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6 <br />C: <br />MORTGAGE 85-- 000750 <br />THIS INDFd=R6, mach this 8TH day of FPhrr v 19 M by and between <br />ALVIN'M GLOVER AND GLORIA L. GLOVER, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />Of Hat 1 Cooney. Nebraska, as mortgagor. S and Hate Federal Savings and Loan Association of Graced Islwd, a corpastdoe <br />orgaadmd and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal offk c and place of busition at Grand Island, Nebm.', -, as <br />r <br />WrrNESSETH: Thatsaii1mortasgor_ S ,forandincaniderauonofthesumof FIVE THOUSAND TEN 06LLARS <br />AND 50 /100 --- ------------------------------------------- <br />_ <br />the recdpt of which is hereby adcrwwlotlgad, do by these presents mortgage and warrant untie datd 1, riggers, <br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the county of --Ha 1 I <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />LOT -SIX (6) AND THE EASTERLY ONE HALF OF LOT SEVEN (7) IN BLOCK SIX (6) IN DILL AND <br />HUSTON'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors. and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the some are now [mated on said property or hereafter <br />placed thetoar. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tearernents, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be• <br />tonging, or in anywise appertain, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor S.___ hereby covenant -___ _. with said <br />mae{gape tit . __t he -_y-_- are . at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner _S _.. of the premises above conveyed and described. <br />and_._ ale __ mired of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free and car of all encumbrances, and that __- they -__ will <br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instntment is executed and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of <br />withinillatest thereat. together with such charges and advances as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions <br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and secured hereby. executed by said mortgagor _ -S_ - to said tnnrtgagme, payable as exprr %ed <br />in sold note. and to recurs the perlbromance of all the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated <br />hanin by tide refervism. <br />It is aka ustenion and Agreement of the part es hereto that this mortgage shall also secure any future advances made to said morticepor <br />by said mortgages. and any and all inclebtexiners in addition to the amount above staid which said mortgagors, or any of there, may owe to <br />said mortgages. however evidenced, whether by note. look account or otherwise. This mortgage shall ruin in full force and effm be wean <br />the parties hereto and their ham, personal representatives. successors and assigns, until all amounts marred hereunder, including future <br />advances, are paid in from with ' interest. <br />The .. $_.. hereby assign to sad mortgagee all rents and income &rising at any and all times from said property anti <br />hereby a"borm mid mortgages, or its apron. at its opuun, upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all rtnat.,s and income <br />therefrom and apply the maw to the payment of interest, principal. insurance premiums, taxes. amessments, or improvements <br />to hasp said propasty n or to other charges or payments provided for herein er in the mats hereby assured. This <br />neat swaganwft@Wcontiamin tare until the unpaid balance of said rote is fully paid. The taking of possommion hereunder shall in no manner <br />prevent or retard said mortgagee in the collection of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise. <br />The fallure of the mortgages to assert any of its rights hemader at any time shall not, be construed as a weiver of its right to expert, the <br />mom at any law ter, and to Mon upon and eaforce strut compliance with all the terms and provisions of sail rote and of thai <br />II sold ffAfteager S *11011 cause to be paid W said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder, and under the terms and pmwesins <br />of said note hereby ssanred, including future advances, and any extension or renewals thereof in accordance with the terms and provisins <br />thane[, aid N $aid 5.__. sham comply with all the provisions of said now and of this mortgage, thorn them prtnents shall be void. <br />comwim se nsaia him brae red ORon. and cad mortgages shall be entitled to the possession of all of and property. and may. at its caption. <br />daaue the wiob of sold note Mail all inallabloodoom represented thereby to be immediately due and payable, anti may foreclose this ninfWage <br />or Wks say atles isgal rusioa to protect duo right. Appraimment, waived. <br />This mortgage *bolt be binding upon and WWI enures to the benefit of the harm, executor*, administrators, succommors and assigns of the <br />respective parties, herew. <br />IN WATNEW WHk:ilFAW, said Mortgagor$ have hereunto set heir )tend S. the day anti yew first minors <br />V-A�1 <br />tom,;,.. Q ORIA L . GLOVER <br />R <br />