trrlif irstr of ftv mhip N9- 035
<br />That the WE47LAW-N IMEMORIAL PARK C17AWTERY ASSO(WIDN (Grantor) :a
<br />eemetery association incorporated under thecemeivry laws of S;tatt- of Nebraska. for
<br />and in consideration of the sum of
<br />nf, d o I I a r and o t h e r v a I Li a b e—c- 0 11 s ei 35n1 Dollars,
<br />in hand paid, does hereby grant a continuing eaSenlent and perpetual right unto
<br />Wi 1. 1 j an, I•. Ca t-I e t I Vera M. catJ211 k
<br />_d (Grantee sl),
<br />or assigns, for the e.ritomilment of deceased huniar, beings in the following described
<br />Lawn Crypts in Westla•n Memorial Park in H&L County. 'Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />t
<br />Lawn CrVpt Number Row D Lot 4. Space 3
<br />a cording , o plans and sp. t L ifications' sald Lawn
<br />,:r file 1. on fil In the caffice tse the Grantor.
<br />This certificate of wnership and perpetual right of Granteelsi, or assigns, is made d , for
<br />the entombment of deceased human ings, anti is made sit biect to 1 he rules and regula-
<br />tions of The Westlawn Memorial Park Association, a, the same are now in
<br />force., or as they ma,• he hereafter amended by th(- Board of Directors of the Grantor
<br />herein, and the Granteets in aceepurig this Gertificaie billd.,
<br />and assigns. to compk with and ahide ffv such rules and regulations.
<br />No transfer or a.",jznment of any T-.,k-h,, or interest of the Granteetsi herein shall be
<br />'I I tr OT MInt-1111 -f, been approae.d by the
<br />v lid or effective ijnt; suA raoS 4SSW Shall ha,.
<br />a
<br />Grantor and such transfer or 4-4signment propvriN recorded on the books and records s 11,
<br />the office o" the Gramm'.
<br />In consideration oil the Val l7lent of tht- fuil purchases prict, of the above cryptis ,The
<br />Westlawn Memorial Park Cemetery Association ai7ees -10 seer apart, as a trust fund, a
<br />sum as provinen by the laws of thetitate ol Nebraska, as endowed care for 11he benefit of
<br />the Lawn Crypt owners.
<br />IN TFSTIMONY WHEaEOV, The Westiawn MemoT ia" ?ark Cemeter.v Association has
<br />'this instrunient to he signeCI aDd its, Presden-.. and As corporate teal to be hereon
<br />caused,
<br />f) C t tLe
<br />to affixed at Grand land, Nebraska. on Al. 19 86
<br />_E
<br />4
<br />S
<br />C 0 NT T t' F HALL- ,.7.
<br />Or, this h__ day oi ___ Oct o
<br />befort, n1v tht- unaersigilvd, a nol,ar2,1 Pubio, ln and lor said coun-, and state.
<br />came ------- I k ------
<br />Pre sideni of WeStjaWn Meakor'a] Park Cemetery of Grand Island. Netlrasi:a to me ner
<br />monalty known to he the President and the identical person whose narnt.''is affixed to the
<br />ahovv conveyance, and acknowledged the *.1,XVCUti0n LherfM)f to be his voluntary at-, and
<br />dvvd aia such qffieer and the voluptar'N act, anti dated of the, said Westiavvn Memorial Park
<br />Cernet,ery of Grand 14fand. Nebraska. and that the corporate :,eal of the said Weslia•ri
<br />Meujoria3 Park Cemevt=ry of Grand lsiand. -Nebraska. was thereto affixed by i^s alitharl
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarlai seat `,bee dalk and Ye-ar WRI akwve wr'I'e't"
<br />4 mfu lom -
<br />ev Wa w, at 3-
<br />