<br />ale No. JGP �tJ0 995-1 _�
<br />103.0 -- SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED (RwblA 1941) fns tlulfm�n (J «nrrnl Supply Heuer. Lnraln. 1�Ar.
<br />' Kink )% %' ALL 51 FN ItY THESE PRESENTS. That -.85 000:111 ._..
<br />I JOHN F. STEFFENS and JAYNE M. STEFFENS, Husband and Wife
<br />RA
<br />TAX
<br />S Ely SSA , herein called thwx� t9t
<br />in a•e,n:;,le•ratioll of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONc
<br />re vvive•d frunl grantet -, doa•s grant, hurgain, ,ell convey and eotaterm unto
<br />a «uaxl.a•., Thereto tn•i„ol,il,g unto the gfragArr•!6 ami to 1hr,r ,damn, or to the heirs and •signs of the ourviver of
<br />Ownt iorrver.
<br />And granwr Ilura hrrrhy voveimill t% w, the 6r.,w. -eN and %viih Ilivir 4%,ogtt, and evith the prim and amsigm
<br />-4 Ow :arvp%or e,f tf,rfal that gratoor is l<aeviu:te' ,et.ed of Bald pretatses: that they are free ftunl encumbrance
<br />Except as stated Herein.
<br />n..o Prantor 8,.a, voe.,..i rtgh,t 4wi lia -eN h l <lutt,e.r,tc t„ E•e,l,a -,•e ti.e• ,atur: dud that grantor lvarramN and will defend
<br />"I 't larrtulb", ag m5i't liar lawful ,.faints of all l,rr„ln, whomsoever.
<br />It 8ti thr tntrMloo of al`. p,%vies hem ,- that to Ow ri't•nt of file (lentil of either of the grantees., the entire
<br />Orr ,llt,t,':,• tair to thr real esiatc, ,Iialt ve,,i m the ,urvivan,f grmatee.
<br />'4T.M. 0M"
<br />ltwta,rf- u4t, a Iaaainry public ,t,ehl0'ivL1 f = >r '"i.l +•a,tst,tw• lgrrttollally Callan
<br />Join F. Steffens and vlayne M. Steffens, husband and wife.
<br />1111.4%tt to My to he the o,144 llCAl tear „tl ur le °'rmuux w�l,v� q,g and ah®= fforegomg lumtrument and ackhUtArlel d the
<br />F•%vvuvlon t€arfe4 to 1w, hid, her or tt,vir vt.,lalutar,y ant muss drr.l.
<br />Ita'a A llraata
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<br />TIOI -% lWED PPKPkR H� my rift: i4tRON 4VH) tarp4PANi, I „t -4a`HA, �fMR•.', &:n if;
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