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—� 000778 <br />a <br />f <br />(� necessary and adv::aabl.e, and I spectV.cally exonerate any such bank or <br />depositary from ,ny liability by reason of any act of my attorney with <br />respect to such snfo deposit box or the contents thereof. i <br />12. To enter upon and take possession of any real estate, <br />whether improved or unimproved, or Any part thereof, which I may own <br />or in which I may have an undi.v:ided interest, or to which I may be <br />entitled to oossuunion, and to sue for possession thereof and execute <br />i <br />all necessary instruments or pleadings for such purpose for me and in <br />my name and behalf; <br />13. To demand, collect and receive any rents, profits, issues <br />, <br />or income of any rend all of such real estate, and to prosecute any <br />action or actions for the recovery of the same, including all neces- <br />sary steps to recover judgment therefor and satisfy such judgment, to <br />execute any and n1.1. necessary instruments or plead!ngs for such purpose i <br />for me and in my uamae and behalf, and to make, execute and deliver <br />recaipts, relenceD, or other discharges therefor, under seal or other - <br />wise; <br />14. To ranito, execute and deliver any contract of sale, deed, <br />mortgage, deed oz trust, lease or any instrument conveying any interest <br />in such real estate, whether with or without covenants and warranties, <br />or any renewal thereof, as well aq any instrument of release or cancel- <br />lation or modilic.)C.on of any mortgage, deed of trust, lease or other <br />conveyance of any �:utceoi;t to ouch real ew tate. now existing or here- <br />after coming into o:,a :hence; <br />15. To isaaaaaGe any and all of such real estate, and repair, <br />alter, rebuild or reconstruct any improvemunta now existing or which may <br />hereafter be erec.tad on ,such real estate; <br />16. To partition of any such real estate for any purpose, <br />or to prosecute or IoLn to any action for me and in my name and behalf <br />as either platntif!' or defendant for the purpose of partition, and to <br />ke, execute and JoI aver any !.niarrumantn or pleadings necoonary for <br />such pwrpone; <br />W <br />