<br />100038
<br />----- -- - -------- --- - -------- and
<br />Bank--Grand-Islanid-
<br />martgagm
<br />is mdebted to Isortpgov is the principal sum of $ esider"d by Mortgavr's note
<br />dated "Note ") Providing for payments, of principal and interest, with the halance of the
<br />indebWalnew, if not socarr paid. due and payable on__IanUar_)L_L5_.__J9R7__.
<br />Tosevium the payment of th* ';vte, with uvtert,;t as pror.ded therem, the payment of all other sums. with interest,
<br />advanced by Mortgag" to priatect the security of this 14ortgW_ and the performance of the covenants and agr"me-vu of
<br />the Morqpgar contafted hemm, ldortgagw does he--eby mortgage and convey to Mortpgee the foilowing described
<br />properg• located in County, \ehraska:
<br />Togethvr w'-,h aft buddas�-_ irnpro,vm-n,'�_ fiiluue�.slreets. afie•s. pas_,agf�ways. t,a_4trnenl,.-, lights, privileges and
<br />appurtenartireb iocau-d thereor €x n anti wi-ev pertaining theretc, And the rents is,uv, and profits. reversions and remainders
<br />then-of, anciuding, but not hmizc ,d to, nesinng and cocAling equiprnt-rit and such per.,onal property that Ls attached to the
<br />improvements so as to von tilut• a fixture, all vf vshrch, mclud;ng nEplavements and add boar, thereto. is herebs: declared
<br />to be a part of the real ioLate Set'Ured bN The iwn of -,hz,s Nlongaee and all of the foregoing ty,,inE referrf-d t,) her-in as the
<br />"Property".
<br />Mortgagor further vorvenunt: and agmi�, with Mongagee. as follows:
<br />L ravmwnt. Fo Des, lb- and the inien,,, ht Teon a� prwided zn this Mortgage and the Note-
<br />2. Title. or°pgor N the osyri(r of 1-he Prorwn-,, ha, the righi wie authorw, to mcprigaige the Proven%, and
<br />warraints that zbe lien created Kerr ba zs a fn,�s. a prior I;= r+ i-,n 1hi, -Ace pt as rnm ,:nherAimw be +,t forth here -sat.
<br />"cite yroperzv� i cuhwet at'isi Moneaste "n"Tivin
<br />is the Mortgagiee, re-Orde-d at Bouy, pagv ol m tizis;, il`, ccird <)f County,
<br />.%'*brwka. which Mor-gW is a ken nnf r 4.he ,nt ared ne-n b,
<br />Other prior C4 encumhTam-,
<br />I Taxes, Assessments- To pas alter du,- afl taxes Pia Sal a,,esinient and &A' other charges against the Propert
<br />y
<br />.and. upon wntlev; demand by to add to 1h, pa) ments required under The vote secured hereby, SUCN amount as
<br />may im. suffwient to enawe fire Vloftprt, to pay such axes. a4sessmvrtts or other charpE-s as they become due.
<br />4. Insurance- To keep thf i.Mpro3,evnem_s nuu Or hereafter ;c=oated On the react estate descnlied herein, insured
<br />against danuW by Fare add suk-,n Odic,; hazards a- Martgaitee may require_ in amounts and A iln (vrnpamv� acceptable to the
<br />MortgRgre. slid with ioss revAblt- to the Mlortgagee_ In case of tos, under such poficae, the Mortgage is authorized to
<br />adlust. collect and conipmmise, an its disers-tion, an 611ims thsriundpr at is_ s �Oi#, rpjior, n, appi% i i,
<br />pToteeds w the restoration of the Proptni, vi UPLv 1ndtbtvdnt.S, A'Cu,--d ha-rebv out pa, me, ;_, llkrvuzadcr shad COD-
<br />lansw until the sum wurvd hervbv am paid in full
<br />5- :__ brow For Taxes and Insurance. %otw lhstatsdmg anything contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hers -of to the
<br />covitzary, Mortgagor awl pay to the MEW-gag" at the time of pavmg the monthly in,,Wlmeris of principal and mmerest,
<br />Qae-twvifth of t-he yearly taxes. assemawrits, herd tea ranee pmmiums. ana ground rents (if any j which may &Wain a
<br />phoru), over this Vlonp agr. all as, remi-x-Wads estimated from tguw to timt, b%l the %lorlgag , ]'+
<br />I - lee he amounts paid shall be
<br />heid by the Wrtgag" witnoul interest and aWled to ',he paynterit of zte �Ttrm in rs�peci i.o whwh suet,, arriounts Derr
<br />drpossitttd. The wim, paid to Mongag" hereari&r are 0 dged as additional eeuniy for ilia severed m this
<br />xko'zrk Mi"IlgW7 4-,all par 1. 'Mixtoag4,t, the wnww or ativ def'WitilrN fie, r the alltua,l asm VSSMCIII niiurallc•
<br />pn-rmums Ama gt"mn-d rV.1ts ane, "fir dipIiqL, "It'r-under within 10 dat arlilt d,maniJ mad, up.nl Mwr'gagor Ivquq-,!mg
<br />pa""-w-W zher-A,
<br />6. R zr Mamtenaary and Uw- lv,, nrotnpi t ass VEe "T rebut s r, T nor n. a^ ,j
<br />tn tive t0 leap the Pn-vt-n) -n gt�o w'd rprwr, %ilth-uU, acs, aud fnv fl,"TT) "Ile"NIAT'i"s 0,
<br />At vxP?v,,,A4% s ftataast> w 9-". 1'", h-rvpf. nf-, Co rnzae, wife, o Ve?mil 1r-v , %w_ ";
<br />_s °> q�
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<br />kfs
<br />1111
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