<br />07— Ar—ni'mm-ex
<br />Huffman wA Feit" & Wolf. Walton, Ne. 69461
<br />'OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That BrJ an L. _iaye - 3 :' �;_e3 P erso n s, A
<br />of Hall County, and State of '-,ebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />I I --------- — ---------------- DOLLARS
<br />R o-
<br />Tlh,,i n
<br />5ad Six H�undred and `io •'�D
<br />m band paid, do hereby SELL and CONN ES unto
<br />Bank of Doniphan
<br />of Hal I County- State of Nebraska the follawmg described premises situated
<br />in Hal County. and State of 7 e b ra ska to-wit:
<br />Lot Ten rl-i) in —loc' 'Fiv, `;5� in' the
<br />kddition to 111,P1 V_511,.ae of Wccd —iver,
<br />The intention being to convey heTebY an Absolute tithe in foE- simple. including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />To HAVE AND 7i3 HOLD the pmmi�ws above des,-i-Aved, with all the appurtenances thereunto Moriging, unto the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his. her or their }weirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express
<br />condition that if the said mortgasor4s;_ his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />paid to the said mortgageelsi, his, her er their heirs- executors. administrators or assigns, the principal sum of $
<br />payable as follows, to wit: 1- a a -- c e c „ e a.,.,.. Z o.-- . sav -he balance
<br />is 1c incl-de -'r nci,_,al e
<br />with interest according to the tenor And (4e<i � the m.tirtgagom written promissory note bearing even date with these presents
<br />and shah pay all taxes and assess-ments, hed upon said real c�sIate, and all other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon this
<br />mortgage or the note which shin moat ake tz given to secure. before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on
<br />D_
<br />saild prismises insured for the sum ,,f $ .. _ t " .. I loss. if any. payable to the said mortgagee. then these presents
<br />to be void, otherwise to be And remain in full funv
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED t I l That if the said �wtgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance, the
<br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes and pnwure such insurance: and the sum so advanced, with interest at -1 1. 1�7i per
<br />cent, shall be repaid by saia mrtgagc r, and this. mortgage shad stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any
<br />of said money, either prim-Mal or inlvTe�t. the -_anw becomes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing
<br />agreernents, shall cause the wh.le sum A money herein �--ured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the
<br />Signied this �1 day of D - C s t. e
<br />In pre.nc-e ,f z ------ ---------_------
<br />e,"
<br />-
<br />-- ------- __ --------- ......... I ---- ------ --
<br />------------- — -------------
<br />............ County of ...... ........
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ..................... 19.
<br />t of Person Taking Acknowledgment
<br />S7,ATZ C�� Vl�
<br />V41MSUM EP;wa
<br />9, 1487 Ti tle ..... ....... ..... ...... ..........
<br />STAIT. OF, Entered on numerical index arid filed for record
<br />County in the Register of Deeds Office cif said County the
<br />day ,if, 11) at o'dock and minutes M'.
<br />and in Steak at pag.
<br />Doputy
<br />