<br />MORTGAGE 85-001258
<br />THIS INDEIMIRE, abada this _ t�l----- -___ -- day of _-,__Marc}1 -- --
<br />- 19 85_ -_, by and between __R�LND_A P. KOSMI_CKI. AND_CHERYL L.KOSMICKI _ Husband and wife
<br />of --Ha 1 1— _County. Nebraska, as mortgagor S and Home Federal Savings arid Loan organic and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and plate of Association Island, Nebraska, as
<br />Ballet:
<br />WI iWFSSFTH: That said n,ortgagorS , for and inconsideration of the sum of —UL THOUSANp K_HUNDRED FORTY -
<br />SEVEN DOLLARS AND 78/ 100--------------------------------= ,i7.7&
<br />- -- h
<br />the rectifu of which is hereby acknowledged, do___ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mptlgttgR4 rfs'st a iuM assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of HALL
<br />and State of Nebraska, to -wit: —' - - --
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, fighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures. including �crcrns. awnings. suerm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same arc• now located on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, herrdotaments and appurtenances thereunto be-
<br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor S covenant with ,aid
<br />mortgagee that they are at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner S of the pmmtses above conveyed and described.
<br />and, .__ - -are. seized of a good and indefeasible estate of Inheritance therein. free and c:ear of all encumbrances, and that _t he - wdl
<br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all rx =rstrrs w•he.mwu•vPr _. y...
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered t.r se,, the payment of the sum of SIX THDU$RNO. ONE_-
<br />HUNDRED-FORTY—SEVEN DQLLARS .AND 78 /100---- - - - - -- um - - - -- Dollars IS 6,147.78
<br />wuh Internet thereon, together with such charges and advances as may he due and aayal:IP ra sard mort a - - - -- - _ - - -_ t.
<br />K , l K gm under the terms and conditions
<br />ofthe Promissory tote of oven date herewith and wcurrd hereby. executed by said snort .
<br />ht t tote, and to secure the r ,,agar S .- In said mtm.gagtr. payable as expressed
<br />bervan by t Performance of all the terns and conditions contained tterPrn. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />It is the Mention bad agreement of the panwa s hereto that this mortgage -hall also secure any future advances made to said nurrtgagtr S._
<br />by erred any and all indebtedness In addition to the amount above stated whit, said marrtgagnrs, or any of them, may owe c„
<br />seed mOrWgw. however evidenced, whether by rote, hook account ur ithemim. ,- fhrs nx,rtgage shall remain to full force and effect bvtwrs=n
<br />the tatter hereto and their heirs, personal representatives. successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder. Including future
<br />advallic". are paid in full with interest.
<br />'rhe mort S_. hereby assign _ _ to said tnengager all rrnts anti Income arising at any and all tome; from caul property and
<br />hereby faithoruto said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all rents and 8rlcnme•
<br />Lharrinarts necessary tti d apply the same to the payment of Interest. principai, insurance premiums, taxes. asoeeamanta, repairs 1,r Improvements
<br />property In tenantable txradition, or to nth" charges or payments provided for herein or fn the roto h nrhv secured. 'rhea
<br />rereK assignment shall remtinue in loans until the unfair holontr of said note es fully train. 'T'hP caking oI pnrssrasum herPUne I shall in no manner
<br />prsvtatt of retard said mortgages in Elie collection of said reams by farc+cltasum ..r otherwlsr•
<br />same The faidure of the mortgagee to ammrt any oI its right, hereunder at any time shall not lie tanst curse as a waiver of its right ;o asrea,ti a hr
<br />at any ricers, and to inaNt upon and enlaces slnct comPfianc•P with All the Irvin rued
<br />and provwiens of satrl note anal a1 this aww arl Ih
<br />If said morilgialtur S shall call" to Iron paid ore raid rrort.gage,� the Pnttrr amount due it hereunder, anti under the terms and proveseo"s
<br />(A said rota b$"bY wured. Including htture advanttrs, and any ex4arnsa,ns or renewals tttPrrvil in with the ,ernes and provr,00a
<br />thervial. saw if taw mortgager S -... Shen tempt), with all the prey warns of Baal mote and of this Mort 999". then Iheaa present., shall he road,
<br />rM_.. to min in NO fowx pod enffoprt, least sa st mrq•}.Rp shall tiro PntIt kmf to t}a, bvrsruaaian 1,l all of rea ld pnrprPHv. aml nwv, at 11a eope4aen
<br />d"Wm the Whole of said noo arad a9 '
<br />rN malarbibidem Mpreftnted thereby t" be emtnavf,stPly clue and pavatrlP, and eras forra'.kxe this nwingagP
<br />Y or al aetam W its rrgert. Aptirsawroput, waived .
<br />malrigsiste shab he hind "peen asset shall enure to the tertefit of toe hmts..•tea'"te, r +. 0drnloantrators acres m,rs 0ttal atsrgns of Iola'
<br />rraj
<br />"to" n herPte.
<br />td, 4r TNEKS Wjjv.Rkt ?3- asap Mangano, 5 ha Ve hrrceiniu the ld,
<br />1101,4 t h, oriv raai w Paa Brat rdeen r
<br />,10SNli('T�
<br />