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ACKNOWLEI)CEMEN'TOF S16NING TRUST DEED 81-100120 <br />'T'he undvr 4lwd `Wretu a ria thai the} anderstani shat la, the t' <br />A trut dt-t-d aKid ,ti Ow power m hale providt-d for 1-11 k pr,,Vojc� I <br />t, <br />�4) tht, ZTIA,J�,F t)ldf_ nt ofj 4Ie,tr L11 <br />ddleren, M�,rtgage In th� hrea(h ?I "tillgat1w <br />signs this paper before you read it. 2. You are enOtled tea a coP� <br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: L DO not �s ena4v and jjsN, bw entaled <br />of this paper. 3. you mad prepa} the unpaid balance at anv time without p <br />to receive a refund of unearywd charges in accordance with law. <br />X <br />*See Attachment <br />Tril 01/ M 87 <br />Data- <br />STATE ()F NFBRA'KA <br />Hall -i WNTY <br />()n this 7 daN 4 Januar <br />-y A 87 fore me � "he UIICI—:4�red, a N,�tay� PtIblic, du?} <br />o,Tnmissioned and qua Ifit-d for and reeding tr, aid count,,. personalliN came Ben -C—AtIlilson and - -_ -- - <br />Elaine �. wiison. Husband and. — I I I . I . -) mt� known to tKI <br />the I d per�,n S Ahose name S.. affixe to 06duar4wwq� -A=jev*jwj*4 n t imd ack-nwAiedged he <br />S4ERpj Y. WATSON <br />'Ante t, �-,e their. . �,]Lintar% act and deed My CztIm. Exp. Febt 8. 1 JE7 i <br />A tract of J&jd cmVising a part of the mxtheast Winter of the ttrthWeSt Quarter NE!MW Of section 1wffty- <br />eight (2B), Township Twelve (12), Nxtb, Range 12, k1eSt of the 6th P.M., in Hall Canty, Nebraska, m3re <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Nxthwest corner of said Nxtheast Quarter' of the %IrthweSt Quarter (NEU"); thence easterly <br />along the north line of said Section Twenty -eight (28), a distance of 425.0 Feet; theme deflecting right 94 28I <br />and n=ing swUwesterly, a distance of 5A9.0 Feet; thence deflecting right 85 18' 35" and ninning westerly a <br />distance of 38B.32 Feet to the west line of said Nxtheast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter MAA) ; thence <br />ratherly along said west lire of the NorUeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NEWA), a distance of 593.9 <br />Feet to the.Dlace of becinnina and cwWnjng-5,-W.4cm, mre or less. <br />