<br />LFNCOIN Fortin No. 211 1Rrv. 12leol
<br />Loan (4urnbcr___62668 — 1 — 69
<br />000933
<br />THAT ..._......... R Llp ! L• Engelhardt and Dixie L. Engelhardt, Husband and Wife
<br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, in consideration of tie sum of ............. .••
<br />F °urtee??. Thousaryd -, Three 'fiurldred 7Wpxlty- Nir>!e_ and• 49(100------ --- - -�__—
<br />(.14,329.49 ) DOLLARS, the receipt of which is thereby aclinowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE.
<br />and CONVEY an aLsolut.e title, including all the lights of borneslead and inherit.ancce, u1iW FIRST
<br />Alurtgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in ...... HAI),....•_,,,•,_,,,,,_
<br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to -wit:
<br />Lot Sixteen (16) , Ravenwood Subdivision to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />TO llAti'l% AND TO BOLD (lie real estate above described, with all appurtenances thereunto
<br />belonging unto tic said Murtgagee, forever, provided always, and this mortgage is upon the express con-
<br />dition that if the aforesaid Muitgaguls, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause
<br />to be paid to tile said Mortgagee, its successors or assigns, the principal sum hereinabove set forth, all
<br />according to the teno. and eflecL of a certain inst :dlmenL note of said lilortgagors bearing even date with
<br />this mortgage, and sh :ill pay taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate, and all other taxes, levies
<br />and assessments levied upon tliis mortgage or the note- which tills Iortgage is given to secure, before the
<br />same or any iust:dllneuL thereof becomes delinquent, then illis mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />in full force.
<br />IT 1S FUfi.TIll:rt AGRE''IsD (.) That if t1 ;e :;aid A4ortgagur shall fail to >ay such taxes, the
<br />Mortgagee may pay the same and the sure su adv:uiced with interest shall be paid Cy said Mortgagors,
<br />and this inurtg age shall stand as security for the same. (2) 'fiat hlurtgagors covenant with tie Mortgagee
<br />that they are lawfully seized of said real estate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br />:u;ainst the lawful claims of all persons wilonhsoever. (3) '17hat in case of a foreclosure of tds mortgage,
<br />the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be entitled io take Ix>sscssion of Lhe premises, protect the same and
<br />coiled the rents, issues and profits thereof. (4) '17hat a failure to pay any of said ruwiey or any install -
<br />nllent thereof when the same L1'COMes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall cause t1e whule sum of money herelil !xcured to btvotne due and collectible al, once at the option of
<br />the Murtgagee.
<br />ASSUMPTION. if ail or :uny part of Ole Property or an
<br />interest, therein is sold or transferred by Mortgagur without Mtgagce's ptwr writ Len consent, excluding
<br />(a) the creation of a lien or encumbrance sllbord;nai.e t.0 this 1.'o !gage, (L) the creation of a purchase
<br />rnuney security interest fur 1luusehuld appliance -, (c) a irvhsft r by devise, desceiiL or by operatun of law
<br />upon the death of a Joint tenant or (d) the grant of ally leasehold interest of three years or less not con -
<br />taining an option Ill purchase, MucLgaguc Inay, at lvlurLgagee's option, declare all the suills secured by this
<br />Mortgage to be hunnediatcly due and payable.
<br />if Mortgagee exercises such option to accelerate, Pi1orl.gagee sliall trail Mortgagor nutiic of
<br />acceleration and such notice shall provide a l,eriud of nut less than 30 clays frrnu the date The notice is
<br />unailed within which M0111;ayur 111ay Pay the sums declared due. if Mortgagor fails tq pay such stm>s prior
<br />to Ll1e expiraLiun of such period, Morfgs +gee 111:1)•, wiLiout furtlhcr notice or Jtluaud ou A4urtgagur, s prior
<br />the lower of slue arld any other remedies pet•tuitkd by applicable law.
<br />Signed this ..l5th. .... Gay of .................................................... Februaxy................., 19..x5.....,
<br />Hall x ns
<br />_ .... ........... ..- ..._...,._....... t ;t>u,> t
<br />day u! ..... ..Fq�i�j! _..., 17..5. bclole Luc, the udder igurd, n Nulaty ]'uhli , in nod tut
<br />said Cuuoty, p :rsunalty came .... Ft?.. :._EtiyE 1he�YClt• txi „D- i7tic_G._13tx�c�lh�rdrr Huslx�n<i amt wifE_.
<br />pctaonally l.nuwn lu Luc to be U11 idcnt;1;11 persoh s whose nalula are affixed to the 1tIK1ve :u1d fvtezubhg iustnunrut, w
<br />i"w1gaxuls, ruld rash ncknuVsiedgcd said instrument W be'1is ur her vullurt;hry list and dee11
<br />i1',t1,r•,a roy 1 .,I an,3 n l +lien seal at....., Granal I I n1ul
<br />1Le delr List uiw.` v.,..le�.n, ._ ........ ....._..... .......r...Nctarask�i... .. ......_.............
<br />� MIMp -hM� A MMNb
<br />s. o Wolf
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