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V <br />95--000596 <br />- M :ORTGAGE °�" "° <br />abiu. 3otnturt,.. Mad, anif Exrrutrd this 21st day of January A D 1985 <br />by find Warren Troy Lyon and Mary Lou Lyon, husband and wife, <br />party of the first part, <br />and The t rniaha National sank /Grand Island, Grand Island, NE party of the second part. <br />MITNIESSFTH, that the said party of the first punt, for and in consideration of 1$ 3231.63 1 Three <br />Thousand Two Hundred Thirty -one and 63 /100------- - - - -°- DOLLARS. paid by said party of tbs <br />secwal part, the receipt whereof is hereby aeknoule,iged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents, <br />saws grant, bargain, sell and convey, untu said party of the second parr. the following described real property situate In the <br />County o! Hall and Slide of Nebraska. to -wit: <br />t 20 Villa Mar Dee Subdivision <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, <br />taegrther with tell the tenements, heredilamentt and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, dower <br />right of homestead, claims and demands whatsoever of the said party of the first part of. in or to said premises or any part. <br />thereof: and eaoi party tit the first part does hereby covenant, that saki party of the first part is lawfully seised of maid prem- <br />iss. that :+aid i+$.al :isea are tree from incumbnmce and that saldparty tit the first part will warrant and defend the title to said <br />pu•mis. s .,gain,t the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. and these presents are upon these conditions: <br />WHEREAS, said party of the first part has executed and delivered to the said party of the second part <br />promissorynote dated January 21, 1985, in the amount of $3231.63. Repayment to be <br />made in 23 payments of $158.23 and 24th payment of $158.26 beginning February 21, <br />1985, and monthly thereafter until paid in full; <br />and whereas. the party of the flrat part has agreed to keep the buildings, It any, upon said premises, insured in some cam <br />pane or companies approved by said party of the second part, f or the fun insurable value against lop by fire and windstorm with <br />extended coverage amt deliver to said party of the second part the policy or policies containing a standard mortgage clause with <br />the loss payable to said party of the second part, or assigns, and has agreed to pay all taxes and assessments against said prom- <br />ises before the same, by law, become delinquent, and has agreed that It said party of the first part does not provide such <br />insurance, or fails to pay all taxes as aforesaid, then said party of the second part, or holder hereof, may pay such insurance <br />and taxes, or either or them, and all amounts so paid by said party of the second part shall bear interest at the tau of nine <br />pier cent per annum from the date of payment, and this mortgage shall stand as security therefor, anti mid ruin may be <br />added to the amount of the mortgage debt, find the same recovered as a part thereof. Now, It the said party of the first pan <br />shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid the said sum of money in said note.......... - mentioned. with interest thereon accord• <br />ing to the Won"I. and effect of said nine .. and shaU keep said buildings insured as aforesaid, and shall keep au taxes and <br />..s.w sments paid. and shall duly keep, and perform all the other covenants and agreements herein cxllained, then these <br />prose tits to be null and void. But if said sum of money or any part thereof, or any interest thereon. Is not paid when We more <br />em eIuv, or if said buildings shall not be kept insured as aforesaid, or It the taxes and assessments against said premises are <br />not Iaid at or before the time the same become by law delinquent, or It said party of the first part shall pall to keep and <br />poi form anv covenants herein contained the holder hereof shall have the option to declare the whole of said indebtednes due and <br />sew ±able at any time after such failure or default, and may maintain an action at law or equity to recover the acme, and oho corn• <br />nn•ncenfent of such action shall be the only notice of the exerc fee of said option required. <br />AND IT Is FIfltTHER PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the sold Mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes levied upon this <br />mortgage or the debt secured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied under the Laws of <br />Nebraska, against the said Mortgagee or the legal holder of the said principal little.. _out account of this YWeblednep, <br />AND IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED AND AGREED, that he undermtQWed Mormgors covenant and agree with the Mortesgea <br />that cant, of fife cwndilions for making this loan is that the �ortgaaurs do and wi71 continue to, own sno oc :upti the tea! estate <br />herrin de.,•rdxd us the prmonal rgivatc dwelUnR of the mortitafms so I,mit as this mortgage and the said nod• srcufed hefebV, or <br />anv liar? therer.f, remains unpaid. If at anv time. white the mornw�eaae tan in effect and the note for which this mortaaee &%liven fie <br />a•e't1MV. ,•r unv part thereof, remains unpaid, the underntgned Mvrigallora veil m convey the teat estate herein tsctibir or env <br />part �r the Wrtpugw% dr, nor have if rase u, haiV title era ears reel eslatr .,r unv Iwrt thrray.l ,•r ,ease to r,ersunally <br />1h, •,std real oaf rte.^ as the =,n v.,tr dwelling „f the uodermivne•d, then not on anV� ,ueh event.. eh,. M"Itaaiiltrr .nap, al 11% <br />par. n. 'k, Igor the nnpeui craft,$flat t,alanr.•. ,,not oral, rrai, "f file wale me, uted hen•bv imna hately +due and pavab le. <br />3n 7wrestimonp Wbtrtot, <br />��r e �4 s <br />tN 1'It1 :SF:� C'L t1AC�yJ On <br />,%E • ; f' . -may .a . mac, r.�e . <br />L'V t 'on <br />STAS'E 1M , F►dsipHA On this, —, flay of t xra '' ° A. Id, IM 9., <br />tmrore nor, a Notary Plibile In and for the .46'14,04inty per,41811y c®alp the above <br />— <br />Ak6_4 fib r 'o <br />�drttwie ++�y A,!` who p,rtsenelly knnwh tar trip <br />t . I," fife , -', nfl..el per.. io..i_..whusr nfiarr..�.�st.._.---- .._affmv -o to Ihr Above InAlrunlpht <br />i'aa. , '. `• ®" c, q1 nobs rani rn 11w.M. Ig"d «ah1 Inairnlorell ter 1., '�. L - -.. t olllnlary Act 411,1 drl"I �. <br />�w4 , 0 <br />'{ tt, i� t V "ITN1:: +1' tar hnml soil Ncatnr Ml NVAI the aisle l.lal .afrrrsae,t -- <br />7 <br />.- Notary 1,11611" <br />I. 1 <br />