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EXTENSION AND MODIFICATION AGREEMENT <br />000408 <br />WHEREAS, on August 9, 1976 Dwayne and Margaret Brown, <br />borrowed from Kearney State Bank and Trust <br />naspany, Kearney, Nebraska, the principal sum of Fifty -Five Thousand dollars and no /100 <br />* *($55,000.00) * _ * _ _ DOLLARS, and gave to said Bank a promiss6ry note <br />;hich provided for payment to be made as follows: <br />'r i, <br />5____5514000.00 on the 1st day of August , 19 81 , <br />on which day the remaining amount of principal of this note, unless <br />sooner paid, shall become due and payable, interest upon said principal <br />sum or the port thereof remaininq unpaid, to be computed from the date <br />hereof at the rate of 8.0 per cent per annum, payable monthly on the <br />first day of each month from date hereof; at the rate of $677.40 per month <br />MUM. said note is secured by a first mortoage on real estate owned by <br />Dwayne and_Marrq ret _Brown_and_ Dean & Gaylene_Aden, and legally described as fol lo.rq : <br />LA Ten (10) in Chief Industries Subdivision in Hall County, Nebraska comprising <br />a part of the West half of the Southwest quarter (WQSW4) of Section Twenty Four <br />(24); and part of lot sixteen (16) Haymans Subdivision in the Northwest Ouarter <br />of the Northwest Ouarter (NANWk) of Section Twenty -Five (25) , all being in <br />Township Eleven (11) North Range Ten (10), WEst of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />Book <br />i d mortgage being dated ___August <br />___ Au ust 9, 1976 , and recorded on Ma* 22 on <br />Document 076- 004552 " - -- <br />XQU in the Yortgaqe Records in the Office of the Reqister of Deed; of <br />Hall County, a Nebraska and <br />WHEREAS, the principal balance due on said obligation on the date hrreu* is <br />8,382.58 and <br />1HEREAS, said harrower has requested an extension of time of payment until <br />December 1, 1985 - and has acireed to uay the interest rate of 11.0 <br />p-r cprit :1Pr annum on the unpaid balance, and said bank has consented to so extend the <br />t i!!sr of payment: <br />!0U, THEREFDRE, iT iF AGREED by and between the parties that the ahovp As- <br />r,, ibed "`or'tgdge and origoal promissory note shall he modified to provide for pav"wnt <br />to U" nade as follown: <br />S 8,382.58 on the ls_t day of December <br />14 _86__- on rihich rioj 'thc rewIi11 irrrr n�r��unt I I f pririi_'iia4I c1f "stirs Il;Ite, <br />r1n1r�.S Suuna'r pail Shall ben= dU nnrf payable, YNCOSt WW" n:i(,' <br />principal 4u.o, or the part thcruor rpmaininrr unodid, to ie , t>>r!& <br />Iron January 16, 1985 , to date of maturity at 'hr rdtr_ i <br />11.0 ,ri r i_:(rt per .1hhU111, Ii,rY•1ble -on thiY o" the f., St in t r,7C'r <br />n[rnth tr, , trty hereof. at the rate of $804,60 ier mvith �� <br />