y lI IC.1; E I I I.ND S P"'"°aP1li!!
<br />'110 WHOM IT 7,1AI' CONCERN:
<br />You are herc.b' notifio(l that on the � day of ,
<br />1986, the Plaintiff Nebraska I.,vestment Finance 1luthority,
<br />filed its Petition and action in the District Court of Ball
<br />County, Nebraska against Dwight. R. 'I.autke, a single person, and
<br />Michele D. Zautke, a si.ngIe person, et al., Defendants, the
<br />object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain Deed of
<br />Trust of $56,900 upoI7 the followinq described real estate:
<br />Lot ?sour (4) , Block Two (2) , :vest Bel Aire 4th,
<br />Adcli.ti.on to the Cit; of Grand Islrind, hall. County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Said Deer of . 7st riven by the Defendants, Dwi «ht R. Iautke
<br />and �9ichele D. Zautke, on October 1, 1984, to Five Points Bank,
<br />Grand island, Nebraska, filed October. 1., 1.984 in the office of
<br />the Re7ister of Deeds of Iial l County, `.ebraska as Document No.
<br />34- 005168, and thereafter ass.iraned to the Plaintiff, Nebraska
<br />Investment FinancE iUthGrl_t!' as reflected in lAssi®nment of Deed
<br />of .rust sated October 1., 1984 and filed November 28, 1964 in
<br />the of=ice of the Rea ster of :feeds of .fall Count,-, Nebraska
<br />as Document ',Io. 84- 006219.
<br />Plaintif` claims that there is now due the sum of 561,14;.61
<br />on said Dee °3 of rust -7x;d the .7cta it was i ren to secure, and
<br />it orays for the sale of the real estate above- described to satisf•
<br />the amount found, clue on its Deed of Trust, to:-,sether with interest
<br />and the costs of t'ne action.
<br />DATED this s4tembo_rr -, 1986. .
<br />':I" "ilORITY, Plaintiff
<br />222 Nol:th Cedar_ Street
<br />P. 0. rox 2230
<br />grand Island, ?,,E 63802
<br />308- 384 -2636
<br />q i
<br />>nn " . .'ur.ningham
<br />r)ne of Plaintiff's Atternevs
<br />