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l <br />NOTICE <br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising <br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Seller. A holder is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. <br />INSURANCE C ANCELLATION: If I have requested insurance to this purchase. I mu} cancel such request tin insurance tot any reason within fifteen (I5� days from the <br />date of this contract by notifying you or the holder of this contract in writing- 1 know that the cancellation of nn coverage w 111 be are :mgeJ with the insurance carrier(s) and <br />a full refund of my premium(%) together with applicable finance charge w ill be credited to this contract. <br />PLEASE.NOTE: IfI have requested insurance in this purchase. 1w if receive within thirty 130)days:t certificate tit- insurance more tuliv describing the insurance coverage. <br />I know that if there is any conflict m the coverage or the language of the certificate of insurance and the follow in , Notice of Proposed Insurance that I am covered only to <br />the extent stated in the following Notice of Propcsedlnsurmlce - Iahoknowtliat l have insurance coverage only if l have be nchargedforit. t� <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE be 106 ?22 <br />I cake notice that either Credit Lite or Cndu Acadent and :feallftil��u{an czar both• will he applicable to this Sales Contract on the reverse side only if 1 have chosen tance <br />it b% signing the request for such insurance. This insurance will onN and will -s nti signing the equesnumbecost months type the effective eshown <br />date equaltocthe number of <br />by the insurance company. the insurance will he effective as , Y <br />nmmhly payments. 1 understand that rocparticular f he in,airance wll) be aid it, you s r m a i nan al institution or atbank if that t purchases that the Sales Contracttt will not have any <br />the extent of is <br />insurance coceraYe. All benefits and p <br />interests and any i+alance will be payable to nx the Initial amount of Credit Life Insurane is the amount regmred to repay the'fotal Of CcoyBu er thereafter, the insurance <br />decreases M the amount of each monchty par -mein on a scheduled 30 day basic. If I am jointly obligated nn the Sates Contract with a Cn- Buyer, and we have both 5igtted <br />the request torCredit Late lnsurance, death hrncfits wJl he payahle only with respect to the firs t one set us mdie. Subject t exclusions, eliminations or waiting period staled <br />in the insurance pohc% or certificate. Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the benefit amount of 1 Both of each month's payment to such chr oral day that 1 inn moult disabled <br />due in an in ury ur sickness white I owe am payment to mu: howe, er. I understand that 1 have to be prevented from working due to such list disability for more than four- <br />1 <br />teen 1 ICI rnury or sic days hehon the insurance txnefic is paid hack to the first day of m7 total disability. I akso know that I cannot obtain any insurance from you t <br />am over 6$ years of age today, and I also knovi that the insurance coverage provided io me tiny contain a maximum amount of coverage which Nisi not pay m some <br />cases, the entire notion thatln le(he 1alc +eC.,rit'aitl�s preps:Jnn full prior it) the last stated <br />payment date insurance <br />ny unearned know, insurance premisum,tlwill be refunded to me in the maninsurance <br />coverage wJl still a i'a <br />nee prescribed Tn law y4'nhn thin i ?01 Jac %. I will recent the crrtnlcne of insurance more fully describing my insurance coverage. If the insurance is not accepted by <br />the Insurance conman :.IwIll TCCene a refund ,+t the InSurarwc' prColiun' IhaYC pall. <br />BUYER: The next two paragraphu,,nljjn w amaot:e, ttlatr,e to this sale c1% en b\ us 10 the financial institution or bank in order for it it) buN this contract — <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMF��SrALES� CONTRACT Ij9,ORT�� <br />FOR \ ALUF RhCFI\ FD Seller hcrch% sell. assigns ;,•n, , m }. ter and J by er: t - -/� �6 L <br />t Assignee) all of .rs righss, into anJ irterrs: u, :,rid :o the irsta harm ti e (. nr i t and xi ne i together with all liens existing to secure its pay nt, and the property <br />enwnhered hereby Assignze n hereh, wbsuti.tzJ a>'sfo*tga,_ez :rider the Von i •e pros i x l o its of this contract Seller warrants and represents ! t) h has the right to make <br />this asstgnnXm: o _) Ail statement, and ficure= in this c t c t and -r d <• Buver cerement are materialh true and correct: 13) This contract am, fmm the bona fide sale <br />Of the goods and services dtscnhcJ here °I`.aeh Ruyrr 1, !1 �g :Jl r.omprteltt IU contract: (61 ti6 )tThisvenntrxt isl m t rid �c+611 not be osluhlecno any laim, defensendemand loaned right <br />reeth or mdirectiv by Seller tv Raver. I _ <br />of offset: 17) The execution of tts contract and the underlymc sales trap action go me rise thereto did not y ache any federal or state law. yer,su h rule or regulation now <br />in effect. IR) In the extra that this contract or the underlying sales «aos:xuon a subteer I a right of resets or cancellation by the Buyer, such re%c fission or caneella- <br />non period has rxpnedand nuhenhe , ale nonni,annraa has F ,ern,an.cutd „rrt,cindeJ THISCOHTRACTISSOLDBYSELLERWITHOUTRECOURSE. 8 <br />Seller and has signed below on behalf of the Seller on this <br />IN TLSTIVONTESTIMONY wHI ?REOF, the undersigtced is :m ut'trrvcd 'yp- `'r:tausr of the _- <br />day of ---P14 . <br />The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged be!-++e nn• on ____ <br />by the auihonued agent of Seller who r. ! - + -' - -- -- "-- - <br />Sh comnn,,ion expires: <br />iEkE@kLh av ,a +�c+4 ^iravb <br />THE PACES�ETTER CORPORATION (Seiler) <br />Bx <br />01 <br />f <br />