52—HEAL ESTATE MORTGAGE —(With Tax CI ) The Huffman General Supply finnan, Lincoln, Nebr.
<br />�5- 000582
<br />kNOTV d1_L MEN BY T11ESE PRESENTS: That David Lynn Nelson and Rhonda Sue
<br />Nelson, Husband and Wife
<br />oa Grand Island, Hall County, and State of Nebraska in consideration of the sum of
<br />Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) ------------- — DOLLA
<br />in hand paid, do hereby .SELL and CONVEY lento Frederick Carl Nelson and Laveta Lou
<br />Nelson, Husband and Wife
<br />of Colorado Springs County, Sate of Colorado the following described premises situated
<br />in Grand Island, Hall County, and State of Nebraska to -zzit:
<br />Lots Six (6) and Seven (7), in Block Eleven (11) of the Evans
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intention being to ronvev hercbv an absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO H iOLD the premises above described, zelh all the appurtenances thereunto belonging,
<br />unto the said rnortgagce(s j and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided alzvays, and these presents are
<br />upon the express condition that if the said nlortgagor(s), his her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigxj
<br />Shall pay or cause to be paid to the said nlartragee(s), leis, her or their heirs, exerutors, administrators or assigns, the
<br />principal sum of $ 15, 000.00 payable as follows, to unit:
<br />Terms as per Promissory Note between the parties of same date.
<br />nigh interest according to the tenor and effect of the rnortaagors - ,critten promissory note bearing ezeen date videh these
<br />presents and shall pay all taares and assessments levied upon said real cstwo. and all other taxes, levies and assess •nets
<br />l el' upon this anrsrte7arte or the riot„ rvtai <ta this rnartgage is gdven to .r<rure, before the same becomes elch"quent, and
<br />keep the buildings on said premises insured for the sum of loss, if anv, payable to the said
<br />utortg€xgpee, then these presents to N, void, 01scru -se to be and remain in full force.
<br />?'T l,' 1tF11c7'llffli rP( T'E1:1% 1 tj That if the said mortgagor shall fail to , a'v taxe$ nr prrcarr such in-
<br />surance, the said mortgagoe nlav pay such lases anti procure such insurance; and tilt, stem so odminred, Leith intern +st
<br />at per rent, shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this rnortyage shall stand as ,recurily for the -ante,
<br />/.gyp That a failure to parr anv of said mon €,,, r,ifher pr4neipal or interest, it-hen the anent becomes due, or rr. failure to
<br />e•rsmply nith any of the feloi rreeaws, ha;l caee the r,,hle r inuel, r'ar °rein aernred to beauarta ,rue rind
<br />rolleeible eat once at the option ej the r r,rtayarprc,
<br />signed skits 31st dav of ,7anLtaa °y
<br />f
<br />€ HONDA stir: wr,t„-� t?ry
<br />