r ; 1... j TRUST DEED 85-- 000790
<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this 30th day of January ,19 85 ,
<br />be and between:
<br />(A) First Ra tint rlhltrrh
<br />I , whether one or more, herein-
<br />after called " Trustor" whose mailing address Is 10th & Eddy.- Grand Tai and, Nphraaka 6AR01
<br />and
<br />(g) John A. Wolf
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />address Is P.O. Box 460, Grand Island, M-hracka 68809 and
<br />(C) Norwest Bank Grand Island, Natinnal Acrent- dat•inn
<br />_. as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />P.O. Box 1768 Grand Island Nebraska 68802
<br />WiTNESSETH: That Trustor, inconsideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated In HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />LOTS ONE (1), TWO (2), THREE (3), FOUR (4) AND FIVE (5),
<br />The Intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, Including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foreQofng, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of TWENTY -FIVE THOUSAND &NO Dollars ($ 25-000-00
<br />),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of Interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and Interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which Is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate In writing, the final payment of principal and interest, If not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 29th day of July 119 RS ,
<br />and all renewals and extensions thereof.
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows-
<br />4
<br />a T'UkIM of 16 a In nee w elnl A J 1r1 r4 ai plover) by
<br />"e"fiv Asy, nsufance cell, .01006! Ir Ina mp nra11a11a .1L ,I p. o"I pl jp t,
<br />—.1dUling IoM Prapo,,10 Aoffl of 'FSA1 hT f u. 1 911 g. 1 it .nd 1,!n.1 11.111,
<br />I; hrarad by Bfendafd eFlang/a3'o —axle Nndin hanMnf, n a. .rn... InI equal Ito if ,
<br />i.Nt MM h.enllea {M,canl ul Iha n.iri 1.piq rv.anl. r,ne fienrrn,l�i and .n.irlenln
<br />agsinal 1-n nth., nays dA .114 rn 01.11, ••n<rUn1 49 r. -1 1-1, , .1—d by r ow l.",
<br />awl Almal 0 •'l anUle. .... qas alKl ore 11-01" uAv `4, , re(nV10 lo, J.
<br />prerai; inn 1,00r will rrr /np�, edn ii"j, nth., iaqu ranei'R A. rAnAt :i.are 'nay
<br />I— Ine 1111. 1.q ern X' fur lr_e •T'•na, i(rin I., nnra,icn i,l 101. r.ernal ." Al
<br />raseecitye parhes. All htaulMtl policies Maintained purs."I to this Trust Oasd
<br />shall name Trustee and 9enaflcIory, es insured@. as their respective Interests may
<br />appear, and prevlde shot there shall be no cancellation or modlfreallon without
<br />Mtaen days prior written hetifleation to Truatee and 111"Wary. In the event any
<br />policy -- Is Is nee renewed on ar before fifteen its" polar to Its expiration
<br />oAle, Trustee at 9Meliefary may procure such Insurance and the coat thMeol shelf
<br />be added to the loan secured by this Trust Dees and Map bear Interest al the
<br />Weew of the i1MN1 rah spaalflW therein of the highest 7npfeat rate ao1hMMM
<br />by the Iowa of the 91aN 01 Nebisaka. Truatcr Mall deliver to 9snNiCNry Ito ofig"nal
<br />potfONe of insurance and renewals thereat of mews Caples of such POROM and
<br />renewals tharaM. Failure to farnlM Insurance by Trustor, or renewals as "Iffred
<br />narsunder shall, at the option of 9Mehood", constitute a default. All unearned
<br />ofemiums are hereby "Morled to Trustee as emotional saeunly and a sale and
<br />COM"RY&MO of the Pfa Mty by the Trustee Mall operate to Conway 10 the puMbaser
<br />rho Tfuslc's Interest in and to MI policies of Insurance upon the Trust Procetly.
<br />T haee MW AaMaMIMIM, Trustor shall pay all taaee adid spacial assessments
<br />Ievled Of eseesoed "Most or door upon ins Propony 01100 s dnlnqu"cy and win
<br />0811ver to Beneficiary Copies of receipt sho itn® payment of such 18966 and
<br />eoerA81 eseeasmMts. If Beneficiary shall tin rooueol. Trusto( agrees that there 611,11
<br />be added to each periodic pavrnant 11quiled to to made hareulxer, an onnouni
<br />estimated by Trustee 10 be authCmnt to onatta Tlollot to pay, M least 30 days
<br />Mice dMllpwncy, all taro", es&aeaOyenls of other public Chatgob against Ina
<br />Trull Property. the Nola secured by -hla Trust Dead, or upon account of the dap! nr
<br />the lion of thin Trust (tied, logather with pramlums tat insurance rsquinso In M?
<br />pranced under the T•usl Dead and no Aden"t ,hall he payable to Trust., n.
<br />respaCt thereof Upon dOMamd by Trustee. TluatM shall dellver to 1,nalee 911 ,n
<br />additional sums of money an are wasaely to make up any delicie"y In the
<br />amulims necessary to ans" T1Ustoo to pay any OI the foregoing items
<br />A 4ddt" het Mots. Tiustbr &half make all payments of mtereel and Winclpal and
<br />poymMls of any Other charges, fees, and sapaness contracted Ill to paid 10 any
<br />Violating left ho10Me W pilot bensti4laole} under any p liar Tru1f Daad. MMlgNe of
<br />nine, security agleenlnl, baler, the 0@10 they One delinquent and ter poy any one.,
<br />claim which fou"AlIces the security granted hereln
<br />9 Prtlee9Mh N Sww"O ry'► *a". should Traow, fail In mnks any Ilymunt .
<br />omemo M►r"all, In"" of any 0~ to. 0, 0asttuclion of, IM buildings,
<br />tau to do any act as herein pinrided, M II any 6c11un of pnn:0adm9 1, rpm 1 so
<br />M peaohel 1"*Wty Wolf Motfrrp pert of IM Trust Ffoeerty, whether
<br />which nalaAally effects B6Mflc{aeY'6 inlMest in Iha Proeidly, inchiding, hid ^ol
<br />such IM Io by mewanae o Mf""I". 1'fustor, of its safe cull and
<br />Il "t ofd lo, emmenl domes, nsplranr;Y, arfan90manis on pnxAO,linga n-111nl9 A
<br />. amp omawtv totwe. ("&if, 1'ept@c@ and rebind the ,anti as nearly as
<br />honlaupt 111 decadent. than 9Wnelicery m Too$[ a but without it111gahpn I.i dcr au.
<br />woo4woto es Harr tvndef0lMSty pn no to such damage M destruction M with
<br />and wAhoul nubc6 10 or demand ,p— IPIIAIOI and willloul relsa. np Tluni(u 111%,
<br />euah 6 Arid operations as Tl doh may awful sgp(opolile proyldad ouch
<br />Arty ubllgallOn heraundat rnAy A,.ka Or 1 the Sane o ins, u,y, pi;lthonn
<br />choonfiste ens atelat A, d i molerlally AAA.. IM aide and utility or ouch
<br />.Mt 061 M romp—Ire any ri ( Ironce 'h690 In nl'h 1. nNlgnman1 ,11
<br />a *00 Personality from Iha" e.1s11ng rmnediateiy prior to
<br />either appeero Ic 61'0.1 said h nperfy. m w e .ie 9 A y :n pOweie Ihw
<br />such don" of doeruetiran Tru.Iw shall be entitled Ice Iomuura.n,0nt from the
<br />n.ru lir.rary nr t aloha ma• An, lntboily er.d n { 7 reln", A nnnniA
<br />Trustee to the aeon" of the ref insuraMA proceeds facafrad by cool Atna. hue only to
<br />rr,luding llahu a! a IA of A9 _nerP pliOrrMy A lane w " 1 i,gr„ et A.• ,Yr•
<br />theeahait of the actual oum sa0en0ad under Ire W oylolon
<br />L
<br />s eorwn" lino~, if Truster is 8 c(Nppaluin 11 .,, do Ai. 111.119, no"."aly In
<br />preeHye nor cENparsl@syi618nc@, 11gh 4 -ion d pf- oorion A inch, n•A iaetr ul Ih. µIse of
<br />raP1,n r,1'1., p.y I...a o •u Rnn+ R4R.wa r.niR ,r 1 _ Y o
<br />its indd+arprrMran
<br />a T'UkIM of 16 a In nee w elnl A J 1r1 r4 ai plover) by
<br />"e"fiv Asy, nsufance cell, .01006! Ir Ina mp nra11a11a .1L ,I p. o"I pl jp t,
<br />—.1dUling IoM Prapo,,10 Aoffl of 'FSA1 hT f u. 1 911 g. 1 it .nd 1,!n.1 11.111,
<br />I; hrarad by Bfendafd eFlang/a3'o —axle Nndin hanMnf, n a. .rn... InI equal Ito if ,
<br />i.Nt MM h.enllea {M,canl ul Iha n.iri 1.piq rv.anl. r,ne fienrrn,l�i and .n.irlenln
<br />agsinal 1-n nth., nays dA .114 rn 01.11, ••n<rUn1 49 r. -1 1-1, , .1—d by r ow l.",
<br />awl Almal 0 •'l anUle. .... qas alKl ore 11-01" uAv `4, , re(nV10 lo, J.
<br />prerai; inn 1,00r will rrr /np�, edn ii"j, nth., iaqu ranei'R A. rAnAt :i.are 'nay
<br />I— Ine 1111. 1.q ern X' fur lr_e •T'•na, i(rin I., nnra,icn i,l 101. r.ernal ." Al
<br />raseecitye parhes. All htaulMtl policies Maintained purs."I to this Trust Oasd
<br />shall name Trustee and 9enaflcIory, es insured@. as their respective Interests may
<br />appear, and prevlde shot there shall be no cancellation or modlfreallon without
<br />Mtaen days prior written hetifleation to Truatee and 111"Wary. In the event any
<br />policy -- Is Is nee renewed on ar before fifteen its" polar to Its expiration
<br />oAle, Trustee at 9Meliefary may procure such Insurance and the coat thMeol shelf
<br />be added to the loan secured by this Trust Dees and Map bear Interest al the
<br />Weew of the i1MN1 rah spaalflW therein of the highest 7npfeat rate ao1hMMM
<br />by the Iowa of the 91aN 01 Nebisaka. Truatcr Mall deliver to 9snNiCNry Ito ofig"nal
<br />potfONe of insurance and renewals thereat of mews Caples of such POROM and
<br />renewals tharaM. Failure to farnlM Insurance by Trustor, or renewals as "Iffred
<br />narsunder shall, at the option of 9Mehood", constitute a default. All unearned
<br />ofemiums are hereby "Morled to Trustee as emotional saeunly and a sale and
<br />COM"RY&MO of the Pfa Mty by the Trustee Mall operate to Conway 10 the puMbaser
<br />rho Tfuslc's Interest in and to MI policies of Insurance upon the Trust Procetly.
<br />T haee MW AaMaMIMIM, Trustor shall pay all taaee adid spacial assessments
<br />Ievled Of eseesoed "Most or door upon ins Propony 01100 s dnlnqu"cy and win
<br />0811ver to Beneficiary Copies of receipt sho itn® payment of such 18966 and
<br />eoerA81 eseeasmMts. If Beneficiary shall tin rooueol. Trusto( agrees that there 611,11
<br />be added to each periodic pavrnant 11quiled to to made hareulxer, an onnouni
<br />estimated by Trustee 10 be authCmnt to onatta Tlollot to pay, M least 30 days
<br />Mice dMllpwncy, all taro", es&aeaOyenls of other public Chatgob against Ina
<br />Trull Property. the Nola secured by -hla Trust Dead, or upon account of the dap! nr
<br />the lion of thin Trust (tied, logather with pramlums tat insurance rsquinso In M?
<br />pranced under the T•usl Dead and no Aden"t ,hall he payable to Trust., n.
<br />respaCt thereof Upon dOMamd by Trustee. TluatM shall dellver to 1,nalee 911 ,n
<br />additional sums of money an are wasaely to make up any delicie"y In the
<br />amulims necessary to ans" T1Ustoo to pay any OI the foregoing items
<br />A 4ddt" het Mots. Tiustbr &half make all payments of mtereel and Winclpal and
<br />poymMls of any Other charges, fees, and sapaness contracted Ill to paid 10 any
<br />Violating left ho10Me W pilot bensti4laole} under any p liar Tru1f Daad. MMlgNe of
<br />nine, security agleenlnl, baler, the 0@10 they One delinquent and ter poy any one.,
<br />claim which fou"AlIces the security granted hereln
<br />9 Prtlee9Mh N Sww"O ry'► *a". should Traow, fail In mnks any Ilymunt .
<br />tau to do any act as herein pinrided, M II any 6c11un of pnn:0adm9 1, rpm 1 so
<br />which nalaAally effects B6Mflc{aeY'6 inlMest in Iha Proeidly, inchiding, hid ^ol
<br />Il "t ofd lo, emmenl domes, nsplranr;Y, arfan90manis on pnxAO,linga n-111nl9 A
<br />honlaupt 111 decadent. than 9Wnelicery m Too$[ a but without it111gahpn I.i dcr au.
<br />and wAhoul nubc6 10 or demand ,p— IPIIAIOI and willloul relsa. np Tluni(u 111%,
<br />Arty ubllgallOn heraundat rnAy A,.ka Or 1 the Sane o ins, u,y, pi;lthonn
<br />'
<br />�
<br />.Mt 061 M romp—Ire any ri ( Ironce 'h690 In nl'h 1. nNlgnman1 ,11
<br />'
<br />either appeero Ic 61'0.1 said h nperfy. m w e .ie 9 A y :n pOweie Ihw
<br />n.ru lir.rary nr t aloha ma• An, lntboily er.d n { 7 reln", A nnnniA
<br />rr,luding llahu a! a IA of A9 _nerP pliOrrMy A lane w " 1 i,gr„ et A.• ,Yr•
<br />.._
<br />- 7i.a'rennn •ny ten r aRAA1v , ev and ',,,j Irnvl nl r r t,
<br />lial
<br />raP1,n r,1'1., p.y I...a o •u Rnn+ R4R.wa r.niR ,r 1 _ Y o
<br />r „a n
<br />,1no A o1 bnnnl
<br />.••OUrAnl.P ai.,l Mn n,. •:1 iqy'. r,enlR A,. a,'r,e .r*,) feel ,l'.ir .. t,1 fie tni.. ,.r1
<br />it ,ai.n 111 N•- '- ,f.r..a ce0t ern i. 1rP n •r .9 ,e.I— In
<br />