THAT I or Wei Ja-7�f, an JJ n , ::a 5 i�,hnd 'anc! . a -e a!, t eaaI z.5 W i On
<br />: in, Mt V I vo :r5 1 f, ,1 -not ak, ten -anv z a.._ mo- i
<br />herein caUed the grantor whether one or
<br />iii censidera o-f u,. , � rs ----_ ^_-°
<br />rep-eived from grantee, do hereby grant, bargain- sell. "prey and "onfirrm'nrtto
<br />",%."'jwl an '.a .. _ .t)r; t z, �I5 i`Y `s� .. ., ..�; C.a_, ,.1. ',>zl i5 =�f
<br />herein eaRed the grantee whether one or more, t`.e= following scles riised real property in
<br />(,oUlAtT
<br />Yt .v,; _ , s.. ._ ry o, ._rte.. . nai -Ou - tyr„
<br />de
<br />z e r o the South
<br />Ca tv , ro , . . _ _ :. _ .
<br />_w �? nC'�
<br />a . H _ .
<br />To have and to hold the above dtswnbed pre -anses ¢ eether with all tenements. hereditamrents and appur-
<br />f thereto belonging tint" the grante� rat, =i t. grantee's heir and aissigns forever-
<br />And the grantor doe% horeby (,o e�nas t with, tt € grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns that grantor
<br />is lawfully sewed of said premises: tixat ttteh- are fr— from e > :,c.t:nthrant-e
<br />that gt'anum has good right and iasw:ul artLurats is, < -f>!. the same: and *hall grantor warrants and will defend
<br />the title to said premises against The lawful AznMs ,! all t"M1,11s �Fho aever.
<br />4 �+
<br />ST. -ITE OF, c fir..; �• x r � . - . as !saes. � . a :; ,' t e r? _ , bejttrr
<br />:1sa. t$ra xr•s,trsa d z :1" gr , ;'as ,i_°• ;duiv rcmimissioned a qualified jar'
<br />in sand «?c# c st,nodi3• came - Ye
<br />- _'4 tv me knvzL-n N, the zdem1&, °S fer!on ;r P'r, .ns zch i,sr name is or name are
<br />(SEAL') affixed to the joregomg in r."ment strati at aas,;ts;e•dged the execm,ao+t tiler €€ j t:; be
<br />his, htr or their t, ivat:ar„ aft anj deed.
<br />t ,-,Re J iii Y .a r € nd 3�f larid '�..� t _ , '
<br />. i#rd� }F [6S a4a.S& iiii- :Ji =f' YC'rErren.
<br />as �: ¢'uC.,s i.' t,.��'t) }
<br />etv c aataai „saam rxparet, the 1 t' iss
<br />AFa . ...
<br />Eft-tor#4 on Unwerifal iRdVA and filed for record m the fi.e,,rwu,°t' of 1} -cdo Wficr• of "'Lai 0,1113!$. the r
<br />siay or l t.. at ,sal =d wnd ztait,eatra
<br />u,4 rocardod 4a Kook, of
<br />BY � ?a �,�,sY
<br />