„, ..... ....... .
<br />A'.- iv 1-hcc ,"tuA I I it” I-% v ha"�' 'll kit io, ,,I, e, t I ..mol11he, 0 IF, t1i "I Al—,
<br />COMPLE1 VNESSOF VMS CON (Iffly t1c clrafig" it both Wu "rid I molp
<br />The to bowing inatce bring, r"'n, 4-temion dw, right, that i ha%v �,vn %hco lhi, onlriwi It, 'old I'! " lillan; l,l in,wtitrolit'i .i Will, . rai I 11"llfla 11014r Itial ltw mom
<br />woce Dt this ffovmoll is 'ifosseJ b\ it, Afjvaranco lo teu 1104"t, hold lace llspc,
<br />NOTICE
<br />This credit contract financels a purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has spinet the Seller *rising
<br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defers ses. am also valid sinst any holder of this contract .
<br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision Is limit ll2to the amount paid by the buyer
<br />under 'this contract.
<br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense Is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />the Seiler. A holder Is anyone trying to col fect for the purchase.
<br />INSURANCE CANCE11-ATION: if I have requested insurance in this Purchase. I mat cancel ml-, iequcil fur jt�; any reasoja within fifteen ( 115) daNb from ft
<br />date of this contract hie noxilOng you or the holder w �his contract in will; 112 1 kno" that the Clincellallonot Try coverage .,it he arrangeti wah the insurance caffiersi and
<br />afull refund ofmvprimiunifs) rojether with apptic able iinamc charge will he cfcdneci to this clinmwl
<br />I'-1vI.EAW NOTE: If I have requested insurance in this Purchase, I will re give within t1ortv (3o) days 4 cerlific axe ,>i rc utar c more iulk desnhinig the insurance coverage.
<br />Val know that if there is ariv conflict in the coverage or the language of the LCnlfiCalC llf incur ance and thr!o6owim, N.,uc, �A Pmjxl�" Insurance that I am covered only To
<br />thecittent stated in the following. Notice of Frofused hisurunc-C I also kill)% that I havt: Insurance coverage "Ilk if 16 . betil k hifged fl'i it
<br />Q. I take ri,,urcc that either Credit Lire m Credit A,, a,en and iieldth insurance. or both, '01 tw appli'ahic 1" tras s4tcs Conlrdcl 'm the reverse *,ode only if I have cho,i,ciri
<br />it by si&ning the request for such insurance. This insurmccviii only cover the jscrson signing, the mi"staimccost ior cacti type rif insurance shown. Subiectlo==
<br />by the Insurance compute, the insurance 111 'Lv cftc1-j,,e riof a;day and will contol'ut ai , lily for the number w uu1nihs after the eflectiNedate eq,rial to the of
<br />payments I u e'�Zarid lhalihr� pamcular InsurAnce Into, not Provide Coverage for rn, last tc�paNnicnis. and that during ffirit id of time I will not have anv
<br />rnsurar>re enverage. ;CIS befits and proceed -.t ,he. incur n- e wi11 he P: d to you r t ,a f ran a3 insrtuti a x a hunk if it punhases the nuitithiv nd 1�1:111 maract to the extent of its
<br />i count 'A 1, red, I L +.c Insurance i , T tic arnount rVq U, reu to, rej)4 vr the Taal Pav ments, thereafter. the insurance
<br />101av basis. It lain and , ve bmh signed
<br />we bd
<br />the rNue.Sl for Credo Lite LiCatfi hen fi tS,k,lj be paN able or fir-1 .cite >f ul, w dic. Subject to exclusions, eliminations or waiting, pericAsrated
<br />e I , . )N �,lhrespe,itothe -,
<br />in' the i nsuritacc Pot icy or certificate, Credit Accident and Hcaith Insurance for the beret it amount of 1 30th M each month's payment for each day that I ron tcully dit-aNcd
<br />due to an in 'kne,, while I c,.e any payment j(, Nk )in working due to such rouri disability for nior c than four-
<br />, jur� ,r sic u: however. I understand erstand that I na%c to, yr,,rNvnred_rc - an insurance am on
<br />teen i 14� consecutive da,, before the insurance heriefdr, paid back W the 11r,j cat of jr, tolat dia it% I also know that I cannot obtain Y ins R rr Y if I
<br />am over 65 yews of age'todav, and I also know that the insurance coverage prate ided to me may contain a maximum amount of coverage which will toot t ymsome
<br />cases, the entilre amount that I owe yaw. Due zo the maximum annouril of coverage rated 19 the i nsuranct I" `cN -I know that any unpaid amount in excess of assurance
<br />coverage coverar will still have robe pard. If the Sales Contra is prepaid in lull prior to the last pay nacne date, an, unearned insurance premiums will be refunded to me in the man-
<br />-;caic of insurance inwrc iullv describingmy insurance coverage. If the insurance i%rK9accepT0dby,
<br />neiprescribe,abyaw Within Thov, 00)da�s, I I'll rc'cl�e the ccrtill
<br />the insurance company A will receive a refund c the insurance preri-nunrs I have Palo
<br />RUVER: The next two paragraphs contain —arranlies relative to this sale given h,' Its to the 1 In,11clal josl;rijkIrlor h.jr)k in oi-deror it to buy this Contract
<br />FOR VALUE RFCFIVED. Seller hereby sells. assigns, conveys, transfers and delivers Zlia14—
<br />!Astagnec) all of its rights, title and interest in - and to the Installment Sales Contract and Mortiage . together withal liens existing to secure its Payment. and the Property
<br />encumbered hereby_ Assignee is hereby substituted as kilongagice under the Mortgage provision M this contracT Sell or varrants and represents: f 1) _11 has T the right w make
<br />this n his cr�nlract arose
<br />n
<br />and a contract a"' nme Tur_' on c
<br />statements
<br />s in this contract arid P, the BuNer', �Ildcrnein arc inifle-rallN true and COTTecl,; Thi tro he bona fide sale
<br />ci he eou e de n herein. 4' sons actualk, t)aiJ h-, Brive! and no Part Lit said downpayment was loaned 'g s 'c
<br />n' s'-'L
<br />r5, Each B g"', clintract is flot and wiilnol be Subject to anv claim. defense. demajid,�nghz
<br />�y `ng
<br />C u
<br />." and L
<br />execution "d Ih _ lind
<br />be S "'r to B.'
<br />I- i me �lv th."", crejodid nor vwl,,tc an, reacral or state law, chirective, mle �rr reetillonon now
<br />is contract "
<br />or un
<br />effect. ev crt _b_r h al"Img
<br />I offset
<br />t di-
<br />rectly righioi rev. issin orcamellairon by the Buyer. such carxeila-
<br />tion nor ri L I has
<br />pe A c""' j ci he n a
<br />has
<br />L
<br />11 TESTIM0, I 1-irRE0 he a Scticr arid as Sii,;1,d :+vlo, "31 hchiijl of the sorlercii this
<br />ria, of
<br />The foregoing insurtiment was acknowledged 171CUITe 1-11C 011 THE PACESETTER CORPORATION tseuent
<br />by the authorized agent of Seller who is
<br />MV commrss,,rn see
<br />