3 �t
<br />I A
<br />\l
<br />I�
<br />1�
<br />�} wdnwr -1
<br />Grantees
<br />a Lac
<br />I
<br />II �
<br />i
<br />I
<br />II I
<br />it
<br />F= hftW finetle CIh
<br />at SIR agram A or
<br />C�m %Mdv Of Deeds Of The District of Cohmb d. in
<br />� � - f� — in daa rasa ci
<br />Sec. 6321. ten for Taxes.
<br />the office of the flecordar of Deeds at the Distinct b! CalurtlMe, d
<br />Pity motax o. 4,, the term "required rehimil pare$' meta
<br />the property subject to the pen is snlatad to the Oistnq of
<br />f aRef +iaT�
<br />if eery crersion able to pay, all tax Reflects or refuses in
<br />Columbia
<br />of 6 years after the date of file aMWeM of the tax. and
<br />M dte Um after demand, the amoum hoyclu mi em, errs.
<br />!21 Slits Of Property Subject To Juan. Far Purposes oI
<br />IBI ate- MW with due Mrimc, sf 6 yaa:s
<br />�. N*mt, adtMtmt to tax, or pair
<br />paragraphs 111 and 141, property shall be deemed to be situated
<br />after the fine o! 8ti preceding f 7�A +id ,Pr, p„dd faf
<br />t am cute# the Mall accrue in addition the
<br />(A) Heal Property. In the case of real property, at rs
<br />such notice of ham
<br />Mg be a hen m feratr of the f states upon all property
<br />PfPyslcsl location; or
<br />am f to prt fy, ref or psi!. b��
<br />91 esonel property. - In the Case of personal propety,
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Dr Discharge
<br />g
<br />ro
<br />whether tBeilible of imfer!lilible, at the residerace of the
<br />Of Prootherty.
<br />Sec. 6322. Period Of !then.
<br />taxpayer at the time the notice of lien is filed.
<br />Far purpa. of paragraph 111181, the residence of
<br />;a ! R fR : — S a ?c suet: '@gum
<br />t K �„� U hem
<br />a corporation
<br />of PatmesMp SW be deemed to be the piece at which the
<br />xu s the Secretary ma A l
<br />IN ?A�11 gaa ar{9a at iha time to a rrant
<br />Plmt" execdtrve Oft Of the busiese 19 K and fire
<br />-e
<br />M a can ?f�c�a a! ,,Mew fi A y ,per
<br />wiy
<br />6 . ant! shy f.� - � die hty far the amount so
<br />"sled -M of a taxpayer whose reatdence Is wtdeun the Umted
<br />"lly i mtEfnn7 f tax not rate» 7) da15 '',�v .n
<br />NA' 3 ?✓>i}�tli. n the taxliayar arming out of
<br />States shall be deemed to eo m the District of Columbia.
<br />It: (pahWIt Setts? O
<br />h - s sal+ Of becwttas unenforceable
<br />of GY reason
<br />Of fire
<br />f31 Farm The form and content at the notice
<br />referred ?n 1n suttsecnan iii shelf tin proscribed by the
<br />er
<br />fi r �� Sec,ewa
<br />Me t!adri+tr far en. mne;.mt a ?!rgg ?", evrth 6"
<br />tier
<br />Secretary Such notice snail he valid InW. hstanding any
<br />st
<br />interest .n rESpPS nraef, nos ,team ` „tw
<br />hetofno %atrs �aln
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />other VICAWn Of law racardln •he term nr
<br />9 ant @n? CI a
<br />y r info o'
<br />21 Banc, As.c@rned nerB
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />nm¢e 0} mien
<br />1 ('nod n , P..1 oa a ,
<br />VZOPTin ov ndn a band trial i5 C,"tlo c J.'Or 'r{. paymam O
<br />P1111AA S, Hdfi n hor1m
<br />�1
<br />?he bniount . :DWnef Wry, der tote esl -.
<br />lbereaf, wot a ! re in vmc ,M `v !aw nrruttotg v,
<br />Lon � ,�� _
<br />ertensrmt of such rte, and teal is a_1,33n•o w n cu_.
<br />"s ken 11£cssd by sacteir 6321 A1@J nor no vWkd as agemst
<br />'eturram:ertts Th!"ing ?� ?H.rms. c:at ;ern=, a.'x7 Inver ;! t^e nand
<br />any ,`§'#loftw. NAdar it a atc+.vltYrteest, mathan+c's
<br />3ld Su +enyrs '"areon, as "v !h. Sys{ y' G7 iuC. °� •& a- ro7i;t;A
<br />4n 1"adflifir tm ,l t befeaf which
<br />?°e 'mereramam?g ff -hart :'i has merit !�I @d by
<br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Disclosure
<br />@ s
<br />'Al Of — to
<br />of Returns and Return Information.
<br />1..�.._
<br />FQ � eawawi �
<br />raapns@s ,r Ia1s
<br />tiect:n0
<br />,, Of CNM Rewn &W Ron
<br />ay��
<br />rRaR Fht — l'” 'oGUOh fi-OIICa M A !;an
<br />r!�� n. •
<br />II! 1311" l�. -- Il"fess necCA !•f hen refllh^ '+
<br />.
<br />Wwwfim Fv 1
<br />OvOlad qty maw UP hox bwan find. SuOh sit shah mat be
<br />?no !nannef prosvited m piraprapn ?I nu 1no P :;queen
<br />va8$x
<br />f @}emg sired, suCn notice of (lam gnat! be 1(HaiPd AS ,@', rr •'p
<br />' =il iiasctos-ur@ 'f`at.+'i Pt 5t Ramdws7 za:` 1 +fk it
<br />1� —
<br />!`mate on which 17 .9 filed im WCCOrdanCa Nom SUn4ef o `1 : aret
<br />�An "" be- fW iigs ant fa :SBf`Nkn 6.323v`'1, t=R a� tier. of ltp
<br />the exmraphM Of such fOMmg peed
<br />' I'Mainde'll evvehesr, secu?oo by .!,tc 9" y Gal ch, tC
<br />ill for , T4a 'wmmea refined to to Dub
<br />121 MM F/r Flft — A mica � ';en
<br />A`w C @rs¢n w^ho fur!�asnas sue`- aCtprY w��51 a4edartrn tttWt Re
<br />be f"d
<br />{ A S LM
<br />;! "Ii km
<br />tgalog ih@ fetunred leha(ig peed s!wtt ♦e @' }flt11v0 an Iy
<br />!gas a 1" ,n. the pirloL=ty sb'i17eC? in Stif-'. im ," �ntP.cnS tC
<br />^Mies+ @ r:�tt f. such err
<br />Im! Praplrry to 1� 4 Ot rase pfOpafly, +P ^(ter
<br />Otxh" nation trial Seta lo, TOM coAM, Cf other
<br />IAI 1!
<br />;iI 5UCh notire of lien I5 refried !n th@ , "tf@ it` wttyfm ?rte
<br />gtwavttmemal
<br />by tun im of such State. '.n
<br />poor notice of hen was hhad, and
<br />ii!m the calls, of rte! ;x opafto the tact
<br />mocha "arosfv sect to ft liont d t rmed, and
<br />Ins p,.�,,�, in
<br />a! r.
<br />eldhgl n
<br />itrlfefed and rocotfled .n an rndax la frii raltent raauued by
<br />" 9
<br />er re. C} personal
<br />®`'eperry. whedtas tsq ,v 1n1am� ©Ea. m one office
<br />five
<br />cubseCtlon II1 IaI, god
<br />i3!
<br />" Sol on user ^c"r m aMar rgagernmental
<br />:n any Cie m wm1�1. 90.dWY8 of mOda lE"k� In IRe d.91@
<br />` A rafdrnp of notion of hen nwMe w;bpa'agrW !AI
<br />" . as ',formed N ice : N% of sOrh Stale.
<br />?" OlOwty to Ne on Is seta ied.
<br />•rte
<br />I'Wefary rnfff, vil Action -o, nxlrnn rl iron ,a(ynr@+
<br />pr�ribad tit raguielrmiS M+te+7 iry ;rut �1m-rr ?aryl
<br />ell 'f GIRT# ftf f) i CasKr In t}!a Gff1'Ce of fhe elnrk of
<br />LM" Sfatee d
<br />ffmfeR1f19 W Chaftge m 1mR taxpayers rearm .., �! a noflcP.
<br />,.r eutlr e`en 1% Atsn glad m OrCordara;M with %ubstu -tron ;f' sn
<br />ICf Cilw? for 1!1@ I yhrai CARtlrrf 1n %tKt,
<br />a Ci To I 3 via l ed. wtuarrow, ma S<at@ nos
<br />r,P SrAln in wino S(,!@ tox+d@ftfP 1 % ;�AiA'Pd
<br />afl are riffvta whicft M s me tm, "ornant%
<br />a
<br />0
<br />4�
<br />,3
<br />