WHEREAS, said Orrowers have sold to the undersigned Pao rchasers,tte I prool*q Vol ,
<br />legally described as:
<br />A tract of land cc prising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NEI) of Sectio I n,Ught,1010 10
<br />Township Twelve (12) North, RAnge Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hladlltpunty4 zj -
<br />Nebraska, More Particularly described as follows: Beginning at a Point on'the North,:
<br />line of said Section Eight (B), said point being Forty (40) Feet West oft
<br />corner of said Section Eight (9); thence Westerly along the North line of said Action
<br />Eight (8), a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Sixty Eight and Fifteen HtusnArneAtAs
<br />(1,158.15) feet; Thence deflecting Left 91 Degrees 24 Minutes and running Southerly,
<br />a distance of 747.2 Feet; thence Easterly parallel to the North Line of said Section
<br />Eight (6) a distance of 1,166.02 Feet, to the Westerly right of way line of U.S. Highwe
<br />tway
<br />No. 281; thence Northerly along said Highway Right of Way Line, a Distance of 117.2 feet
<br />to the place of beginning.
<br />a nd
<br />-W-ME-RE-45, 4-r - -,.n-ii-fassyni Q indebAdhek;
<br />Amve in evidenced oy tto iforementioned note and mortgage/deed of trust; and
<br />5014" hwrwezti to be released from any further abligation in respect
<br />to the above described note and mortgage/deed of tru5t; and
<br />AITAK H ederal is willing to permit the assumptiofn by Purchasers of the
<br />Ind 'mortqWW,)'deed f trust and release the Borrowers from the obligations evi-
<br />)vrlceo ty tne aVrewborlbed notp and mortgage/beed of trust: subject. however, tj
<br />a rev: Von of tie terms of payment of said indebtedness,
<br />haka. HER W! , in umsideration of the mutual uovenant!�, herein -,un tai. eQ it
<br />ag: mad:
<br />1. T"le L dt e! Parcha5ers hereby assume and agree to pay the rt-'Mining in-
<br />vltec-wss ev.0am-ed by t1w afoxeclescribed note and rartgage/deed of Lrust and perform
<br />",f a. tians pruw1deci therein and as modified neretj e Red and
<br />NINETY A%tA" -------
<br />11hat a;.� of late said indebtedness is to ND
<br />-------------------------------------- ----------- J.
<br />TNg terms oj Me repayment of' the Kbo evijencedby the jfoj 5'c r ibed frote
<br />Anj murtgageideedl of lzru!A. aze hereby modified in that interest upon the unpaid balamner
<br />of unia indebteCoess Vall De at the rate •:,f _Lwalya— percent (121) per annum,
<br />_4n,d t'rV't monthly paynwr , shtall be marle conowncing nn thu Cay n,
<br />lijgL, ax-0 contiriuing an the Clay of muntr) TheTi!tter, It being urther
<br />44grovd Itia' such paymenK sr all. be in the amount of 11 1:1
<br />--------------------
<br />;a- 4r, f per month, to be ap-
<br />7=7777MTWATest - awd "N; AM; to prin0pal ntil sai^ , indebtedwss Is -,Mj,Lj
<br />K full, and that, in addition. said Purchasers 012 oay the sum of 0011.00 - -
<br />---
<br />- - - ----
<br />— - ---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />s �,
<br />'7 ; --------------
<br />taxe5 awnd
<br />;r,,j.AjranCe on said pro,mrty, w-hiCh estimate quy be iev&n frees tityte to t4
<br />4ome
<br />by *M
<br />Federal, making a total cutrPnt PaYmeOt of _gjMl qgPVRXk_qjXTj_Qjj_NjR
<br />Pei mouth.
<br />3. Ey'r;,qpt aan nx�xliflud hereby, th vAc� a Kt �T t gage; deed of trust abuve dOWribed
<br />Mall remain it, run furcu and effect, arw tne undrisig"ed Purchasers vromise to pay
<br />,Aid indebtedneas as heroin Kalt-zd -arxi to ac.,Form oil o, the obligations or said mart-
<br />deed of tKust a€,, hvrp 'I" - rvi'aed.
<br />0, By ;easf:r. Lown Nwrifinotion 14�01 A!,s1_41VAion AgIaLment, humv, 0delal
<br />fw1feby idlva3e,. "wryJ the ur'K-40%dCXWJ of it,41-tial Bullowers from their ner%utw]
<br />_atlfx� ixpcyn '1�1
<br />