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9 <br />and, wlthoul demand. shall be Immediately due and payable by Trustor and shalt <br />bear Interest at the maximum allowable legal rate, provided. howavar, that ai in <br />option of o �Trys tee such sumo may be added to the principal balance <br />of any i 1 r s$c4I listeby amt shelf bear the same Interest as such <br />Indepledn" *ands a�bbbaaaa payableralaDly over theremammg term thereof <br />10. AeelOnment of !tents. Beneficiary Shan have the light, power and authority <br />during the Continuance lot this Trust Dead to called the rents, Issues and profits of <br />tiro Progeny and of any personal property located maroon with of without taking <br />possessmn of ins properly affected nerecy, and Truster heraby absolu 0 and <br />tintpnerllon.,I, assigns an such rents, issues slid proln6 to Ban$flCiory. <br />ffleielclery, however, hereby consents to the Tmstol's collection and retention of <br />Such ran!$, Issues and plot IIs &S they accrue and become payable so long a$ <br />Truslor Is not, at such times, in default with respect to payment of any <br />11b"Iedneas Secured hereby of in the performance of any agreement hereunder. <br />Upon any ouch default . B.n.l,cery may at any elihe, In person, by agent, or by <br />a r*Ceiver to be *ppennled by a court. without notice and without repaid to the <br />adequacy of any Security l0, the instepledneSS baraby secured, (at enter upon and <br />1sse possession o1 Ih! Property or any part thereof, and in Its own name sue for or <br />orhefvinso colhct such fonts. Issues and profits, Including those past due and <br />unperd, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and collection, <br />uKluding reasonable attorney fees. upon any Indebtedness secured hereby. ones In <br />such order as Beneficiary may determine. (b) perform such acts OI repair or <br />/w1 "ecll rn as may be necessary or proper to conserve the value of the Property; (c) <br />Clease I'm same ox any pan Iher-1 for such rental, term, and upon Such conditions <br />"Its judgement may tllclata. Unless Trualw slid Beneticiar; agree otherwise In <br />writing. any application of rants. issues or profits to any Indebtedness secured <br />15sA hefoby *hall not extend or postpone the due date of the Installment pAynenta as <br />provided in said Promissory note or change the amount of such inSIQIfinents. The <br />enjoining upon and taking possession of the Property, the collection of such rents, <br />tissues and profits, and the application thereof as aforesaid, shall not waive or cure <br />.w any default or notice of default hereunder, of mvaudate any act done pursuant to <br />/sryya i,��7 gulch notice. Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary. as further security for the <br />hey performance of Inc obligations Secured hereby. all prepaid rents and all manias <br />which may have been or may hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee <br />Ol the Property, to Secure the payment of any rent. and upon default in the <br />performance of any of the provisions here0l. Trustor agrees to deliver Such rents <br />and deposits to the Beneficiary Dolwery of written notice or the Beneficiary's <br />exercise of the tights granted herein, to any tenant occupying said premises shall <br />be Sufficient to require said lananl to pay said rent to the Beneficiary until further <br />notice. <br />11. Leased Fromisq. Within 10 days after demand. Trustor shall furnish to Trust" <br />a schedule canlned to be true, selling forth all lenses of space In the Trust <br />Prbpsrly than In .!fact, Including, in each Cass, the name of the tenants and <br />OCtulente, a description of ter space occupied by such tenant and occupant, ter <br />rental payable for such space and such other Information and documents with <br />+papa([ to ouch leg es and tenancies as ter Trust" may request. <br />Without the prior written consent of Trust". Truster shall not, directly or <br />InwreClly, with respect to any too" of space in ter described promises, whether <br />wch 1"" Is now or her"Itpr In existence; (a) accept of permit any prepayment. <br />Wecount or whence rent peysibia therstrnder; lot cancel of terminal* the same, or <br />accept any cancellation. I*rrrhlnatton of surrender thereof, or permit any event to <br />occur which would entitle ter ee&" thereunder to terminate or cancel the same; (c) <br />unarm or modify ter "me so as to reduce the term thereof, IM rental payable <br />raonaw. or to <br />the change any renewal provisions therein contained; id) waive any <br />00"t Ifer*under or br"ah thereof; (s) give any consent, waiver or approval <br />merpander or take any, other action In connection therewith, or with a Ins$" <br />ttraunder. which would nave the affect of Impairing the value of lessor's Interest <br />thereunder. on the Property subject tro sto, or of Impairing the position or Interest <br />of the Truster of Beneficiary: or It) sell, assign, pledge. mortgage or othecwiso <br />d(*pose af, or oncYmber, Its Interest In any Such IN" or any rents, Issues or profits <br />Issuing or arising thereunder. <br />12. Canden Om if title to any part of the Property eMll be taken In condemnation <br />Proceedings. by right of aminant domain or similar action, dr $hall be sold under <br />tMesl of Condsimnelion, all awards, damages and proceeds are hereby assigned <br />wed shell be pad to Beneficiary who &hall apply such awards, damages and <br />pyoeeeas ro ter clime "cured by the Trust Dead. with Inc excgs, if any, paid to the <br />Trustor. Truslor *Ili promptly, and with due diligence, repair, alter and rester$ the <br />rNmsinln8 pen of the Tfwl Property, to Its former condition substantially to the <br />"tong that 1M $arch rest, be Iseelbh and some to Constitute a Complete and usable <br />unit. <br />13. Fohm AAao"a. Upon reauqAt of Trustor, Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option, <br />prer to rKbrowyaMp of the Property to the Truster. may make future advances to <br />the Truslor. Such future sdvane ", with Interest Maroon. shall "secufsd by this <br />Train Do" whin evdenoed by promissory notes Srating that cad notes are <br />oeCUrad hereby, pfovd" that at no time shall the secured principal, future <br />""Wept not including gums advanced to protect the security, exceed one <br />MrePed OWCent 1100%) on the wrolnal Principal amount$ secured heresy <br />la, Mer daft CslnwlSOM All remedies provided In this Trust Dead at* distinct and <br />cumwtoBve tarry other right or narrator under this Trust Deed of afforded by law or <br />epemy, wd fray be exercised concurrently. Independently or successlvely. <br />1S. AssellmOm RN1s"1"; Beer. Upon default by Trustor In the payment of any <br />geura® hereby or In the performanCo of any agreement hereunder, <br />BNedterery hey doctors all Sums secures hef ebyf Ilimladlslaty due and payable by <br />dw8vwy to T,IM" of written deci*raten of default. The Trustee shall have the <br />power of ere of the PtoWy and If Doke let" dear" IM PICWty to be sod, it <br />afam deposit with Trustee into Trust Dead and all pomlsoory notes and documents <br />OwNWWM eappnditutq socuf" hweby, and *hall (MIM to Trust", a written <br />rdRes of dof"I aid election to call" IM Property to be sod, and IM Trustee In <br />turn Nell Piopere a similar Not" in the Iorm required by low, which anall be duly <br />Hied he record by Trust". <br />A Aftr the apse of Such tech so may De requited by low following the record. <br />often of sad notice of default, and nottc* of default and notice of sale having <br />a" gFgn "Nqubed by taw, Trust". without "Mond on Truslw, shell sell <br />ere Preperty on the date and of ter time and Pierce designated In sold notice of <br />Seep, at atibfte sucllan to the hlghgll bidder, the purchase pries payable in <br />lawful money of the United stores at the ilme of sets. The person conducting <br />IM Sett may. for any cou" he *"me *xpedlsnl, postpone the sets from lime <br />to Imhe until It shan"comPiNed ON, In "" Such case, not" of postpone, <br />mprnt Hart be Btv" by public drclaralen thereof by such poison *t the firm <br />am pace I" appointed for the sew, provided, If the See Is postponed for <br />I"got Into if) day boved the day designated In the notice of sale, notice <br />dretW shah " given el the oaths manner as Ihe original rroliesof sale. <br />Tevat" Shah *secul* end derives to In* purchessr, has Dead conveying IM <br />Progeny odd, but althout any covenant 0( wsrranly, expge, or Implied. The <br />10:1116e In the Deed w any mattes or IMIS Mail be tonciusits proof of IM <br />t,umluinesa Iriw "f. Any (claim, Including Beneficiary, may pufchaso It the <br />ad*. <br />mi When That" sere pursuant to the powers hwein, the Trust" short apply the <br />WCK "s of In* "le to P"M"f 011M casts end "pan"§ of eserclsing tie <br />0~ of "e ord of the "le, Including ter payment of 100 Trust"'* F"s <br />actually incurred, not 10 axoead _. ._ .. % of the Dole price, and men to <br />the "MM 10 Wop "#"hic) In In@ older theta elated. <br />le) Afar it" the Items "Iffq In Subparagraph (b) if the sae In by rrusn ", or <br />ter poW Court *Ad NMl cash of forecrHure and eels 11 the salt to pursuant <br />to judledof twgique, ter prw;e"s of asks ansll he appled in the order etats±l <br />to the "ymMl of <br />(1) C"1 of any evldea :o.1 fills p,ocurod m - rotaton with such Sale and nl <br />smy rev"u* stamps, <br />(R) An *.me then a0culed heaaby, <br />pie) Tho ramaine,, it My, to In* per$Qin Iegairy onlltiall lfierst. <br />ter. Duties and Obligations or Trust". (a) The duties and obligations of Trust" <br />shall be determined solely by the express provisions of the Trust Dead and Trutt" <br />atoll not be liable except for the performance of such duties and obligations aaa,e <br />specilically set forth herein, and no Implie G d covenants or ob11ga11or, shall be <br />Imposed upon Truslee; (bl No provision of this Trust Dead shall require frgt" to <br />expand or risk m9 own lunos. or otherwise Incur any financial obligation In the <br />performance of any of Its duties hereunder, or In Oe exercise of any of Its right or <br />powers, 11 It shall have grounds for believing that the repayment of such funds or <br />aduqualo Indemnity against such risk or liability Is not reasonably assured 10 It: (C) <br />Trust" may consult with counsel of his own choosing and the advice of such <br />Counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection In the respect of <br />any action taken or sulfated by it hereunder in good faith and reliance therson; (d) <br />Trust" shall not be liable for any action taken by him In good fallh and <br />believed by him to be authorized of within the discretion or rlghte of powers <br />conferred upon If by this Trust Deed. <br />17.AdsitlonalSocurltylrelrurrrenta Truslor, at ita"pen", will execute and deliver <br />to the Trust", promptly upon demand, such securlly Instrument$ as may be <br />required by Trust". In form and substance satisfactory to Trust", cov*ring any of <br />the Properly conveyed by this Trust Deed, which security Instruments $haul be <br />ddlllonal security for Trustor's faithful performance of all of the terms, eoysnants <br />and conditions of this Trust Dead. Ina promissory notes secured thereby, and any <br />other security Instruments executed In connection with this transaction. Such <br />Instruments shall ho recorded or filed, and to recorded and rallied, at Trlretor s, <br />expense. <br />1B. UN."Sheerrs. <br />(a) In ter event any one or more of IM provisions contained In this Trust Deco or <br />the promissory note or any other security Instrument given In Cor1neat101y with <br />this transaction shall for any reason be hold to DO Invalid, 111OW w <br />unenforceable in any respect, Such Invalidity, Illegality, or urentwe*e011Ify <br />Shall, 01 the option of Baoellclery , not affect any other provision of this Trust <br />Deed, but this Trust Dead shall be construed as If such Invalid. Illegal, or <br />unenforceable provision nod never been contained heroin or 1Mroln. <br />lb) This Trust Deed shall be construed according to the laws of ter State of <br />Nebraska. <br />let This Trust Deed shall Inure to and bind the Mfrs. Ngatgs, devleses. <br />administrators, esecutors, succeeors and assigns of ter panles hereto. <br />Id) Trustor shall pay *is tax" levied upon this Trust Dead or ter debt "Cured <br />hereby, together with any May salsa of &sse$sr *nl$ which may be ISVI*d <br />against the Trollies of Beneficiary or ter legal holder of said promissory Me <br />on account of the Indebtedness evidenced thereby. <br />(e) Whenever used heroin, the singular number shall Include ter plural, ter <br />singular, the use of any gender shall Do applicable to all genders, and ter term <br />"Beneficiary" shall Include any pay" of the indebtedness reareby secured M <br />any transfer 1Mr"l, whether by operation of low or otherwise <br />19. BYCWgor Trust". Beneficiary may from dire to lima substitute a successor or <br />successwe to any Trustee named herein or acting harwlWSr to execute tats, Trust <br />Deed. Upon such appointment and without conveyance to ter succossa Trostee, <br />In* latter shall be "also with all title, powers, ,alb dutl" Conferr*d upon arty <br />Trust" heroin named or acting hereunder .' Each such oppointmmt and <br />substitution *hall be made by wrllton Inslme t by Beneficiary, Containing <br />reference to this Trust Oeeel and its place of record, which when r — did In the <br />office of the Register of Deeds of oho county or eountes In which said PIOPwty to <br />situated *hall be conclusive proof of proper appointment of the Succe"M TrUMM. <br />The foregoing power of substitution end this Procedure therefore Nub not be <br />exclusive of the power and procedure provided for by law lot the suaelltutdn of a <br />Trost" or TfuafMs In the place 01 the Trustee <br />20. Forbearance by Behellelery ar Trusts* Not a W*Nw. Any torebeerance, by <br />Beneficiary or Trust" In exorcising My right or remwy hereWder, or, pifrsnat" <br />Ntorded by applicable law, snail not be a waiver of or proclu" the exercise of any <br />right of comedy hereunder. Llkowl", the wNvw by BeneB.lery or Trusts of wry <br />default of Trustor under this Trull DOW shell not be deaMd to be a waiver of airy <br />otMr or similar defaults, subsequently occurring, <br />21. Trestr Not RNaa"d. Extension of the time for payment or mookat)on or <br />amortization of the "ms Secured by this Trust Data granted by Bw*fttfy to arty <br />Succ"SW In Inleroot of Truslor shelf not operate to toles". in any mother, the <br />liability of the original Trustor OF Tfustor'e succ rew In Inter "L Beneficary ~ <br />not be required to commence proce"Ings against such aucco*ew of tutus r to <br />extend time for payment or other else modlly amortization of the eums Mural by <br />this Trust Deed by reason of any demand made by the original Trustor and Truslore <br />successors In Interval. <br />22. Delowil. It time shall be a default under this DoW of Trust or unites any p!w <br />mortgage, the Beneficiary may cure such default, and IM smounta adi anepo by. <br />and other c"!$ and ""Maas of the bsneflclary in Curing Such defoun, with <br />Interest at One default rate contained In 1ho Note Secured merrgy from the Imo of <br />the "vane" of payments shell be added to the Indsblednaos "cur" by it" Trust <br />O"d and may be collect" hwounder At any time after IM time of eoch "eeMAs <br />of payments and 0all be champ to be "cured hw*Dy. <br />23. opom to FetaNe". Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder. Bahefdlary <br />shell have the option to foreclose this Trust De" In the menliw povd" by low toy <br />Ine foreclosure of mortgage* on real pcpwiv. <br />2a. TNstKe R4MS, Ab"M Defouk Until any default In the payment of <br />Indebtedness hem*Dy soculed of until the W"Ch of any covenant herein contained, <br />the Trustor. Its successors and assigns, shell pus "" and a" the popsny, aid <br />receive the fonts, *no profile thwellom. Upon payment of all sums a "urea by this <br />Trust Deed, Bsneaclary shall request Trust" to reconvoy the poWy and shall <br />surrefdw Into Trust Dead and ail notes evelancing In"btedM" "Cured by this <br />Trust Dead to Trust" Trustee shall Iscomey the properly, without warranty and <br />without charge to the persons legally anlllled Intelo The Grant" In any <br />,acertveyanc* may ter described aS the person Of Persons wlt111ed IMtNU," SAO <br />Ohs recitals thosm of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the <br />truthful"** thereof Such person or persons Mall pay all costs of recording, if any <br />24. ACCOWSUM In ma Evell of Trahetw. In the event the rte to sod rest estate is <br />nanglened, or contracted to he nanstefmed, from the undefalgn" lot any fgeon o <br />by any method whatsoever. In* will#@ principal $tire and ecCIUed intedgl shall at <br />once become doe and payable SO in* eleCllon of the Beneficiary Failure to skel Cite <br />this option because of transfer of title as above listed In one Insence shot, not <br />constitute a walvw of line light to exercise lie some In the *vanl of any Subsequent <br />transfer <br />Ill. this do" Of trust IsI.M.,tonne®ated November 19, 19112 <br />executed by trust., to (John A. ,1 Wolf <br />�f <br />":Uilrig S principal not* for $ 16 ,,41 V y y <br />, /6 <br />D0I101e and filed lot record with the blighter of Deeds end Idanliled as 1,1110** <br />Document 01? °005031 <br />a <br />f <br />3. <br />w�i <br />