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a <br />000125 <br />MORTGAGE form tto <br />abide jnbC tUrt, lade and Executes! this 12th day of December A. D 84 <br />by and between Ralph E, Yi,llelmi and Patty Milhilmi _.._ <br />patty of the &vt pact, <br />am] The tamaha National Sank Grand Isladd ps,.ny of - put <br />WITNECcETH. that the said part y of the first part, for and In consideration of f $_ 59,217x07 -,Fifty Lim <br />wo - <br />Thousand T Hundred Seventeen and 07/ 100-------- -------- -- ------- -- ---- pyGUARg, � by ttsi party On <br />sceaKSd part. the rect•ilit whereof is hereby acknnwleiiged, has granted. bargained. sold and conveyed. oW by thate <br />dors grant, bargain, sell and convey, unto said parry i f the see". d par. the following described real propertty ate In the <br />County of hall and State of Nebraska. to -wit: <br />A tract of sand containing .27Acres located in the Southwest Ouarter (SWt) of Section Thirty Four (34), <br />Township Twelve (12) north, Range Ten (10) Hall County, Nebraska. More particularly-described on <br />attacked Exhibit A. <br />together writ all the tenements. hereditaments anal appurtenances to the same belonging, and " the estate, outlay dGWor <br />right of homestead, claims and demands whateciever of the said party of the AM part of, in or to maid preaalm or nay part, <br />thereof: iaml said party of the first part does hereby covenant, that said party of the first pan Is !awfully selsed of maid ptamt- <br />ime3. that sail prenase at tree lento incumbrance and that said party of the first part w-ul warrant and !ffi t the title to said <br />pt.•mis.s against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomaoever, <br />rROVIDED ALWAYS, and theme presents are upon these comdittons: <br />WHEREAS. said party of the first part has executed and delivered to the said party of the n <br />pa <br />promissory note Dated 12 -12 -64 in the amount rrciteC above and all renewals and e.:tenslons thereof. <br />and whereas. the patty of the first part ham agreed to keep the buildings. If any, upon said premises. Insured in sane com- <br />pany or companies approved by said party of the second part, for the full insurable valinagainst kua try fire and windstom wfih <br />extemled coverage and deliver to said party of the -cc and part the policy or policies containing a standard mortgage clause with <br />the loan payable to said party of the second part. or asregns. and has agreed to pay all taxes and assearriments against said prem- <br />ises befoe a the same, by law, become delinquent, and has agreed that if said party of the first part does not provide such <br />insurance, or fails to pay all taxes as aforesaid, then said party of the second part. or holder hereof, may pay such insurance <br />and taxes, or either or them, and all amounts so paid by said party of the second part shall bear Interest at the ea:e of nine <br />lrr cent per annum from the date of payment, and this mortgage shall stand as security therefor• and said turn may be <br />:i•t.trd to the amount of the mortgage debt, and the same recovered as a part thereof. Now, If the said party of the first part <br />Oh ti x•on and ertrly lacy or car— ta, be Loki the said aaarn A —wary in aid Mate.. . with interest thereon aeeQr>3- <br />ing to thr tenor and eRect of said erode and rh•t ?l keep said tuVelings Insured efrsrcasid, and --ban keep all taxes and <br />assessments paid, and shall duly keep, and perform all the other covenants and agreements herein contained, then these <br />pre Sa rits to be null and void. But if said sum of money or any part thereof• or any interest thereon. Is not paid when the same <br />is aloe, or it said buildings shall not be kept Insured as aforesaid, or if the taxes atad sarseastrients against held premises we <br />not paid at or before the time the same become by law delinquent• or if said party of the first part Noll fail to keep and <br />l,er!orm any cotenants herein contained the holder hereof shall have the option to declare to whittle of old indebtedness dux and <br />pa., able at any time after such failure nr default, and may maintain an action at law or equity to recover the same• and the con. <br />mencement of such action shall be the only notice of the exert ire of said option required. <br />AND IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the said Mortgagor stall and will pay all taxes levied upon this <br />m,irigage or the .lebt secured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied under the Laws of <br />Nebraska. against the said Mortgagee or the legal holder of the said principal note. ...........on account of this Indebtedness. <br />AND IT IS FURTHER PROVIDLI) AND AGREED, that the undersigned Mlort( agora covenant and agree with the Mongaget <br />the: ,one of the condm,ms for making, this !,ton is that the Mortgagors do and sit continue to, own an occupy the real estate <br />herein des, nt-d as the personal nri—t, dwelling of the mortgagors so long as this mortgage and the said note secured hereby. or <br />are; pet= ihereni. remains If at any time. while she mere age is in effect and the note for which this mot age is iven as <br />seeuraty. r,, »ny part thereof. remain, unpaid, the undersigned crtgagors sell or convey the teal estate herein crthe�, or saw <br />past thereof. or the Mortgagors do not have or cease to have title to said real estate or any part thereof or coats to Persenally <br />auN the ,aid real estate as the oTi we dweiitng of the undersigned, than and in any such events, the MartR a array. at its <br />•+Wr %. do, — the unpaid vnircipol balance. and interest, of the note secured hereby immsdiately dye and payable. <br />N Mr,""' Loup Wbertot, <br />3 <br />�F <br />A <br />i <br />