<br />1 11 :0 17`.31 M Ci
<br />87-- 100002
<br />7WS OFiltmilambdris 29th dard December
<br />�Mw� Rwwa. � aBaBS ihas'•Lwdaf•'}.
<br />BORBOIVf , ittcearidatatiaaeftheada6saiaaahasaincarisadadtirctnst6naina awn , k eaos'aaMyyoott and anwefatoTho -
<br />intrast .Willk;owerefstiie„tLefoio I Ijxopesty located iatieCountyof HALL
<br />Shriner Ndwaska:
<br />Parcel 1: Lot Two (2), Hilligas Second Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />-AND -
<br />Parcel 2: Lots One (1) and Two (2), in Hilligas Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />-AND-
<br />Lot Three (3) Hilligas Subdivision, in the city of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />excepting therefrom the easterly 106.05' thereof.
<br />The Rider to the Deed of Trust which is attached hereto and executed on the same day is hereby
<br />incorporated into the mortgage. The Rider shall amend and supplement the covenants and agree -
<br />ments of this Mortgage as if the Rider was a part thereof,
<br />525 East Hall
<br />1125 -1129 -1133 and 1139- 1143 -1147 S. Vine
<br />which has the atubmOf 1142- 1144 -1145 Pleasant View Drive, Grand Island
<br />(STREET) (CITY)
<br />Nebraska 68601
<br />therein '•Property Address "):
<br />(STATE& 7.iP CODE)
<br />TOCiEIHER with all the insp ovesnents now or hereafter eructed on the property, and all easemcuts, rights, appurtenances, forts
<br />(subject however to the rq*As and authorities given herein to Leader to collect and apply such rents), royalties, mineral, oC and gas rights gad
<br />profits. water, water rights, and watt stock, and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, urkadwd repieoments and
<br />additiaa thereto, shag be demand to be and remain a put of the property covered by this Deed of Trust; and al of the foregoiaL tagerber with
<br />said property (or the kasselsoid came if this Deed of Trust is on a lmeboid) art herein referred to as the "Property'';
<br />TO SECURE to Leader (a) the rt ¢ttymem of the Watedaes evWmced by Borrower's note dosed December 29, 1996
<br />(b,r,in••NoW•),wg priudWsuM0f ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FIUE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NOI ---- iDnaars,
<br />with interest tbero providing for moothfy s of principal and interest., with the balance of the indcbtedeak if act sooner paid, due
<br />adpayabkoa January 1, 2017 . the paysam of all other aaaaa,
<br />with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this Deed of Trust: and the performance of the covenants and
<br />agreensemts of Borrower heron contained; and (b) the repayment of any fu mm advances. with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Leader
<br />pustnse. to, 6 -1 21 hereof (her® "Future AA vaaces -).
<br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property,
<br />that the Property it immcumbered, and that Borrower Aid warrant and defend generally the tide to the Property against all claims and
<br />dmaads, s"J" to nay declarations, eawmmb of restrxboos listed w a schedule of aweptions to coverage w any tick nas raex policy
<br />inearing LAnder's iatarat in the Property.
<br />UM K)RM COVENANTS. Borrower and Leader owressent and agree as follows:
<br />3.. r"U" of tilaeipasiand lnsspeaL Borrower %bail promptly pay when wee the pnncpal of and interest on the indebtedness evidenced
<br />by the f Vote, psaI and Lee cI got as prafided m the Mae. and the principai of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Deed
<br />of Trsu.
<br />2. fraaitar ruw and .%W � Snbjaer to appiiwbk law or to a Arm= waver by Leader, Borrower sba pay to Leader on the day
<br />a stns f7 btsta a ee t of priacpal and assarest ate payabe under the Note, until the Now a paid in full. a suns (berein "Fads") equal to ow
<br />twelfth, of the yearly tames and asa m mmu whidt m4' again priority over this Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Propes ty. if any. pima one -
<br />twdflh of yaalrly - inns muffle eats for hazard iaanfaece, plus owbtweiftb of yan* pry onaibamta for sortiYe Wsuraace. if say. all
<br />as faaaena b eneiaenad iili ly and from rinse to tine by Lender on the bomb of aaasramn and bills and reseasua a enisnses the sof.
<br />The lrsaah aba to bold is an (aMktrion the deports or arwum of wbich are inwred or guaranteed by a Federal or state agency (ischsi bag
<br />Lads if lewder is such an iaodust6oa). Lear sting apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments. iwuratsm premiums and ground raata.
<br />Leader my saver sltarge for so hobh ig and applying the Feeds. analysing said account or venflneg and eompdw& said assasn mu and bilo.
<br />values Leader pays Boerown unerest on the Funds and app(icole law permits Leader to make uxb a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree a
<br />wrbbts at for tine of execution of tint Dead of Twq that usterat on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and uniess such agtresent a made or
<br />