<br />i
<br />1188— Certificats of County CainProceeding fit Ming Heal Estate
<br />nafe__ 10-5 -84
<br />85-= 801021
<br />!.V 77ll, COUA7)' C01.10' OF . HalL __ _ _____.__._..---- (:OL,1'T1', A'EBJ ?ASKA
<br />This is to certify that thtvc is i.1, 11ding i ;r the Cutudy Court nj____._.____Ha11._.._
<br />,\'cbraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />No. --- P84 -79_ - -_ Dttc•. P84.__ _. _ 1'uyr.. .74
<br />which is « proceeding inla,irirg _....APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL PRBATE OF WILL AND INFORMAL
<br />,t. to, -d, a' ai it, a rtnumi.siration of rsfale, delennination of heirs, delernl inatian
<br />q( irlarrlfu; rce laz, Guar diunsici r, or , onxenvtforshi:-
<br />estate is ilivah't'd, to -wit:
<br />in which proceeding the following described real
<br />(Continued from foregoing page) ... Block Two (2), Stewart Place
<br />Subdivision; thence running Northerly along the East line of said Lot
<br />Seven (7), a distance of Fifty- (50.0) Feet to the Southwest corner
<br />of Lot Six (6), Block Two (2), Stewart Place Subdivision; thence
<br />running Easterly along the South line of said Lot Six (6) and also
<br />being parallel to the North line of said NW4NEa a distance of Three
<br />Hundred (300.0) Feet; thence running Southerly and parallel to the East
<br />line of said NW*-NE: a distance of Seventy -thre (73.0) Feet; thence
<br />running Easterly and parallel to the North line of said NWSNE; a
<br />distance of One Hundred (100.0) Feet; thence running Southerly and
<br />parallel to the East line of said NWiNE14 a distance of Ninety -two
<br />(92.0) Feet; thence running Easterly and parallel to the North line
<br />of said NWkNE: a distance of One Hundred Seventy -five (175.0) Feet
<br />to the point of beginning and containing 13.66 acres (more or less).
<br />.Lame s _ A- . - Ka113r- _ - -- - --- _ - - _
<br />_ (:runlh .lud`, ter` wl:i ro;lnti!
<br />Depu t y (aerk ut 'l. C wintri (:curt
<br />7 ti
<br />SF, "Jon ! 1 rnl pro, er, I ?1e'( �- onl y r rtia rl �lreuq the l,nF t r o a11s ur ter f. r l r ,! f r 1 J ^lr ?f) arnrlr
<br />�_' (lu r r. r.r. r lN, ,l >i rslalrs nnd, � 1�J ns ni r , npter.il:, r7 lr !e .+ 3 hr drlrr r a,i,n iwwl : err the I'raim is ,'l
<br />Ch,wfer ,+1, arlir! (4) the determinwlrw• of infirriiame laz en ier l r r r el� ,s nt ( n er mli.lr V ;�,) c,ardtan >hirs
<br />under the prw iuu , r'inrpter „8, .rtlrtr 1.:. .. ar J. fir n, ,-o , ,.r III Pd, r it , f- ..isi,-. s ai ChoJler 3k_ t tale', u•helr
<br />rrar rrt 77P 13 rl n1,' t .J. el h." a"s '75 ui 11" ,h' pr,,,l r,it !f th • , ,. trjl r ltJ. h tare u" r it prt €rl,iwg is t. fla Vrr i; .d'4"•la i3 S71e a
<br />cerre, iralr tt'ilrrh .,nll he ; 7„ q 1, rll 1. r 1r',lt,sfrr r,r drrdl at the t,r,llril_J 111 :11- 1, 1..r .1C dA lnrafrd tl-,fhlrl lfle taus tI,-Ier the
<br />des(rvpnar:
<br />I
<br />a
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