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9 <br />i <br />V <br />a �I <br />I <br />l <br />I — <br />I o� <br />I �I <br />EM" From kNmW Fmm Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />If any Persm liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses 10 <br />Pay the same chef demand, the amcmt (Including any Inter <br />M. ad6timel amount. addition to lax, or assessable penally, <br />togmfar with any COBS that may accrue In addition thereelf <br />shah be a limn in favor Of the United States upon all property <br />and an100 PrOPerly dnet , wha rest or personal, belarnging <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />Orion Orbital date S W®chiceby fixed by law, the lien <br />mnposed by seuifm S21 stns eriga at dine time the msessrrem <br />I s made and �� Cmlmull U W the *IkpV for the amount so <br />as nesm for a Judgment apse the tteprOyer army bin of <br />such fiebiflyl is satisfied of Wwas unenforceable by rein <br />at IBM of Ittne. <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />fal Prd M 1, HW= Of SOM ININragr <br />I f "d it's Lnnnor Ad , W erdft <br />The fen by section 6321 SOP not be valid as against <br />any W& AM. hofft Of a selcuray interest, mecmwuc's <br />kaOOf. of ludgmen ken credda jbW notice tberanf which <br />ride's I'm lawerwm Or Subsection Ifl has base filed by <br />me Seratery <br />b Put - hw Fa r" 110M EM <br />TWO Fft — [Ye., ihojo ricro of a :let <br />fireaded by sschon 6321 has bean fil8lf such lien ,hall a, be <br />d <br />:R Plop For A% NNiM FIM — <br />''Ii � The asste stared to In suD- <br />Uri State laws <br />If Real property. In 1.14 case of real property, m one <br />0" weft the State for Ina county, or Omer governmental <br />i, U dearested by tits laws of such State, in <br />*wait ft Mwly Suspect to "in Iran is emem"; end <br />iOl Personal Plopsrry. In the case of personal <br />�R:dn ttN S� �tv oo a mtang; . in ane office this canny, or oft gbmnmanal <br />. <br />as ovwmm by the laws of such State, <br />In *'TO the Phillip" SUW 10 the ban S s!meia0, <br />Of <br />1OW4h Cltrk Df D,WV Court. In tM office cf he Uak of <br />IhO UPON Stator didew court for the lutfichiff district m which <br />nDi by ides s In <br />en Time office which meag het nounoments <br />rM <br />I < <br />Entered as Documen:.Afo. <br />j� 0`11 42 <br />Grantor <br />Grantee f / <br />Numerical <br />2 5 i H i "t} <br />ul subparagraph fill m <br />10 With Recarder tx Deeds Of The District of Cnlumb d. , In <br />the INice of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia, if <br />14 Properly sublect to rho lien is situated in the District of <br />Columbia. <br />121 Situs Of Properly Subject To ben. - Far purposes <br />Paragraphs III and 141, property shoe be deemed to be snueted Of <br />W Real Pmpeny. In the rase of real property, at its <br />Physical focatim; or <br />181 Personal Property In the case of personal property, <br />whether langible or intingIbe, at the residence of the <br />taxpayer at the time the Puce of ken Is filed. <br />For Purposes of paragraph 121181, the residence at a corporation <br />Of p4finefshp shall be deemed m he the place at which the <br />PhOcO� ex�utive office of the bwiom is looted, and the <br />residence of a taxpayer wtmse rssidenc4 is without the United <br />States shelf be deemed to be in the District of Columbia. <br />retained Tobin subsection fel Self bee prescribed eby to <br />Secretary. Such notice shell be valid notwithstanding any <br />other provision of law regarding the form or content of a <br />nonce of !tan. <br />x Rliffin Of Notim. — Mr purposes rf this <br />SOCben r��� p�,,yy <br />Ill l&I�■ R& — U"TOM notice of Ilen is refilad In <br />The manner prescribed In paragraph 121 during the required <br />"Offing Period, Sun notice of hen shall be treated as fled an the <br />Palo on which It is filed fin accordance with subsection ill I aher <br />the expirattiito� h n of suc refirng pena <br />trap l <br />121 Rx Ff, — A 1011ce of pen "oiled <br />during thefraguned rehkng period Shelf be effective only <br />W such notice of hen S refired in the office in which Tie <br />Onof nonce of lien was filed, end <br />Jul In ma CM Of tee property. The fact Of refiring s <br />Ordered and reCerded in an maaX la the errant required Dy <br />subsection in 641; and <br />'BI in any case in witch. go days or moo paider to the 6310 <br />of a left Of n0do of lien under Subparagraph All, ins <br />Secretary renavoo women Information fin the manner <br />Prescribed :n rdgulanors issued by jig Secretary! <br />conceming 6 change In the mz0ayar's residence, -f a notice <br />of such hen Is also filed In eccordence with subsection. i!I n <br />me Slam 2 which such rgAdence 6 Incased <br />i! <br />IIi� <br />I <br />I <br />•..rr.q Pono9 — In The case ct <br />any nonce a ken, the term `rated refiring period" in", . <br />W he Oneyaa period endeg 30 Gays after the explatm <br />of 6 Yeam after the time of the as mom at ant tax am <br />EN the one-year period ending, with the expum en of B years <br />litter the close of the preced" reopmed relAmg pefod for <br />such nonce of ken <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or Discharge <br />Of Property. <br />A&M Of timi. — Subfen m such regula <br />turns as the Secretary may prescribe, !be Secretary shag <br />Issue d candicats of fOM of arty Yen mVased will resew to <br />any imoma revenue tax not later than 30 days shot the day on <br />which . <br />I11Usbddy Satisfied or Unenforceable. The Secretary, <br />finds that the liability for the amc mt eked, together with all <br />interest in respect thereof, has base fully satisfied or has <br />become legally unenforceable; or <br />f21 Bond Accepted.. There is furluclred to the Secretary and <br />accapted by him a bond that is conditioned upon the payment of <br />he amount assessed, together wrth all interest in respect <br />thereof, within the time prescribed by low (including any <br />edenaon a' such time], and that is m accordance with such <br />reflunemmu relating to terms, cond¢ims. and farm of are bond <br />and surelms therein, as may be Specified by such regulations. <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Disclosure <br />of Returns and Return Information. <br />L <br />ik1 treaatm of Cortm ftwn mW Ron <br />Wo mfien For Tax AI P"m — <br />21 Disclosure of emaum of [inspiriting earl If a ratio of <br />,en has been filed pursuant To section 63231f, the amount of me <br />outstanding obkpenmi secured by such hall may be dsiioSO 10 <br />env Person who furnishes satisfactory written evidence that he <br />has a fight m the property Sabot to such ilan m intends to <br />obtain a right in such property <br />M <br />6i <br />f <br />