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<br />Exhibit <A' <br /> <br />200802714 <br /> <br />A tract o:fland comprising'u part of the $outhwest'QLLarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SW1I4SEl/41. of Section Thirty Two (32), Township Eleven (ll) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West ofthe 611 r.M;, Hall COWlty, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />BCbrinning at a point on the south line of said Southwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter <br />(SW1/4SEl/4), said point being Five and Eighty Six Hundredths (5.86) feet cast of the <br />Southwest comet of said Southwest Quaner of the Southe~t Quarter (SWl/4SEl/4' <br />, ), said point also being on the Easterly right of way line of the St. Joseph Branch of the <br />Union Pacific Railroad Company, said easterly railroad right of way line being Fifty <br />(50.0) feet East of (measured perpendicular to) the centerline oC the existing raiJroad <br />track. 111enee running Eastcrly, along and upon the South line of said Southwest Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter (SWl/4SEl/4), a distance of Seven Hundred Twenty nine and <br />Two Hundredths (729.02) feet; Th6nce deilecting left 91 debYfees 44' 49" and runninr; <br />Northerly, parallel with said Easterly railroad right of way line, a distance of Six Hundred <br />Three and Seventy Seven Hundredths (603.77) feet; thence de:flectingleft: 88 degrees 15' <br />11" and running Westerly, paf"'dIlcl with the South !ine 0 f said Southwest Quarter, of the <br />Southeast Quarter (SWl/4SEl/4). a distance of Seven Hundred Twenty Nine and Two <br />Hundred1l1s(729.02) feet to a point on said Easterly railroad right of way line, said point <br />being Fifty (50.0) feet East of (measured perpendicular to) the centerline of said existing <br />railroad track: Thence deflecting left 9] degrees 44' 49" and running Southerly, along <br />and upon said Easterly railroad right of way line, a distance of Six Hundred wee and <br />Seventy Seven Hundredths (603.77) feet to the point of beginning and containing 10.100 <br />acres more C!rless, of which, 0.522 acres, more or less is presently occupied by public <br />road right of way. <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />.~.::::: - <br />