FORM 2930 (7.82)
<br />Page 2
<br />85"000472
<br />iRAy'
<br />t� �fWAND COVENANTS: (1) That except for the security Interest granted hereby Debtor is, or to the extent that
<br />tih#B g 3 tes A
<br />that tha Collateral is to be acquired after the date hereof, will be, the owner of the Collateral free from any adverse
<br />lien security interest or encumbrance: and that Debtor will defend the Collateral against all claims and demands of all persons at anytime
<br />Claiming the same or any : nterest tharein. (2) That no financing statement covering the Collateral or any proceeds thereof is on file in
<br />any public office and that at the request of Secured Party, Debtor w0l join with Secured Partv in executing one or more financing state-
<br />rnents pursuant °e the Uniform Commercial Code in form satisfactory to Secured Party and will pay the cost of tilingsuch financingstete-
<br />menf, mis security agreement and any continuation or termination statement m all public offices wherever filing is deemed -by Secured
<br />P rtrty to be necessary or desirable . and if the Collaterat is attached to real ;-;fate prior to the perfection of the security interest granted
<br />neretw ;r0theCollateral ncR, daScror. soroil, gasormineralstobeextractedor'n moertobecut, Debtorwill ,ondemandofSecuredParty.
<br />furnish Secured Party with a diwaaner or disclaimers or subordination agreiNneill Signed by all persons having an interest in the real
<br />estate. disclaiming or subordinating any interest in the Collateral which Is prior to the interest of Secured Patty. (3) Not to Sell, transfer or
<br />dispose of the Collateral. oor take tho same or attempt to take the same from the county where kept as above stated, without the prior writ -
<br />Ton consent of the Secured Fla.-";v,.ai To pav at taxes anc assessments of every nature which may be levied or assessed against the Cci-
<br />_item! (5) r.ot ro ermit er .,Ifcw ar.y adverse Iirr,, security interest or encumbrance whatsoever upon the Collateral. and riot to permit the
<br />lama to be attached or rep ievined i9' 'hat the CoUatersl is in good condition, and that he will at his own expense, keep the same ir.- y ^cod
<br />condiUOn and from trine to trine f : :rthsurth. replace and repair ail such pars of the Col!atera! as may be broken, veorn out ordamaged with -
<br />..,i? ailOwinq env flan t0 be Crc *a'. " :: r.on !hC !'D!!at2rai en account o! such replacement er repairs. and that the Secured Party may examine
<br />ano !r,spect the Collateral at any c. - `,vhere.,er locateC t'; That he vnN at h',e own expense keep the Collateral insured in a company
<br />sal,siactory to - ecured Paf!'7 _,igarr _ _s. a9 ppfGar.aie, bV the'. - .!Iisinr, Jr,e nn.7 extended coverage with loss payable t0 Secured
<br />= ar?y as is me =. s ati .t „tar_ !nd o,: i,r. car + d _ ._�.� :i c:+ ar _e or sn
<br />nr _3,f -s;cr, r.�u-anc_2 ea Sr -lured Pery_
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<br />., ! eL ev.eo .' „laced :.- !r, r, is may pav f_ - :a,ntenan, :eat
<br />Co .a.e, -?eb1C ; !gre s l- , . • tu•.,.. �ra..rer3 rant.... .. _ r f_ . an, , wruant reaper•, ...rre C. t_ « _ . arty : u(�uan.
<br />._: the rcmgoiny nza n :,,.- r e:rnnu ltnf The ,tr•..� l - ;ayn,ent
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<br />'<Qreer:an•. f -9) T >> =, ” °'r ,,..r Y . ;: I :1 ".F . :'Uia, Cr ;t;3 , r, r. � ..aC _ . :r.t :tc•. 'e() ui a l,on 0 G(111 n?nre anc t at`': of the
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