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0 r <br />0,7-MW 000449 <br />9, 1 T ! - ; . � , : "� � , . , I!., - , ,.,n , - ,'.+ ;: .�� , J�reel It "'t ,:; . ..... lal n - r%e'llon Im any <br />,,,,,dcn it ration or outer :I 1CkI ,I are hereb., ass,glied <br />and shall be Paid 1c, I zlldt' <br />In the c,lcnl if I Iota, �,f -�w 9�r red I-c !;-Illlud to the ....... s -Ircd try II.I.s I)ccd of Ifust, <br />with he e"Ce"' ,f )F)y . pall !I, �,cw �f , '!A1119 of the uliles, Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in wijtin?. there %li,;l 1-A,- ipplwd I,, the sums r,,we.d hs this Deed of lrxjs[ ,Uzh ^(oporiison of the proceeds <br />in, is equal It, thi! proportion 101ILI1 O'c .,111-nit Of till sol-, ::,w-,,J 1,t fts Decd of Must pnor to the date of <br />taking bean it, the fait market floc tit tit,• Prop rlp imincd,atcl,, prior to the date tit t3k,ng, ilit the h' <br />paid to ilorrowcr alance of the proceeds <br />If th. It-, 1anN �',,,ndoncd fit It,- .,fit" "olI-t, iN I A-d" Ali ll.�! ... - it Il'i ofTcr, I., viol <br />'waird - w!llc I -,, !- li , f"'i, h- it I I -111cr u:111- 14) &- area the dale such IIIIIALC 11 <br />mailed, Lcridi:. IN awh,,r:icd 1v Lolivi apply tits .1Lender's op:lon, c;1he, in restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sw.1% I,.t J nAt. <br />unless Lender and ar-rc in rv, ;)711catlon !o pr;ncipal shall not c\ten,.1 <br />M- POStpVtIC the due dale Of tit- M01101!, flStAllillf llli 1cl, rrto I,, ,I i:.,Fja; lis 1 and -1 heteo: or change the amount ,I <br />%uch instill <br />10. Borrower Not Releaned, F , of Ole t!r.,t I'm poinicil! -ir of dino.,ti7at,co (if the sums secured <br />hn, this Deed of granteel ,•, I cm-cr aw, tic, ,,%.!r it, I" R -WNer rio- operate :L) release, in any manner <br />the liability M IF-' - "l- T-1 no'-,,irr ��IA trfvsz I "T'd-r 0 -i!l 71�-,: be 'required to ' <br />commence <br />nodhk amorl,zation of the un-;% <br />proceedings against tuch 1:!:). f- ;,ayrrilcot rat otf,.C­­C <br />secured by this Dec,-! t-f Tr v,! A :!rn,,irif! �,e <br />Borrower and succes%ors in in <br />11. Forbearance by 1,,nder q rntiCr in rxrris,:,g a;,s r,.Ah( or remedy hereunder or <br />oihetwvle afT,-rdrt,1 t- !,.,, rcmtd-, <br />ril-1111ir Ilic cilercis, ,f jnN such right or <br />The of r, , r Ili- p,i, w ar. , Il-i I-, - Aiaryci hp Lcmdrrr shall rot be a -waiver of Lender <br />right -,, ac.rlc•.,!tr the . I the I , - , . 1>,ckj it If, ' I,! • <br />12. Remediti CutnWrli- All rr�tnLoic% .)--.iJr-,j tijz•, of Trull ore list.... I tn,; -in,:ian c to any other right <br />tit remedy under this I)ccd of I mit or d0'1,,tded ".. ias, or ;,lid may be exercised r)r.zurrcntiv, independentiv or <br />succelsivek <br />13. succm%nfs Ind A,s ;rRs Polmit; Joins -M l I CiRpliom. T-lit- ---e- .!Ws .inn ;gfccm,!nTs hir,or'n <br />axaired strati l,w%! Ind the her -- ;I !c. .h ,+l , �I, I- ;',owns f I ruder and Borr-r-, <br />,,ubjecl ;o the pr•tswn, at paragraph ' l;orr: , ! % I-!, ind hall 1. ;mnt and several <br />The captions and kc.irl•gi •'t !fl- paragraph, o" l:klj are lar co!"emen- .:nit end :!Tc not 1" IT used Io <br />,nterpret or .1cfin- !ht provrsnont her-oi <br />14. Notice. Ekcc-1 for an, nwt,- r._Ij ji-cal io !,,A: gic• 1hrr nnanner. [a; an'. <br />Borrower provided for in III,% lytted of T?Ilst shame l)• --itmIF, sw-h notice ity crofriltd mail a'Miesied tr, Borrower <br />the Property Address (it at such other ;Iddrr-,% as iiorrwwer fea't des:gnalc by rin'tIce it, I ender erein. <br />r as provided an�i <br />the Any notice to I ender shall be g„cn by xillficd maid, return ieccipt requested. to Lenders address stated herein or to <br />%L,ctl other Address as Lender may ricsig,im, by r, I!orrowcr is provided herein Any notice provided for it. this <br />Diced of Trust %hall be deemed !., have b"n given It, Rorirr-,ver or ! ender when given in the manner designated herein <br />15. Uniform Deed of I m-st; GoyArming,, f-l"; I his I-ril of deed of lrilst --ornhines uniform covenants for <br />national use and non untfoirn t (-,cn.1Ws "!Ill i;;I1,1cd ;,i ourisdiclion to constitute a uniform security ln%!runieni <br />co%cring real ;i:nlnr!y The. Decd ,! Trull ikiLill be A�"-ToC'j by IhT !AM of the ;urisdiction in wh:A the Property is located <br />In the event that a- pro,strion os-Liamc Of itas Decal tit meta( it tire. Note conflicts .tit rippl-cah1c law• such conffi t shall <br />Bred A, <br />nor affect other prov�iqom of this Dec j the ,�otr 'j;'Ch _an JAC given effect without the conflicting provoi-on <br />and it, this ci-I th,! provisturn qf-01C DMI tit TIMI and the NOIC are LICCIared to he severable. <br />16. Sorta"Ws Copy. florruvcf shall ht furnished I ronfuitued .opy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time <br />of execution or after recordailon Natal. <br />17. Transfer of the lfevpett,; At%umpek)II. If 11; or any tart it the or an Interest therein is sold 07 !rjr.%ferrc,: <br />1,v Borrower wollow I'frid" " ; ;1- r L:,;.... a ref , "' 'r ': 11 ': , - I- - - , <br />:hr. Dred (If frusi. !, I !ht* , I :.III .... .. : !,it hi,Io.01o;,1 c) .1 Tr:AzIs!c: I-, !L' <br />J",-cal or I,, olvrm I, A -, :I),. r' I 1---tw t,c ,:rani it an) ;ca-! ::d nicrest of three teats or less <br />not zoma,mog in option io put, base. I "I'ic" n, it 1 rilk!" % (Tt•" 1e,l-Irc all the --it %ecurcO k" this Deed ofTru,i to be <br />'"mird'stely due and pilyahlr 1 cllder 0'.!1I h-r T: :1. -wr in Ihr sale )I tiamfc:, I ender <br />and the per',-ii to ,,hom the is t•, 1,, -'1 or !-.amf7!rCd -r,I n daiccnxnl tr, Ittlat ?hit ;redi-, of such person <br />,s sansfoclor% zo ! r!"Ir, :An,! that the lllcrell 113-1111c -n !hc' ,.:el:,. by his Deed oI Trusi hall he at such rare a% <br />I ender shall tr ojc-ai H ',,As Natted !hr. pI-;1 !,) in this Paragraph 17 arld if Borrower's %uccessor <br />'n Interest has . a wrolci 3%stlmpt?wi Agre-trcm accej,!rLj !i • riting I-IN I-rtider. I ender %hall release Borrower from <br />ail obi -al.oni, under the Vccu of I rust and the, N,,,c <br />If Under such rnt,on In .:ct rl^r.i!e I r:idcr mm, lkwrowcr notice of -acceleration in accordance with <br />pa. igraph 14 lnrrek.r 'such t- hii; I ,, !Iran 10 clays floral the date the notice is Tnatled within <br />which Borrower rini, pat, ift• ui-,s �!eollc I f,,;% I(, ray such %urns prior to the expiration of such period. <br />Lender nisisr. :urihe., ne�;-f or t4cf,ijii,j I,% riyO,c any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />'. 'N.1 -, s -I, lforw-, I !, kcz c::,,enanl and agree as follows: <br />IM. 11prorthe, V%cppi it prv•i I-! in nnrrrF.rnph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any covenant of <br />agreement J If, -r-, - !I I, 1)-1 A T --f. , if,, ovenant., to psi when due any sums Becurtirl'b) this Dred <br />of tru%l. I,enoff poor r" arlrlerxtrrn, ,hall "tali I,) Iforr-ler as provided in paragraph 14 hereof specifying: (11 the <br />breach; 42) file ii(fkm t,quir-1 ?" ro,r i-?- I 'isle, 11-1 Ins than 30 all fronts the date the notice bi mailed to <br />lot "hoh %"'r, !,r-h !r-" I', 'life": q-1 ('11 fist failure to cure sloth" breach on or before the dole %perifled <br />in !tit Poll(, mot rrsetl III ozAr!,-,-,ii-- I ll,, "I'm ,crm-fl by fill" Deed of Trust and sole of The Properly'. The notice <br />%hall further vlft,r•i M O <br />oir-r-r of ri,� ;.rf I., ivimtrfe offer acceleration and the right to bring a court action to Ircigert <br />file nan•irkivirri of a [Iffir'll nr an. r,Itllr 1"ftl- of Sorro,•rr to acceleration and ale. If the breach is not cured <br />on Air htfore it,, firt, qprof-! flc-, r I*vd,r at 1pwler'% opsion rusty diruhire all of the %ums secured by Ifil J)"d <br />of Trasi I(, he minte,iial dm Ind i-,; I,. t,W-w fr"I'-f dirrovad $,all inay'invoke the power of vole and any other remedin <br />permitted b - v appikable Ia.. Lender ,hml L®e rriiflrql 14) kAllitce all reasonable voiN and expenses Incurred in pursuing the <br />remedkq provided in this psriigririplj jr, larkleifT, b,4 r-4 linifird It), tearionsible aliforill Fero. <br />11 the power of wale W irivoltitt, truant shall M-1-H n ootict of default In each comply In which The Pfulostrity it some <br />part Pherrof it; focaled and OuIll mArd copl*v Of such 111ifict" Its the manner pretwiribed by applicable law to Burrows, 'and IQ the <br />wher periow. ptrarribs ^d (•, it,o, t, tie, ,ire Iii? or %u,b little R, trial ll=e required by applicable It". Trustee %hall <br />give , taillfe of Aisle P(A the. Peoli "eld in fire Pre"i-lbed by Rpt'll'shle la-. Troster, 1-111yout demand an <br />"efrowet. boll sell the lirbli-Tiv of g(f4tion 1" 11w !,IL,,�ht,t bl'Id" of the time and Piece and under the terms deiiCinated <br />In Of, r florin of •,sit In flue (it 000tt limA, ot al,Irl tit Alit h olcter (ii 111MIce may delclifflint. I 'Wee may postpone We of all <br />or any Polices of the P,otvlfN fit r,al-liA snnatrr, elorr',11 r! Ike time and place of any firrilloull) scheduled %alst. Lender or <br />l,trider's deillinee inall, puichiKf, the rj,qrejiv t•j ant -p. <br />Upon firfelpf of psi aIf ll.4 P'i'", I M, Ti-If, hall Orlittir to the purchaser Trusfre'q deed conveying the Property <br />laid, The reflials In fie decd i"IMPI (?(h! rviflcace of the truth of lht elajetreeyj% mist' therein. Ituller <br />shelf apply the ploc-tt. of Iti- rO, Vi it" (-I to all reasonable cirrus end eipcuir% of the We, Including. but <br />11"I Ilmiled Io, fluslet's frits of rM4 )1-11 1• of the giattal salt Pit" ", I"ItA-aftble allutiney'l feel; end ltool% of <br />flifil ervidirricit; 0,1 to AIR Ilans -, 'Aii'l t'. !hk V it !)J (c) It"i c"itell- N sa,, I- the Person or persons fetall► eniftled <br />theme. <br />ovjr i% Dred if 1 rue <br />o,iiii 1,,- t, ,- -ti,i , ,,, I,,, I ­r i IL'V 1, I r a r t r I r OW bred of firm hiconrm,,rd it <br />dol/ fm)r pfo,f I- Ihn ,, , , . , , , f 1 11,^ I fit, A, l -f: , 1-,!, 1;,. 4 it- rl-I-IN II: he 1­'er of %air I a 'ned <br />I it I s I P. ed I, f I rust " r ( ,t r, Ili P 1 1, 11A ;,,e ! fu, " -I r , o) il", lo- I'a" %Itt,A which -ofd <br />Ih'o eft ia ndar ih ,� 1, iorr- A,J, a, t I I P- <br />thl "prr-er ifel it; Is"i, I A tv• 1, 1, Ih ii ("ted M 1101 <br />At ..... . Allfecel A A <br />A10, <br />