<br />If Lender required rnonga.ge nourance .,s a ,.,ndnion "I making th- ( „atl ,tcurcd h, rhea ~,t;,ur,ty In-
<br />sulamem. Borrower shall pay We prenuums mgmred uo mrtmNin Ow n glare sn rife, t mm _..t_l, nmc ;_ .. rryuuenernr An
<br />The inSUrante ter'tl}111aieS in A""danCe with %xi' .et 5 .and I PMiAY, a I""0 a9te'"W"d t r WU AN” layII
<br />8. Inspection. Lender ur its .at;r :.i nsa5 make V aolimbb .nums u,,,n And r ,lwo;au, of the property I.t-ttla WAII
<br />,gig ^r ma nmur rustier at the tinge ,ti in pant to et; MIM nn vinquiu, real M.a,,lc I",t No =Lt' inape a'n.
<br />1. Condemnation. 'I he pnxeeck,d any awAV! -I Win N ; daer ec,, hitter nr -II "" urnti.,l, tea,'u)11- ion —aITh guy
<br />onid emnaaonorot tic rtaki rig of. unpan,, ft fie Propon ,.n!6,tO,nvtyanCtlinlice'It • m1lcInn artn II. arthc!cbyasaigttar'lantl
<br />Wall he paid to lender.
<br />In the event of .a total taking W the Pngwrr„ Ow pra,ered, ,hall 4 ., Tb t NI dw ,arias u(mmi by this he"Uny
<br />ltastaanu, tt, whethrror not thend:; t-, wLthmy vow- p .ai,3t„Ifanmur.InOwuvrr.rQ ,pAr tlalWWny fire :'rctxrty -wd s
<br />flko ro%o- and Lender otherµ isr agree in wra mg. Aw swn, serun d by L h„ `,ran ny Imumme nt shah he redu, and by the,m�unt
<br />A the pn"erA multiplie,l by the Itrll<,wing iraetitvl . to r tilt' L a„i and r :of �d the ,:,L.,, s -turcd i,nn cciatcl) before raking,,
<br />divided by , hL Am fair market calm- „t the PnIpe ty itnmedi. wh ON" the Tak_, ,Lac haiantr shall be paid to Bornswer.
<br />H the Pnipt try is iNfult med by Borrower, m if, suer mx is e hq lx a it r to €it' rn-wr t hat. the o,ndenuurr "frets to make
<br />an a%aW ur serle a dam for damages. Bornmer tails LL: re,pomi r„ Lahicr %Wui m.'.:y s .after the date the notice is gmen,
<br />l.endrr„autln,rizeri to u,llect and apply the pron_eeis.,;t its Lpti,n. citf c' I Tell,; I AT! I) I I In' repair'It the Pull prrty or t, the
<br />sums smurvd by this Seeuntt Iru!zurvwnt. whc-ther ut not Bien glue
<br />Unless lender and Burmµer ,flierµ °nu agrev ui wriring, any .:pph,.Ati rn L,f proneds t„ print pal shall fvn cxrend „r
<br />Postpone tile 'int ,ate gut the mumh4 payment's referred a) it para,t r;hn, : mo �,r amW the .Nmwo of su:iL patmenn
<br />W. Borrower Not Released. Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. r.xtcrtauua 14 the t.ntr t ,,r payment or
<br />modification of amortization of lilt um,,vNurvd by In,uiment grimed h: Lin let to an; u,ccrse u m interest 'If
<br />NInAntrr shall not operate to relt-ase ttte habiiitt Id ,t,e,WYMA Bu: nMo-'u Bistroµ -et' s ,i,cccss„rs in interesf lender s. iail
<br />not br rtquired u, common- - procet ;. ;gs against Jmt NuLn"'S'n it: inters.. or iou,e t,,extn r rime t,,r pacbrit or,nherwisc
<br />inodifyamort Tzar Ion lit the , urns"ut , redhytiti,`k(ii i%Ilisuumenthyrcd,rn„t a t lel'iJnd ta_IehC!heI'rignalliorI)ael
<br />orBnrruwer'ssunv"ursMmimrest A0hnbearsmvbyIvnderinexer t ;singanyrWhtwre mvd) An G maheAYamer„ft,r
<br />preclude the exercise of any not or remedy.
<br />I L Successors and Assigns Bound; joint and Several Liability. WARners. Thu t „son m,, And agreements whin
<br />Setunty Insrrutnent shall hind and benefit The suca ,ors ano ..s,.a;ns If I older All ? Borrnx -r. ,t :h,rct a, the i - )vls.urn t..
<br />paragraph 17 Borrower's covenant, and agrconents ,hall be iI Iini -oIJ ±ereraf Abe IiIn , ;lilt; u sfgns this Scuairy
<br />Insuument butdoes not execure the Ntue: a r o a>-, WwW On Scturtn Instrument;,niv n t gegc sra fl, r and u.no-ey that
<br />Borrower s interest in the Prupert•; under the terms „ f rift, Semrny hunt xw h, non (crs,ma h blyntud w pay tht.
<br />sums secured by this Secunry Instrtnnent: an: to :;;rtes that Lender m any uti,r. Nn -ti;,t I Lnat jeree t�I extend. mo,,.fIte.
<br />forbear or make my acamnnudanons with regard In slit' tern's ,,t ton, S-ci:r y mart; brat III The Nine wit10111 that
<br />Bornmer s consent.
<br />12. Loan Charges. It the loan s -cured by (Ills SctrLri.e Instrument is sr ,e law µhuh sets ntexirnun, Juan
<br />Am es, and that law is finally cuileited in r,nnectiorr
<br />with the ]oar, exceed the perrinuc.i limits. then EJlauy gut h loan thargc shall t,e.c it;redl c ht .tmnunr nar,sa o re iuce
<br />thechargc- todwprrmttud Limit: And t"any.sum%Alu.dyodlrctcd pmn0tedlirmts willbe
<br />refund- w Burrnscr. Lender may ,he i':rte or he making a
<br />dirckr pay from tai BornLwrr VIA refund reduce, pnntlpai, tilt ry lt.tnvn A 1,....l, t 11 ti-a� ;lent a lthnmt any
<br />prepayment Charge under rile Nure
<br />1y. Legislation Affecting Lenders Righm it enectmay In uNo um w qTimAlv has has Memo o oat rendering
<br />any provision of the Norrorthis Securin Instrument unenfa,rtr.ablo gft - ,.. L., ttr 7s- 1 ndo. ,,- its optinn, nr e rccluue
<br />immediate payment in full of ail sums soured by this S-wmv 1wriumuLt an: may ire ,kc sea rernedies po nirted by
<br />paragraph 11) if Lender exrroses thisoptaura, 1xndrr shall take tilt siel s pce:fad in the ut and pan.yraph.,f Paragraph L
<br />i -i. Notices. Any r,a ,u to Burnmer pn,"ded fir in titre Sreur to Instrunum ,101 he gnun by del o-ty a t,r h,
<br />tnailing tr by first alas, in of .unit's apph ablc a :w fey sues uu of ,uuahet tnr!hrul 'I tie n„nac shah be IintA sted to r he l'ropvnt
<br />Addressor arty,tiler adrlres, Hur!otwrr dcsigna :cs by boron ro Lender Al y ;,ante t Iende: ;hill ?x gtyrn by firtn ciass mail
<br />in Lender s address stated hoon ,r any arbor a ddim , I entlt r designates 4 burnt w lilm mart. Any Warier ..;u AN far in
<br />tfafs. Srnntvinstruntenrshallhrdrenicdr "havelreeng,tenrrb"n —e �, i.til,lo at engi;cnashr„e it-di:Onparr,,,;r.:ph
<br />IT Governing Law; Severability. 1 "ho St-(Inuy in,tr;mctu sne!i In g ,tr-teJ by 'e iera; Las A:L..: Thu liar'a the
<br />1mv,dictian it, which the Pin-perte is hrtated. In Lite evem after any pn;, nt,n,o Ia nt-f t"L, n, -r inu Nw,
<br />onitims a llh ap,plitable law,s;ach uinflio I)AI MIT affect "Zile r pr n ni' n 't b i, -,c11!LIl tan
<br />A pwn -Root witYu,ut .txt:a-nfkniq pr ,,= I On end lilt !ht N-Ac ,.,-
<br />,irclared to hu severable
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Burft,wer ,flail Ix g,,,crI •,one nf-r,nri-pc „} ncC\ "( in,! t,u!IV ln,n-n,ent
<br />17. Transfi r of the Praaperty ur a Beneficial Inwrrst in Borrower. H id n m pm .,t me i'r tray ,,, _u ',
<br />mteresl ma said ur!sansRrrrul -n 0s,e Lx-..ral m Wu,I 1 n -,L „i .. siltL. :endb it', -.: sc -t' ,., et.:
<br />stet =.nr vv,thanct Hxnclet s ln;i ,l 'tttten Ionstnt. I an,frr At ;t, t,} i ! .rear .,`x�,...,a L -,aci uvi, ,, I l .: .._
<br />s e arnl b_§ ,x..1>et st t .. l y i tndtr
<br />lava as I.at the,?ate o! this .tieturat t i;Lau usrir. - <u
<br />It1_rnmetextn;;se,thI, Lon letshal!y;r.rffIr”- "rL" orieLaL .r --WU l,Nlll,n„L,r.P .LL,,,I =,L
<br />ayetar,cssthin: Oday =tr,t,l tile ciltc „t01ITKe ..le•A e,.IW i;Lt,mAd ,,:r. >,<t,P_:MW,
<br />,K- >J :Ly Inserurraen+ H HorsW" No 1. par trio -se sang, lghn L.1 iu� t,xpn.nn,n �,t lin, l ,. =o,i_ .-
<br />renradrz., peLntrt"A by On Sect hiss lrts!r.mvnt sag hl1. iwtiur L= WO lt�,,L . +n I6tr—:v,
<br />Ifi. MwitT m! Right to Kinnstaty- if $last .,aer o ci- ,crt,; �nL•L,� r,, It „L�.,- tr h „I; ,i,,
<br />eat °. 19, I, "it: in e,i ?fI sk� -i?ItM1 ... ,_ -,1 - -. ti.' r`t -� ..., --h,
<br />a” L, otr_ o. MA; ,Iw k ho re mmlvin r, , Pu_y , .,P W "g
<br />, t wt' i .r =uaataneIat tnh.. :,e ! L ntI ¢rn r.e
<br />I':,tA.t,athl 11..M, NNW F� I I IC't„W>>1-`.ilag+t” s]t l` I't tilt
<br />K0, W
<br />5l<r
<br />,
<br />