<br />85- 000575
<br />W W Ma an 01 =a an W &• sera, (7) excep" the northerly Sixty
<br />(") "ft Sd No 64~11p WWMl IWO (22) feet of said Lot Seven (7) but UP
<br />to t" "i"WXy van IBI W" pUt of the building Mw situated upon the
<br />soodwr3y "Mfg (M f"t Of tke awtherly Sixty (60) foot of the easterly
<br />7101101ft tM0 122) foot of said Wt Savexi (7) a" also Including all of Lot
<br />Ul►t (9) emsepting the NeXt"Cly Sixty (SQ) foot .%*roof but up to the
<br />southerly W"I of the b%i1&Jaq now situated upon the Southerly Forty (40)
<br />foot of the mortbarly Sixty (60) foot of said Lot tight (a), all three of
<br />said lot* being situated on !lock One Hgodred seven (107) of Railroad
<br />Addition to Grand Island, Mobraske. according to the record Plat thereof,
<br />reserving, however, an easement unto said Claire P. Detwe4ler over and upon
<br />the southerly Six (6) feet of the northerly Sixty -six (66) feet of the
<br />easterly Twenty-two (22) foot of said Lot Seven (7) and over and upon the
<br />south*11y Six (6) feet of the northerly Sixty-six (66) feet of said Lot
<br />Eight (8) for the ue.e and purpose of the maintenance and repair of the
<br />building now Immediately to the North of the promises covered by said
<br />easement, which easement shall contii-iiie until such time as said urantee or
<br />his Successors in Title to said premixes over and upon which said vasewwntr
<br />exist shall commence construction of any building or improvement an said
<br />promises subject to said easement, in which last event said easement sh,11
<br />automatically terminat*# also reserving unto said Claire P. Detweller do
<br />easement over, across, under and upon the following described Parcel Lenny
<br />described as commencing at a point on the southerly line of Lot Seven 171
<br />In Block one Hundred Seven (107) of Railroad Addition to Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, according to the recorded Plat thereof, which point of Leginn.tr.c
<br />is Thirty (301 foot westerly from the S*,utheaot Corner of said Lo t Seven
<br />(7); thence running northerly and parallel tc the East Boundary Line c.f
<br />said Loot Seven (7) & distance of Seventy-six (76) feet; thence running
<br />easterly and parallel to the North Boundary Line of said Lot Seven (7) to
<br />a point Twenty-two (22) feet westerly of the easterly Boundary Line of
<br />said Lot Seven (7); thence running northerly and parallel to the easterly
<br />boundary Line of said Lot Seven (7) a distance of Six (6) feet, thence
<br />running westerly and parallel to the northerly boundary Line of said Lot
<br />Seven (7) a distance of Fourteen (14) feet; thence running southerly and
<br />parallel to the easterly boundary Line of said Lot Seven (7) to the south rl.-
<br />boundary Line of said Loot Seven (7); thence running easterly along the
<br />southerly Boundary Line of said Lot Seven (7) a distance of Six (6) feet
<br />to the Point of Beginning, for use, maintenance and repair of the Water
<br />Line and Gas Line now thereon situated and serving that part of said Lots
<br />Seven (7) and Eight (0) not by this Instrument conveyed to Grantee for so
<br />long as said water and gas pipes and main now on said premises shall be
<br />continued to be used to serve the premises hereinbefore described and now
<br />beinS served thereby; in the exercise of either of the casements herentxv.0-T.
<br />reserved, any damage done by said Claire P. Detwiler or her Successor 0r,
<br />to shall be repaired, made and paid for by her or her Successors in ritl,
<br />promptly upon demand by the owner or owners of the servient prena%es., ar.d
<br />further reserving an easement unto Herbert F. Glover. Jr., his heirs,
<br />Executors, Administrators, Successors and assigns from Claire P. Detw.:t1tr
<br />an easement for driveway purposes only, over, across and upon the wrsterl%
<br />Five IS) feet of the easterly Twenty-two (22) feet of the northerly Sixt)
<br />(60) feet of said Lot Seven (7) above described, for the use and Lvnesti
<br />the southerly Seventy-two (72) feet of the easterly Twenty-two (221 f.•vt
<br />of said Lot Seven M and the southerly Seventy-two (72) feet of Let
<br />(8) above described, and the Owners thereof, which easement shall cenziti-
<br />only until the said Claire P. Detveller, her heirs, Executors. Admivihtrat r
<br />Successors and "signs shall extend the buLldLnv now situated on thk•
<br />easterly Twenty-two (221 foot of the northerly Sixty (60) Pert of 1.4)t
<br />$*von (7) and the Korth Sixty (60) feet of Lot Eight (8) above i:,•t
<br />or until any building or structure is commenced upon the prupwit)
<br />described, In which event this easement shall automatically t47 In I r..'!
<br />cease to @%lot upon the commencement of such construction then of. It 1z
<br />further .greed that Claire F. Detwel lor or her Assigns are not (.1 1 1 i.%t i
<br />to maintain or keep to repel r the property over which the above V!, , t , I
<br />driveway assansat is granted and each tit the parties hereto agr,v o
<br />dagIa" done or caused In the exercise of any eassmort granted ltvr,•sv. to
<br />promises over which sold easement posses, Shall be repaired. maa• .%n1 1
<br />for by the party causing such damage, their heirs, Executors. kt-ta, I I
<br />Successors, or Assigns, or their Aqof,is or Tenants,
<br />FAIMilt •A•
<br />TIA
<br />