,'3 faithful 0-110 menee of all of the terms, covsnantll
<br />and in
<br />such pNer as BBIaY,tlary may delerminp. fDl perform seen acts OI "parr, or
<br />and conditions Of Into Trust Dead, the roml93o noble Secured hereby.
<br />other security
<br />prOEcwun as n•av Lc :m.:oa :a :'r :'CDs• I ^. :.+•apron rn iP of the Properly; Ice
<br />Instruments executed In connection with this transa on such
<br />Instrument'
<br />-3: the Same or pity Part thereof for such rental learn, 'no upon such conditions
<br />shall be recorded or filed and ro- recOrdod and rallied, al TruHOYt
<br />a. i6a
<br />a81f3 ludg.mgnl mar dotate Ihis,, T,u SIO, and Beneflclary agree olhelwlse In
<br />wilting, any soPhC 1l of rents. 'So-- Of P10111 10 any 'ndeblsd Mas secured
<br />hereby Shall not extend OI Postpone the due oale of ind Installment payments as
<br />prpvMad.I 10 'home sort Into or change Ina amens of such nslaemnnfs The
<br />18. Miscellaneous,
<br />enFHing upon dn0 caking ppg9ea5:On 01 the "'Op" o, Ina COII.Ctlon Or 6UU'n ,Bola,
<br />resole and erf its. ano fha appi'cel,on InemO! as ;,!c,•csald shop no: waive nr cure
<br />any
<br />(a) In the event any Otto or more of the PrOY'alods contained In this Trust Dead H
<br />nook or notice of ft hereun le, ?• r,r,ti:dale any aCl ifohe pursuant 10
<br />SuCR notice TrUSlCr
<br />the Promissory note or any other security Instrument given In connection with
<br />30ld
<br />x190 assigns Io Be^e1'cia•y a9 lurlhel 9scull1, for the
<br />On" orma^ce of the
<br />this transaction Shall for any reason be held t0 ha IRYa1M, Illegal a
<br />::el:gallOns securfld here0v ate pre paler rents and aII Inches
<br />which may have
<br />unentoreeabie In any respect, such Invalidly, into Billy, of unenfo11401 fly
<br />Dean Cr ma'y nPfPaller, be deposded Wdh Said Trustor by any lessee
<br />P} trio Proparty.
<br />Shan, at the option Of Beneficiary, not affect any othaf provision of this Trust
<br />!o secure the paympnl •:t any rent and upon default in to.
<br />perorman".
<br />Deed• but this Trust Deed shall be construed al If such Invalid, Illegal, or
<br />of any of the prOV'' "' ne reel r usim ?q,e.9 10 dgbver such rents
<br />unenforceable provision had never bean Contained herein or therein
<br />and deposits 1U Ina Banehclary Deliver, :., whiter nni:c:e Pf the Benewc eves
<br />BaltC'9.
<br />(b) This Trust Deed shall be construed according
<br />0. IM'Ig Sls granted herein !� any Innam :'�( _I,p nO geM prOm'Sb9
<br />S
<br />to the laws of the Stele of
<br />Nebraska.
<br />a
<br />.shall
<br />half
<br />be sufi,C'snt 10 require said tenant r0 pav .void ten! Ic • ^.e HenpticInry unbi
<br />n.hce
<br />ice TRIM Trust Deed shall 'nuts to and hind the hero, agatees. Confesses.
<br />a0mppeoOreje exlculors successors end aaalgns cf the psrlies haroto.
<br />It Lafaad Pf*Mi*ea Within 10 days after demand. Trust., shall furnish 10 Trust"
<br />of Trustor shell Pay all Isles levied upon INS Trust Deed or the debt secured
<br />• SC beau is cartined 10 be hue. Setting forth all i1a900 Of space in trio Trust
<br />PrCDgrtY IRS^
<br />hereby, "gain., Mlh any Ot e, taxes of assessments which may be levied
<br />in OlfeCt. -,eluding, 'n seen c.aq. }h) Hama OI the tenants and
<br />occupants. description
<br />ag Most Ina Trustee or Beneflclary or inq legal holder O1 .Aid promissory note
<br />a Of too apace Occupied by such anent and Occupant. iM
<br />rental
<br />On account Of 1Sa Indebtednp9. evidenced thereby
<br />Payable for such space and guch other Information and documents with
<br />rea�atl to eucn teases
<br />'ml Whenever used heroin, the tar n
<br />- "�gu' umMr Shelf
<br />and l.Mnclas as file Trustee may
<br />y request
<br />' I9"N' the plural, iM
<br />SBan..r, the use of any goods' ,Ian to app!¢aDle 10 Sfl
<br />Without Iha Prior wrinan cpnasll of Tfu91se. Trustor snail not, directly or
<br />ganders, and rho term
<br />- 'Beneficiary" :Sall 'ocluce env -4,00 Of the , 18bteanesa hereby
<br />'nd` 01V. with respect 10 an, .-a. of spats in the d.9Cnbed premises, when.,
<br />Secured of
<br />any "t., thereof wolo.r P, nD.r.lmn CI lee, Or OJoe_,"
<br />such Isere a now or .eroaltel iI gxalence, Jai accept or permit any prepayment,
<br />diaCOunf
<br />Or advance tool p.Yaba Inereundef, :0) cancet Of terminate the same, or
<br />accept any cancellation. Iarmmarlon Or surrender fhsreet or Permit any event to
<br />OCCYA which WOU1C gRtita Ihl leslea fMreyndlr IO Is rmmate or cancel too :amp, (Cl
<br />i0 SuOtsea1O TNa Me. 0 ... flcary may from rime to time substitute a dUCC.,SW M
<br />amaTS 0r "Wity me same S0 as 10 reduce rho arm thereof, IN, rental payable
<br />O
<br />SUCC08DOre 10 any Trultea named hDleih or acting hefaundgf ID OxeCOiO the Tryst
<br />acting Ison execute
<br />Deed,
<br />0"01.w, or to Change any ,enan al provision. Inerern contained; IQI were any
<br />Upon eucn .Trust"
<br />point end without IO the r Tw
<br />IRS :ether Twat",
<br />0
<br />sefaufl thsraundH a breach loviss ; (91 give any consent. walrof or approval
<br />f11HOUodav
<br />anal be with sit with, power!, and duties cOMHrod .fry
<br />Tru ^ere"
<br />M take any Pinar action in connection therewith, of won a lessee
<br />IRS
<br />.tee named or acling haraurl Each such appointment and
<br />""' which w Ou'd oars Inc elf.cl o }'mDerring the ralu9 0l leaaOl'S Inlefeel
<br />tlaryynddl
<br />substitution snap be made by written aalromHn by Beneficiary, contalnMg
<br />on t%q Proparty euDI0c1 th81e10, Cr of Imp®Iring the POSPon Or interest
<br />alHencO IO into Trust Deed and Its DIAGe of record, wMCn whan recorded In IM
<br />,^.< the True se O, Banehi :ary, Or ;Il sal. assign
<br />g pledge. mortgage OI Othefwr.e
<br />Office Of the Register of Dgeda of file county or counties In which sold ProDSry 10
<br />d+somsol, or.ndumbai, ca -"reef m an y such lease of any rams, Issues or pr011U
<br />SIIuerW Shall be conclusive Proof O1 proper appointment of the succeseH Trustee.
<br />The foregoing
<br />lasu!ng H ansing thereunder
<br />power Of Substitution and the Procedure therefore atoll not be
<br />12 CHtlamneHHl,
<br />exclusive of the for la
<br />osier and procedure r I , su
<br />ed Ior by hew for Ira auDStltullpn of a
<br />T!ue1N or trualeas,n
<br />If lira t0 any Carl OI IRO ProphrtY Shall by taken In Condomnolion
<br />the Place Of the Trust"
<br />the rust
<br />PrOCeW'ng.. by tight Of em"enl 001.11 nr Similar action, dr shalt D. 5010 under
<br />threat of condemnation, all awards damages and proceeds ale SereD assigned!
<br />Y g^
<br />by 6Haflelary H Trustee
<br />71) FH9aaroflea by
<br />Beneficiary
<br />WaWH. Any IHIDIHaer
<br />.no .?fast he Palo to Beneficiary who shat:
<br />t 01 o
<br />ry nr Truaiea iI e..t Claing any right Or re,MdY ReraundH, Of OIhOWIea
<br />se
<br />PIMOWa to the "me lacur.o by the Trust Deed Owit the excesso9�any, peril f0 trig
<br />off ^,tlW D® oedppl�c� Drs taw, Snap nDl be a ii Of Or Preclude the exercise of
<br />r!u We' Trus[or w!ir IY. and wdh fits dplglnts, repair, snot and roOtOro me
<br />any
<br />9 y eund^r kdw,se. Ina were by Bsraflclery or Intel" of any
<br />remeln pan Of IRS TYUSI
<br />n ""a 10 its COPvj.. Substantially to m.
<br />oayun OI Twelor ands, this Trust Dead chap not be deerttsd to DO a w&IVW Of any
<br />that ".lot.
<br />.xtenA that }M earns may a IeaaiDle entl aG sa f0 COMidua . tnmpl9le and umana
<br />as
<br />,.nlv
<br />Ot%HO. similar 0ofeula subsequently occurring
<br />21 TfWter NO RHaseed. ExrOnslOn of the lime for payment Or modification
<br />13 . Full" Advew, . Ijppn r gqugs! Gi T•U9fOr ROhAIICary al BOOefici.lyI ,Orion.
<br />Of
<br />."NOl IzallOn Of the I'm' Secured by this Trust Dead granted by DHaflei" to any
<br />prior IO :eCOneey.nte Of !Sq Pr I`a ty " t%R ' •u9lOr may make future aOvanCea to
<br />uCCehsIN m rut..... OI T!ua,cO Shaw not
<br />'Rabbit ^parat0 10 roaa0a, many mental, the
<br />1M TwSMO Su" !"1110 advances. wdh Internal " "loon Shan la securW ny i ?'S
<br />'t
<br />.f rM oOg! s Twgto, Or Thi 2 to, -e uCCOSW Ili morsel DQleficlarJ snail
<br />Wi DOW `voOO ev,dAnced ny pnunlf SOry rises .l aling in., 9ait7 nOf@. at.
<br />not MY, 'Ouned Io' nhotinc@ I IOCe.oinge dilMoSt 9uCh successor of refuse to
<br />eaculW ^awebY. plOV'r7ed ISBr al n0 Jim. :hail I!tfl 50<U•AA pr'nr;.pgl, IulU,e
<br />.xtenQ tame I.+ payment O, C•IhOrw'ffie mod'ly A..nizaicn, of the sums secured by
<br />Ii''ol
<br />aQveocaa. not :n Ica-ng Subs ad .... SO •0 Pl Otmc! ih0 mcc,", q.cA ; ON,
<br />SiN"YCT'ad
<br />gJlo IMoa hY '9af0n ;,r any r;emenn n,edo air Ina crigmai Trustor BIM TruatH'e
<br />percent f 1�4y V OI IRS Original pvInC+0A1 amaun a Sat urgd hereby
<br />I: csaaOrS ' n ::..areal
<br />tai. RO Adip C.a "Hve. AlI ermgdiea Dtuv,ded In Ina Trual Deal ea d1ailnCt and
<br />Dot"', n IN" anau be a delve .�' ode IRIS Deed OI Trust or under any prior
<br />•no+tgegs
<br /><- utoualwe to anY of Rev "go, n, I.dady, under Ina T!ud1 Deed to elfolCW by +a. ,. ^,r
<br />IRS Baralhr:." •naY r'a! , cS deauil, end IM emporia advanced try,
<br />equity. ano may MSxare.:sW cpneurrsntiy, 'nQeps ^demtywsuc eeoeiverr
<br />and :oar ,,sate ant; ga;,arsea ::1 !ha OsnhhCiary 'n curing eucn default. with
<br />It
<br />the uslau!1'tite c:.nainedl 'n the Nola a uh d hereby from the lime o
<br />Ilil
<br />: gam. Upon dat"t by i ru.10r 'n the peymeol Pf any
<br />I^.aatedneee
<br />tJrt .ee Or per^ants Shall P. added to tM1e tndeblW ns.a aaCUrW by this Truett
<br />Deed
<br />Wulpot hereby W in !h0 Po,OlmAlce 0f an y egrearranl nerW rider.
<br />and may tie cclat'ed hateunder at any tithe alter the tone of such edvonces
<br />l€ie" real dgcia+e eN aorta secured hergpY imiMdfately due and PsYabra by
<br />Mpsv'Mna.M7 she-, tod.emed t0easacurW hereby,
<br />t0 M1uatea of wn(pen 4aClaahon a JeiaulI The ?'.*fee fine, %ay. he
<br />power,
<br />ptswer Oa sea nit Ira Property anti If Beneficiary desires IM Properly in b e sold, ft
<br />SIIH! t
<br />.] OOHen toF OI'K.ese. Upon ISe - ,.u,S.. Of env dais., hwwnIW. DenefWary
<br />IN."
<br />with T,uaas th.a Trust Deed an() ate pfomigapry onf.f and documal
<br />smr@eSa log ''"lleo
<br />"" the option to Ioi, ; o" to,, 'rust 11400 In IM "'"mil PIOviQAd by IoW for
<br />I'S "u-.1i.ura
<br />sxplrMpuroe hereby. and Shall deliver 10 TO Olea, a written
<br />'W1tys
<br />of morlge{, ',0 real Pr017ertY
<br />of default anal election to cause IoW Properly 10 he sold and iM tru9tea in
<br />"vvn await Phni a:t"u" "Or"' .n The term iflquirad by :OW. which shall be out
<br />!'lW frN r
<br />: s TMIO's R te' �aMt DMaYPf. IJntII fIT dglauii in the
<br />rgC(Nd CY ; t,�a1eA
<br />.:,aenrrom9aa hH.Dy aeCVred Of until IRO bleach of any f. oYManl nHSaRaymme
<br />tai WtH f 1. :! aucn lima as mar tq rAOuliW r'r law hollowing
<br />had,
<br />the Trustor, 1IS eucc.sa 9 and designs snail Drops and "Joy Ilia Property. and
<br />rSe rAC.Ciri
<br />O.W
<br />Of an, n :.q., qr dRauil, end noNCp of •7e4un anU nntics Of n
<br />ac:9lra the We and profits 1%aiai,hor l
<br />T•e : D0^ PAYrMnI Of !U sums beOUrad 6Y IMe
<br />ft C7eed. Renefl[:ery
<br />clean
<br />tale arIng
<br />tvSM gfvan Aa rRqu:reO '. Ise III, dsmemJ no Tru ar
<br />Shaf' •.quest °, dlon 1. fscoNisy IM Pfi WIY and eRall
<br />muflftoi
<br />a Shat' sell
<br />IM Vw.Yae "On rM data And er IM time and pace 17eslgnaiW In Said OWICe
<br />MO T!uel !hfsd dnJ all holes gvldancing I MSbtedM.s Wood by this
<br />truel Deed It'll"
<br />,1
<br />boa. al DOW, .-VOn 1„ 1" '191.11 Didaw the pu•t Ra.e „tai
<br />Ill first" shall I--rev Ins A; rC +Pant wnnoyl wnraniy and
<br />e,llRpui
<br />P Plysole Ih
<br />'"f mdnay n! rho IJn,r A<, katg0 Of IR. rim. U1 Saie The parson
<br />char h I%A ?@rAOna
<br />•KAnv charge
<br />eY . 1 1 legally nn"1140 iMalo The Giant” in env
<br />rpndp!.Ilr
<br />se.anp eel. rr an Inuss her
<br />4 Fe ®IiM 9x PAOi.n1, f +�.fpunN IR. Irom
<br />V tM - [-s e. IRS person ry PRr.UnA Antllad inalslo," and
<br />! %0 racists
<br />sate Iles
<br />fq Alvya untli ,r.ttlli rM CO sli still, ".—v SUCK <: ASIY. nOPIfl
<br />InerOrn r;l env mallMa nr Idy:ls :trail pis 'Onciullra Proof O1 1%p
<br />Ir
<br />01 Pull one
<br />'Mn<.Par^ Do given P. pi:bhc dea;fe0tion toll.ol by aurr' fat., "n the
<br />UIRIUIrasA triAlai)) iu M @,
<br />t p 8=1 r, r�r ia+aOnA aRAli I,aY ail tRelA DI farnn:in0 11 anY
<br />at time
<br />and pool 'tat AOpn+rv!gq !. IAA mA A 1 led is. :a. Is
<br />:'M1 ACt.IHIHet
<br />p, tv, !n•
<br />ones+ I ^sit ,ql
<br />wro :!e. g I 1
<br />In the txanl el Transfer ,• I'S .
<br />R+ 'I I'. A 1 A, RRlaa in
<br />mate ,OI"•p
<br />!r+A +Wow artal [mI v n eA. en o' 'Ci i f e
<br />! 1. y..,Rr7 f y rROapn , :.r
<br />•II AenY r,Rnreni
<br />e
<br />f.. SPWI at 9 'R r ,p s i Mai
<br />wneix I
<br />1!stOrhR true RnOt V I I I..Ai tiii Nhall at
<br />Ir
<br />,. a y ,g he
<br />ry AnY fat$ [uP h'ryt,iA
<br />f.
<br />iP a Y ."...,coo
<br />A :Pwnn nqf :aumq!11 P- rr.l e 1 y
<br />ie
<br />Pd !hq
<br />'A that' 1. •OOI
<br />ON tat 1I .one'naalN :q shall nut
<br />. 9lipil. a w0 vqr rl Ihs r, O^, In Ira inq
<br />, u."s t If Ill.
<br />u''rAgS M ^s +Il Ar v A Y..r i I I g Rai nhr s- r
<br />• mR >.nrs Ihs ,void 01 anY n uhaRgpgni
<br />irAn.l @r
<br />ap (lu " .Pass M the
<br />a"
<br />'St 'ROW l•.ea ae aq +os {>•.,'M;anl I.y o,s prlwery nwYgm the 'i •..rv'.s f a Sppiv fMY
<br />� !ha 174W Ill rrusl!a W,l„r
<br />u rrslxsa na et^ -, I•. an f ..yY +e!s snJ q u aR I .'I a
<br />Poni M 4ale .11 I !rya ea I'M g IRp (!aYml 1 r !Pit 1r,.m1Aq R rAnn
<br />to deNy.
<br />slaf.ed Icy fru.i"• ,
<br />l and 1 he 1
<br />fro asv^s s $ €erag
<br />T,v%tri
<br />a8 a ••f hot A died
<br />,
<br />., plan t.A'Y: Af v'A y : i:a a A ...l.E
<br />sal ul OQ s l { • I, 1 _ I:.
<br />3 a h & eo9. r Aa .'a t rj
<br />Ctnine..,' �11..r 'M. , R I a wRV -m.• , ueal e'm
<br />:r R, m a R n ..: .a a ,r .l i
<br />idanlnie,J as rnauwe
<br />g 1
<br />g.
<br />R .a n•A+•.,.:e
<br />a
<br />