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'u\ <br />O <br />EnM t From IfderMl Aetmfw Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />11 any Person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses he pay <br />the same after demand, the amount (including any Interest. <br />additional amount, abortion 10 tax, or assessable penalty, <br />tither with any casts that may accrue in abortion thereto) <br />Strad be a an In taw Of the United States upon all property <br />and rem to Prop". whether real or Personal, belonging to <br />such person <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />Unless another date is specifically toed by law, the hen am <br />POW by section 6321 shall ansa at the time the assessment <br />Is Inada and Sri" continue until the liability for the amount so <br />assessed for a judgffyonl against the taxpayer arising out of <br />s,xh (iaDntty) Is satisfied Or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />of !apse Of time <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority <br />Against Certain Persons. <br />.a) PWt:htsm, Holders Of Security Interests, <br />Mechanic's Lieears, And Judgment Lien <br />CrediWS. —The lien Imposed by section 632' shah not he <br />•calif as dgamst any purchaser . holder of a security interest . <br />mechanic's iienor, or judgment lien creditor until Iwtice <br />thereof whuh meets fire reQuaamems of iubsechon (q has <br />been fried by the Secretary <br />it) Protection For Ctdald Interests Ewn Though <br />Notice Filfd. —Even though notice of a lien unposed by sic <br />!an 63[ 1 ^as Desn Nicol 'UCh left shalt no! :.Y va'ij -- <br />P6ea For Falling Hxics: Form. — <br />:It Place For Fran —The notice etercea to in suL <br />section tat snail Da find_.. <br />iI I Under Sate Lai— .- - <br />;ii, Reai P,,Opery —lit the rase of lea property, In pie <br />on=ce w+ ;fin me State for the cauniy or amen governmtn <br />fill Subdivision). is designaw by the laws of such Sate <br />vvfw, sea property subtett to me lien Is situated . a!iu <br />if8 Foisit" Property —ia the case of persenai proper. <br />ty. wtidnaf tangrbie W irdangipie in one Office vi v,e <br />slaft fit the ceaney, or Biller goverm" ia+ Subdivision), <br />J$ "Signaled by the iawi Or such Slate, in which the pro <br />ilerTY subli M the IM is sluared. or <br />(B) With Cox Of Dlur,tl Court - -Id the Brice of the <br />skill of Intel uf4w States drsir,14 court to the judicial dlstnct <br />in wnKh IN PrOpetty lairW 10 iwn is situated, whenever the <br />State ties not by taw Oesigndted One offfCe which Mi IN <br />r Of SUMMIAW80 JAI. of <br />(C) With Recorder Of Deeds Of The District of <br />Columbia. —In the office, of the Recorder of Deeds of tiro <br />District of Columbia, it the property subject 10 the lien is <br />situated in the District of Columbia <br />(2) Silus 01 Property Subject To Lien —Far purposes <br />Of paragraphs 11 and (a). property shah be deemed to be <br />situated— <br />(A) Real Property. —In the rase of real Droperly. at its <br />physical location; or <br />(B) Personal Property —in ire case of parsonai <br />property, whether tangible or Intangible, at the residence of <br />the taxpayer at the time the notice of hen is filed <br />For purposes of paragraph (2)(B), the residence of a <br />corporation or partnership shall be deemed to be the ptace at <br />which the principal executive office or ire husoess is iocaleg . <br />and the residence of a taxpayer wnase residence S wibhcui <br />the United States shall be deemed to be in tre pstrci of <br />Co'umbia <br />13) Form -- The loll, and content c' tr,e mace reterren <br />to in subsection Ia) stied be prescribed by the $ecre!aty <br />Sul', notice snail' be vd!o rotwdhstand!m any nine, p'ovls,pn <br />III jaw retarding the form or content or a notice d! i,,, <br />I9) fighting Of Nalfics —For purpo ,..r - rin,s -- flirt -- <br />;Ii General Rule. —Jmess -,!�cr ..r <br />refried ,n the manner prescrbed ,r. <br />'tnwrP.d febbng period. such notice or :.en sitar be <enrcy as <br />hied pn the date on which ,i i,, 'fed <br />subsection (h) after the expiration of such reining pinpr <br />i2) PiKO For Fifill nonce , hen -.;!eb <br />during the required Telling pe?rod .shau t.e enedwe (.uiy- <br />IA) It such notice at lien is iefned m Ire en :ce e wincrne <br />MW ni of hen was filed. and <br />IBl In any case in which 90 days n-e m the <br />,late of a rehhng ul reVCe of lien dC siwyardgranu „. <br />Me Secretary received written inlor atmr <br />Prescribed Ib regulators issued by the Socfelaryi ceniertr <br />1,g a change in the taxpayer 1 residence a mac' u' "';'N <br />lien s also filed In accordance with SubSPCbon 1 <br />',' c, the <br />Slate in which such residence is located <br />M <br />(3) RagWM RO" Periled. —In the case of any <br />notice of lien, ills term "required- reRlieg perod-, rosm- <br />(A) the one -year period shding 30 Up alb It, <br />expiration 016 yoars attar the date of the assessment of the <br />tax, and <br />18) !rte one -year period ending with tiro expiration of 6 <br />years after the close of the preceding required refilling <br />Period for such notice of lien. <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or Dis- <br />charge Of Property. <br />!a) Release 01 Lien.— Subject 10 such regulations <br />as the Secretary may prescribe, ;rte Secretary shall issue a <br />eertihcale of release of any lien imposed with respect 10 any <br />niernat revenue tax not later than 30 days after the day on <br />.:"Ch-- <br />111 Liability Satisfied or Unenforceable. —The Secretary <br />',nds that the liability for the amount assessed, together with <br />2!i uneresl in respect thereof, has been fully satisfied or ties <br />become legally unenforceable, or <br />i2) Bond Accepted. —There is turnsneo rd the <br />�ecrclary and accepted by him a bona trial s conmt 0 <br />on <br />up !rte payment of the amount a.,sesseo . logelner w'! :, ail, <br />Merest in respect themol, within the time prescriued by law <br />nneNdmg any extension of such ! :me1, and that is in accor. <br />dance wish such rebuuements feidling bo terms 91ninCn.'- <br />a0d tam tit tae bond and 11,1115 Iheleon, „ :nay re <br />",'tilled by such reguo ons <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis- <br />closure of returns and <br />return information. <br />(k) Disclosure of Certain Returns and <br />Return Information For Tax Administration <br />Putpeses.— <br />- re it ur n,,,ic .. <br />.Pen %*c G _ t 1. �[ <br />'.I iy, uLin -bang OZ'Ja .Y �. PLi�!Pd 1 lien T;y <br />rte d, SLin sod ifs any person who f „r "S Sat tar, ;, wr,•Ip', <br />f- ,mence Inal he has a "grt ! me r >roix+ v ,� .._.. <br />or n',fP.ntl: IJ Obtam a r <br />Z <br />0 <br />Li <br />___I <br />I <br />Enlarec nn .. ^,.ar:eticaf <br />it u and rii�corled on <br />'27 1 <br />at 4:.,Lt, . as instrument <br />C <br />No. <br />C <br />0 <br />- � <br />Jean fistter!a <br />I <br />GRe&terr.�of Deeds <br />X <br />({8tt COtJI Nebraska M <br />r <br />0 <br />3 <br />Grantor.. <br />Grantee <br />LL <br />o <br />Numel AaLAirs— <br />(C) With Recorder Of Deeds Of The District of <br />Columbia. —In the office, of the Recorder of Deeds of tiro <br />District of Columbia, it the property subject 10 the lien is <br />situated in the District of Columbia <br />(2) Silus 01 Property Subject To Lien —Far purposes <br />Of paragraphs 11 and (a). property shah be deemed to be <br />situated— <br />(A) Real Property. —In the rase of real Droperly. at its <br />physical location; or <br />(B) Personal Property —in ire case of parsonai <br />property, whether tangible or Intangible, at the residence of <br />the taxpayer at the time the notice of hen is filed <br />For purposes of paragraph (2)(B), the residence of a <br />corporation or partnership shall be deemed to be the ptace at <br />which the principal executive office or ire husoess is iocaleg . <br />and the residence of a taxpayer wnase residence S wibhcui <br />the United States shall be deemed to be in tre pstrci of <br />Co'umbia <br />13) Form -- The loll, and content c' tr,e mace reterren <br />to in subsection Ia) stied be prescribed by the $ecre!aty <br />Sul', notice snail' be vd!o rotwdhstand!m any nine, p'ovls,pn <br />III jaw retarding the form or content or a notice d! i,,, <br />I9) fighting Of Nalfics —For purpo ,..r - rin,s -- flirt -- <br />;Ii General Rule. —Jmess -,!�cr ..r <br />refried ,n the manner prescrbed ,r. <br />'tnwrP.d febbng period. such notice or :.en sitar be <enrcy as <br />hied pn the date on which ,i i,, 'fed <br />subsection (h) after the expiration of such reining pinpr <br />i2) PiKO For Fifill nonce , hen -.;!eb <br />during the required Telling pe?rod .shau t.e enedwe (.uiy- <br />IA) It such notice at lien is iefned m Ire en :ce e wincrne <br />MW ni of hen was filed. and <br />IBl In any case in which 90 days n-e m the <br />,late of a rehhng ul reVCe of lien dC siwyardgranu „. <br />Me Secretary received written inlor atmr <br />Prescribed Ib regulators issued by the Socfelaryi ceniertr <br />1,g a change in the taxpayer 1 residence a mac' u' "';'N <br />lien s also filed In accordance with SubSPCbon 1 <br />',' c, the <br />Slate in which such residence is located <br />M <br />(3) RagWM RO" Periled. —In the case of any <br />notice of lien, ills term "required- reRlieg perod-, rosm- <br />(A) the one -year period shding 30 Up alb It, <br />expiration 016 yoars attar the date of the assessment of the <br />tax, and <br />18) !rte one -year period ending with tiro expiration of 6 <br />years after the close of the preceding required refilling <br />Period for such notice of lien. <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or Dis- <br />charge Of Property. <br />!a) Release 01 Lien.— Subject 10 such regulations <br />as the Secretary may prescribe, ;rte Secretary shall issue a <br />eertihcale of release of any lien imposed with respect 10 any <br />niernat revenue tax not later than 30 days after the day on <br />.:"Ch-- <br />111 Liability Satisfied or Unenforceable. —The Secretary <br />',nds that the liability for the amount assessed, together with <br />2!i uneresl in respect thereof, has been fully satisfied or ties <br />become legally unenforceable, or <br />i2) Bond Accepted. —There is turnsneo rd the <br />�ecrclary and accepted by him a bona trial s conmt 0 <br />on <br />up !rte payment of the amount a.,sesseo . logelner w'! :, ail, <br />Merest in respect themol, within the time prescriued by law <br />nneNdmg any extension of such ! :me1, and that is in accor. <br />dance wish such rebuuements feidling bo terms 91ninCn.'- <br />a0d tam tit tae bond and 11,1115 Iheleon, „ :nay re <br />",'tilled by such reguo ons <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis- <br />closure of returns and <br />return information. <br />(k) Disclosure of Certain Returns and <br />Return Information For Tax Administration <br />Putpeses.— <br />- re it ur n,,,ic .. <br />.Pen %*c G _ t 1. �[ <br />'.I iy, uLin -bang OZ'Ja .Y �. PLi�!Pd 1 lien T;y <br />rte d, SLin sod ifs any person who f „r "S Sat tar, ;, wr,•Ip', <br />f- ,mence Inal he has a "grt ! me r >roix+ v ,� .._.. <br />or n',fP.ntl: IJ Obtam a r <br />Z <br />0 <br />Li <br />___I <br />I <br />