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t;01MI'LLUKIy.t„1Juc 1 tfi,l.Un I Mal, r: hmsco:. �Txtcari only <br />The following notice brings to my attention the rights that I have even when this contract is sold to a financial institution or c bank, and I should notice that to impor• <br />tame of this provision is stressed by its appearance in ten point, bold face type: <br />TICE <br />This CTOM Contract finanC80 a Purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has agalnet the Seller arlialft <br />out of this "MUctiOn, Including all claims and detsnues, are also valid against any holder of this contracL <br />The riS � the holder under this provision Is lint to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under A claim Is a legaily valid reason for suing the Sailer. A defense Ise Niqlally valid reason for not pmyinp <br />the Selma. A holder Is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: If I have in this pureclhee, l may cancel such request for insurance for any reason within flftean (15) days flan the <br />data o this by notifying you or the holder of this contract in writing I know that the cancellation of my co will be arranged with the' s) and <br />a full refund of any premiums) t with applicable finance charge will loo credited to this contract. <br />PLEASE NOTE: If f have requested insurance in this schuss, I will receive within thirty (30) days it certificate of insurance more fully descri ' the insutauso <br />I know that if there is an conflict in the co a the language of the cettifrcate of insurance and the following Notice of Prc:poaed Lust M= I am cove w qtly to <br />the extent stated in the following Notice of'Proposed lizurance. I also know that I have insurance coverage only if f have been charged for it, <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE ® QV 0298 <br />1 take notice that either Credit Life or Credit Accident &W Health Insurance, or both, will be applicable to this Saks Contract on the tavern side only if I have chosen <br />it by signing the request for such insurance. This insurance will only coverthe person signing the request at the cost for each type of inaurarco sloven. Subect to <br />by the insurance company, the insurance will to effective ou of today and wt11 continue only for the number of months after flu effective date equal to the of acceptum <br />nnoehtlaly payments. I understand that this particular insurarwe may not provide coverage for my last few payments, and that during that period of time I will not have any <br />insurance coverage. All benefits and proceeds of the insurance will be d to you or to a financial institution or a bank if it purchases the Sala Contract to the extent of its <br />interests and any balance will be pay o <br />le to am. The initial amount of Credit Life Insurance is the anoant ra)uinxl tote my the Taal of Pa ; thereafter, insurance <br />decreases by the amount of each monthly payment on a scheduled 30 day basis. If 1 am jointly obligated on the Sales Contract with a Co- Huyer, and we have both signed <br />the request for Credit Life Insurance, death benefits will be payable only with respect to the first one of us to dic. Subject to exclusions, eliminations or waiting perial stated <br />in the insurance policy or certificate, Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the benefit amountof 1130th of each month's payment for each day that I am totally disabled <br />due to an injury or sickness while I owe any payment to you: however, I understand that 1 have to be prevented from working due to such total disability for more than four• <br />tan (14) consecutive days before the insurance benefit is paid back to the first day of my total disability. I Won know that I camist obtdn any knorom fen yw If I <br />sun eyac 65 yarn image tatday. a� I w fleas the i coverage provided to memBy obntes� B dwvotw vrtR notpayL <br />ttk eatUe t!>� I owe yon Due to the maximum amount of coverage stated in tie insutarhox polity, I know the aY unpaid anaurt in oxcws of tfte i <br />will still have to be pond. if t!e Saks Contract is prepaid in full prior tote last payment date, my urrcamed insurance premitmta will be rofitnd� to tun in the mau- <br />nerpreacribed by law. Within thirty (30) days, 1 will receive the certificate of insurance mote fully describing my inaurarue coverage. If flu insurance is rat by <br />to utsuruce company, I will receive a refund of the insurance premiums I have paid. <br />BUSTER: The next two paragraphs contain warranties relative to this sale given by us to the financW institution or bank in order for it to buy this contract. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMENT SALES CON7T—RA AND tGAGE <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Seller hereby sells, assiggnns, conveys, transfers aid delivers to �i 11� r� <br />(Assignee) all of its rights, title and interest in and to the Installrhent Sales Contract and Mortgage, together with all liens existing to secure its t, tthM the ptopeKy <br />encumbered herebyy. Assignee is hereby substituted as Mortgagee under the Mortgage provisions of this contract. Seller warrants ^od represents; (I It hit the right to rake <br />this assignaaenit; (2) All statements and figures in this contract aed in the Buyer's statement are materiallyy tote and CorteCt: (3) This contract a1Vbe ftttth rte 1a f seek <br />of the' oods and services ascribed lurein: (4) The cash downpaynt shown in this contract was atctually paid by Buyer and eo pan of said o�wnpaymurt was loaned di- <br />ccxtyr indirectly by Seller to Buyer, (5) Each Buyer is legally competent to contract. (b) This contract is tot and well tot to submit to any clean, &&fate, demand orright <br />of offt: a7) The execution of this contract acrd the underlying sales transaction givin$ rise therete did rte violate any federal rx state law, diasetive, rul or eegulatron tow <br />in effect; (g) s tie even float this ct:neract or the tmderlyrng Saks transaction is subject to a right of rescission or cancellation by the Bever, etch rescission a cancella- <br />tion petted has expincd and neither the sale rsor this contract has loam cancelled or rescinded. THIS CQRTRACT IS SOLO BC SELLER WIiFIQUi Rf CURSE <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the undersigned is an autbanzed reprege a of the Seller and has signed below on behalf of the Seller on this <br />day of l9 <br />The ftxcgoing instrument was acknowledged before me on PACESETT"ODUCTS, INC. (aaaarl , <br />By e <br />by the authorized agent of Seller whgis - _1si =_ (C -' <br />My commission expires: <br />— y- Nebraska <br />essi 19, 84 <br />AjC$gtE E <br />t' My ,a• Esp lac. 12. l <br />C-11 et'��Jvee4 <br />� � Votary Publ,c <br />a•esa�- Bea,.,;. _ .. .. <br />kV �. <br />