<br />s.
<br />.....QQQ$� REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORM FLB zoo (Rev. 1 -77)
<br />Date February 15, 1985
<br />Franklin D. Matejka and Elaine L. Matejka, husband and wife
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska , In consideration of
<br />the advance of the principal sum 3acited In the note, herelnaft:er des ^r.ibed, receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />mortgagee (subject to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties other than Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br />record: reservations In united States and state patents; and the rights of the public in all highways), the fonowi ng-
<br />described real estate In Ha County, NPhranka
<br />SEC. TWP. RG.
<br />contalnSnK J4•UL
<br />now cwredor hereafter r,cquired) nr the Mo t ,«ors 1.. ..: ! party, ! a ^.t.;g l.d,t.r. :;, ,r, mvements, flxt %r1ls,
<br />or appurtenances thereon or hereafter plsred thereon; alp: a:Cer, Irrlgat. .nd� ra!rage rights, the tanement.a,
<br />heredlt:ments, and appurtenances thereto arid the • utt :, i>,ne;:, crops, Kati: �,. -!' t.s arl -SInF• f ^,m 1:31,1,• ind (if
<br />the Mortgagors' rlghts In the pa :Ulic !om.aln are requlre; by ', f,). ..!ty ,a. ,.n ^+ ail le -es ;erriltr
<br />licenses, orprlvileges, appurtenant o • ❑orl appurtenant to s al i mart n:. r, v 3r hereafter 5< ,,ae.d. extende ^,
<br />or renewed to the Mortgagors by the ilnited . •ate:. or t.hr :tat,. In
<br />pert, 1 ; ,aced it
<br />sty department, oureau, or agency thereof.
<br />:hls mortgage is clven t.o secure n promirsoty note of even o !I ,'w, >r,ee, ]r
<br />the principal sum of TWNTY -SEVEN THOUS ND SIX H iND F.D ND NO/ 100
<br />p -gable wlth interest arcording to t.ho terms ref sl,3ld note, the fl;ra. ;,, er -_Ing ,,e end tay�able a the
<br />of JanUAr .-2nOS ,. llil, convey"Twe .;heti h .>1 don i�;r
<br />This mortgage is subject t.o the provlslons of THE FARM CREDIT ACf Sand Tall acl.:; remendatory thereof or slij,ple:molit. a1
<br />thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for the purposes specl£lad it: the Mr>rtgrar;;:rs'
<br />catlon for said loam and authorized by said Act.
<br />,he Mortgagors, and each o£ them, hereby warrant that they •are fee ovnors c� the. vorta+a e, +at o ;et ,v, t.lta.. t.tey
<br />will defend the title against tall olalmants whomsoever, and that, sald property l_ free :,s,„ a:7 :.,;nt..7.arise., ,.hat
<br />they +mill keep all the improvements, fixtures, and appurtenanoes occupied ;and Ir. s:_,.9 repro :r erd ;euRlt. r, a is o,
<br />waste: and they will relln(Julsh all. rights of homestead in Bald prenlses, androven3ut •,;.d „ o.T ,v:t.1, re ,•:ct•t t ^ee,
<br />as follows:
<br />fl) That they will pay when due all Taxes, l lens, !udgmlintn, or aq;e'ssments which tray be l wruliy
<br />the property herein mortgaged,
<br />(?1 That they will Insure and keep InsureT,l bulldings or• Impa•ovement now on ,r whl'; .av lmr. ,� ="r tT. , .�, •-!
<br />crr said Dremisestothe sa6lsreaor'lon of the Mortg,irea, sziwh lnrnrallo lelicy .^.h'+il be ! w,',lt a tame .iaSn
<br />with the loss thereunder to be ptiyable t,t, Lhe Mortgagee. Arty : tms reeetwed Tway h,> o.•,d tr• j 3v P „r onilu n••ir:
<br />of the dertt.royetl lmprovement.s: or, If not :;» rt ;,i,llttd, Tiny, o the o;t,lr,n or th?
<br />�Iny Inslebteflnes.3. m'atur'ed or unms urod, by thl::
<br />7o ;ay all rents, roe;a, or' uhearpes 1,,w ilne or to heron 11” u1, _r ,hw t. t lr� f , , ,i
<br />t.
<br />•r vllove on the pnbllc d•fmaln which is or• n. nos, ,,,r ,u.�t'r v „, �, litt_ml, ��s, ,ht !� C,. ur
<br />tsoued, exterulerl,or rt,newetd by the United .t,te;; or that grate 11, wltlrh thv a,,,ee- d•iscr'b „1 ;spa +rt,v 1,u'r1'a•1: w,.l
<br />t) perform and observe overy act, ."ovelvill” 'vmAlt.lan, 'J,l .•tI1,1i t.>n .asrp p .,r,eh „r tL ,:;tuna' it
<br />dosing; aa3d t;rr take ever;f ner,e .gea,Y step cure Cnr r,Incwit, t nxte 11, et,:h or t :ae: sty°
<br />las3 wn,lve, )lord e, or e,rndorar , t „ n�
<br />f i R h_ Mgt iaaaµ,�e I,ch l,a �rnttt., it <�•n..r, ,r� ,vtla ^ge If n1nr, aeor!:t ,,,•.
<br />ire publ lt• Afkmaln saris rPg!llred by 11 te.gattea ,ct „e, urlty ;,urn, tr.
<br />41 ThrAt th thw :vent Ilt M..ttp!ntr l.: a ; 1,t. r n It 1 tut:., ,f tl! I ,, ,ty t ,1
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<br />,st ";✓ rendatat in wt.l.il ,t 1;: ,t,llu :set, l�rnt • %.t t
<br />ll4p fi? r "I tu nf� 1fl 3X I rl,r tl ;lrl .Il ,III' t
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<br />' ..,t sti is r 1nt,n l`trt t, ;rn:!)r•I, rq;l ,. _ .,.
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