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100121- <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />iWith Power of Sale) <br />Amount of First Instalment iii__ 00._ Amountuf Other Instalments a3-53.Q4 <br />Total of Payments s2 -1 1<a0­0Q.. <br />First Instalment Due, hate February 12.,19.87 <br />Number of>tonthnyInstalments .. . ®.__ Final Instalment DueDRteJ- anlld.r_j_ 12--- 1.992. <br />�_.. day of lnua.rY l9 87—. <br />TFi1S I}F.SI3 OF TF2i.ST made this _.___ — <br />Sell C. __WF 1 sonand E_la_ine K._ HillI., , Nuszand _and Sdife.__ _- -_ <br />between _.__ - <br />whose marling adds is <br />l - _1 Brix -Z1 Cahn _.N£ 6882 __ _ <br />an Tractor.. _-._ Fi_rst alrter can _€Tile Insurance Carnpany _— <br />whose marling address is 1905 . Barney St..._ Sulie._620 _._.0lnaha -,_ iVE 68102 --- -- - <br />2337 N Webb Road _ <br />Da Mailing address is -- - _ -. <br />as ti'IT \F,bbF TFi. TrJEturhb a h Financial \t h Kkha, 7 iG and -_ sell, and, _.NE Trustee -.. ..-__ as Tier =ettciary, <br />_ _ _ - _ 0. B4 1373 brand _I <br />1. and convey to Trust Ea in Dist with power of sale the following de- <br />Hall --- __ County, Nebraska . <br />scribed property in _ <br />eignt(28),ITowns�rTwelvea(12), 4r'th Rarne 12 West of of <br />Jie 6 °.M., in Hall tec�ty,�{ ska, Section <br />ascribed as follows: <br />Beginning at the �brthwest corner of said kirtheast Quarter of the %rthwest Quarter (WdE1jvji+); theme easterly <br />along the north lire of said Section Twenty--eight (28), a distance of 425.0 Feet; thence deflecting right 94 28' <br />and running southwesterly, a distance of 594.0 Feet; theme deflecting right 85 181 35" and running westerly a <br />distance of 388.32 Feet to the west line of said rbrtheast Quarter of the %rthwest Quarter (WA6) ; thence <br />northerly along said west line of the Nxtheast Quarter of the Norttiest Quarter (rEWA), a distance of 593.9 <br />Frei- theaace of birI�Frx alai can 5.53 acre �?or less. <br />Disci er waL enementa. r t a ent_;, an a u e ances ereun.o Ix2angmg or m anywise appertaining and the rents. is,ues and <br />profits thereof. - <br />This conveyance is intended for the purpose f securing the payment to pass 1, in >t Tru'turr. lam monthly y rote of even ate in the <br />cimt,urst stated shove as '"' ntal > Pty unt. and iiial of t aymenis" is repay ah1 • in ha r ushtx r of monthly iratalments stated chose. <br />The amount of the instalment paymt n due on au loan i toted aiove The err ,and real instalment due date, on and loan are wta c <br />atwe. payment may be made an advance in all' moaa at dery lime. 3k£ault m makanp. an ,lay rnen :chain at rule t4enetickary s upnon <br />and without notice or demand. render ,4ae,naire. un,auio l,9lance of said loan at uu-e due ar. d pa. ahf< ,cam any- required rebate of charges <br />To protect the security of thip Heed - Trust, Trust venal .s and 'ag .. <br />1- To keep the property .n. good condi non and repair: to pertart n w to ther,,f; to c.rnplete any > Hiding. cructu et or .mpr.vrment <br />being built or about to he built, thereon, . 1 re,tc,re prnmptl � anti ui di na. a rurturc or improvement 1t,rew n ,h c . riav he damaged or <br />destroyed: and te, comply with all laws, crdtanance•s, ree>tl =ni ins, wrenants, cr.nd t " aru c u �c i.,r - fI at. nl, tat prnpe iv_ <br />'2. To pay before delinquent at l(r t-ul ax rs o u s r i u1n_- e ; rcg,vrtv,, if, Keep :;+e. i•r, a'-rt) tore a..d clear ',f all other charges - <br />hens or encumbrances impairing the -e� r v Is lt"d'i rr -:t <br />3. to keep a_I hu,hhr,. now der ii e- -'.r r ctea` is p pert ezcnia d ,e t.ui i+uou I r -uieC agaunse. nos- nv fua ,r -,tner- <br />•t:acacd,. in der, amount not less than he .t.aI debt !secured by aha 'heed of Trust Al policies shall be held by the i4eneficnan and he <br />in such companies as the nierefrciar3 mac ate• =yr arid ha.e Ions payable si st the Rcneficrary as its interent may appear and then <br />to the Trustor. The amount collected under ar ,r:arar e policy oav Zx- appl led upon deny indebtedness hereby by :e <arred in such order a: <br />_ tilt Penefieiary shalt deternine duct >n4ic.ti,. hy, the rter.eiarnxrr -hall i t c.u, di�.ir inuan e : 3m rote =,dint, to foreclose <br />the <br />Deed of Trust or cure or wane iin} defaul. or notice or default ut, cnalidat.e any act e .one pursuant to ach notice _ it file event of R ,ecloaure, <br />Al rights of the Trlstor rn er ur ar-c i it ies Nei 3rtr ishall Est? zo the our n a ", Ill , t rorec re u sate_ <br />4_ To obtain ,.tie written copse,. ,f i t5ciary before lei g, r r eying or h.rwise ari term 6 he pnalx rfp or any part thereof land <br />ativ such sale, conveyance or . al=ter without .l . €3entfi iary � written conc.,.an. n..a13 c<,n, t,tu.< .a default under the terms hereof <br />,i To defend any action r r lrickeeaenf purtni tr . -if,i t r - tr ..i - +. r t he r gh r s we r Ile nt ficrtry or I ru tee.. <br />o Should Tractor `aril to pay Whet tie z;. ec. asr inn . ra.i r p r an iia. rwithn teire qt rate ,he f ate rci forth in the rote <br />property hemnatmve described. Ben e i a ry i Pa, ` e and a� n t ,i a r•. <br />securesi hereby, shall he added to and €t o•:re cider, . ? , -,+ t cecc . •d nI , ri. t)e i , i act as per :tied b.% law. <br />ITiS1FDTUA t1'A €3rFi?THAT. <br />I. In the event any Per". ,rf hr r rs,'t} IaKt,l .ia a cd i -.n emi i nt dori. i pr;rt di,,, the entire -amount of *he award <br />or such mirtion thereof as olol he r cec.r. :an , .ulzv -,.r_ .hi ga lnn �s�cured r rah. , _rnani I, paid ., Beneficiary to lie applied tai <br />-aid ,bhgatior . <br />By accep ing payrna.nt o' ar". ,ore sea'ui d he v a e r u a -. eae tsar. ds€ °s rnt ­w­ ,is right to require prompt pu }•menr. <br />when due of all ith r =um_ .sera ed a -loll ir. e ; f .0 t y. <br />a .y t rt r d -:,r n i?red -i t ue+ t t! ier n entitled t ret i t ,.ern <br />t. ' _hie Frustee• ,nail r �. - i i .,p <br />reyau?st of tide, '?�.ts;.ar and fe lBe .to laic. ,i .,,x .=.a , net. +.,• ._ie sti3,,aurn <,cured a. �i der. -ten request fer +.c tin ,,vane, Doti 1 <br />the P>enc frciary der the yer t r ,n'at � 3 them„ <br />a <br />M <br />