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R7 19-0-0.4Q.. I <br />fi Eminent Domain. Lender is nRlpy assrgneA iii iris damages inn rimer p- q r -,n .! :. r . <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property or part thereof or for Conveys rice in ueu of condemnation Lender mall he enlilled.t its oCI.I! eel; om rnence It ppear,n.1111 <br />prosecute in its own name any action or proceedings, and shall also be entitled to in ke ,iny comprormse Or settlement ,r, is pnnectlon will, such taking a! damage In the <br />event any portion of the Property is so taken or damaged. Lender shall have the option. ,n its Sale and absolute d,sc,et'o1, to apply ail 5uch Proceeds after deducting <br />therefrom all costs and expenses incurred by it in connection with SUCN proceeds. upon any indebtedness sec ureA hereby aril, :.n 5u:.n order as Lender may determine. alto <br />apply all such Proceeds after such ded-1,orl5. to the restoration of the Property upon such 1.11do on5 as Lender may determine Any apphc al, on of Proceeds to <br />indebtedness Sbdil not extend or postpone the due date of any payments under the Note . or cure any default mereunde, or hereunder <br />7 Performance by Lender. In the event of Borrower s failure to perform any of the covenenls herein or make any payments re gtied hereby . ofoanyactlstakeno, <br />legal proceeding commenced which materially affects Lenders•ntere'Sim the Property. Lender may : nos own d isc,el ion but w it n oulobhgahOntodpso anowdhoulnohce <br />to or demand upon Borrower and without releasing Borrower from any obligation. do any act which the Borrower has agreed but fans l0 do at,,d may also do any other act ,t <br />deems necessary to protect the Security hereof Borrower shall, immediately upon demand therefor by Lender pay !O Lender all [psis and expenses incurred and sums <br />expended by Lende" connection with the exercise by Lender of me foregoing rights, together with,nte,esrtnereon a, morale prpv,ded'n the Note winch. sr,a!!be added to <br />the indebtedness secured hereby Lender Shan not incur any personal liability because of anything a may do or omit to do hereunder <br />B. Eeerrls of Default. The following shall constitate an event of default under this Deed of Trust <br />(a) Ftioureto pay any installment of principal orintere5t or any other sum secured hereby when due . or failure to pay when due any other mdebtednessol <br />Borrower to Lender. <br />(b) A breach of or default under any provision contained in the Note this Deed of Trust . any document which secures the Note and any other <br />encumbrance upon the Property <br />(c) Awrtfolexecut,on or attachment or any ),mda, process snail be enlereC against Borrower which shall become a hen on the Property or any portion <br />thereof or interest therein. <br />td) There shall be filed by pr against Borrower an action under any present Or future federal state or other statute law or regulation relating to <br />bankruptcy insolvency or other relief for debtors or there shall beappoinied any trustee receiver orligwdator of Borrower or of all or any part ofthe Property. or <br />the rents, issues or profits thereof. or Borrower shaft make any general assignment far the benefit of Creditors <br />(a) The Sale transfer, assignment . conveyance o, further en C Umbrance of all - any part of O, any interest in 1'•= Properly . either voluntarily or <br />rtvoluntdniy . without the express written consent of Lender <br />(t) If Borrower Is paten -nd:v,dual. the sale transfer. assignment. Conveyance or enc,mbrance at more than _ percent of lit a corporation) its <br />issued and outstanding stock or lit a parinershipi ---- _ -... percent of partnership role -sis <br />9 Remedies: Acceleration Upon Default. In the event of any Event of Default Lender may declare an indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the <br />same Shall thereupon become due and payable without any presentment . demand. protest vt notice of any kind Thereafter Lender may <br />jai Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein anATrusleeshailthereaher cause Borrowers interest in the Property to be sold <br />and the proceeds to be distributed all in the manner provided in the Nebraska T rust Deeds Ac! <br />(b) Either in person or by agent, with or with..[ bring,nq any action u, p oceedinq or . <br />c r— appointed by a court and without regard to the <br />adequacy of its secunty.enter upon and lake possession of the Property of any part lhereot ,n :tsr)wn name nr in the name of the Trustee. and doany acts wh,ch <br />ri deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value. marketability al — !,lnuitY or the Proper ry or part thereof or interest therein, increase the income <br />therefrom or protect the security hereof and with or withou !taking possessior, ;ti the Property suet.,[ „ other w Ise collect the rents, issues and profits thereof, <br />including those past due and unpaid . and apply the same less costs and e,ipe"vs .1 operation and -ollec hbn ,nc,ud,pg attorneys fees . upon any indebtedness <br />secured hereby. all in such order as Lender may determine The entennq upon ano• taking possession J: thin Property fine collection of Such reels. issues and <br />pre” Ise nd file application thereof as aforesaid. shall nor cure or waive any desa„Vt or 'lot 'Ce of des Ault he,CU 11,1— or ,n vaunale any act done in response to Such <br />default or pursuant to such notice of default and. notwdnstanding the continuance in pnssesvor of the Prooe,ly or the collection, receipt and application of <br />rents, issues or profits. Trustee or Lender shall be entitled to exercise every r, qhT p-,lded for i,•. any of !ne Lour, Instruments or by law upon occurence of any <br />event of default. including the right to exercise the power of sale. and <br />(c) Commence an action to loyec!ose Inis Deed of Trust as a mortgage apps,,,! a ,ecmve, :" specil'ca!ly enforce any of the covenants hereof. <br />No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lenders intended t. be enc I--, pf any otne, ,emeoy r,nrmn or by law ),o,,dctd or perm fitted, but each shall be <br />cumulative. shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter ex,5 n,'q it law or n, equity Or ny statute and may be exercised concurrently. <br />independently or successively <br />/0 TNafee. The Trustee may resign at any time without cause and Lende, may or airy !'rrirr and viii ^,,, :i! :. arise ap;o- -c —so, or substitute Trustee Trustee <br />shall not be liable lot any loss or damage unless due to actionable negligence or wilful this[. Jnduc! and shall no: he required tO lake any action :n connection with the <br />enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless indemnified. in writing . lot all Costs cpmper Sinai•, c•i ­,­­s wn..-n m.ay he ass:rc'aleo therewith In addition. Trustee may <br />become a purchaser at any sale of the Property[)udicial O, Under The power of saurq,nled he!—, po,lr,—Ihn ..,. a a :i Or any poilion ul ine properly asprovided by '3w <br />or sell the Property as a whole. or In separate parcels or lots <br />it Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower Lende,may ai ,h. npho^ :,uike ad :!�t' o:,al ano f,-- advances and readvances to Bar rower Suchaovancesand <br />readvances. with interest thereon, shaft be secured by this Deed of Trust F! nn lime =hat: ine pi•. ^f. :p : +.' am;),int rut the ,ndebtetl Hess Sec /u/��red by This Deed OI TrUSI. riot in- <br />eluding sums advanced to protect the security of this Deed .IT, '—I e.,end !he :>riq'ral p',n; ipdi amll—t stated n.�re,r „r$ 115,00t,x.0.0 whlCheverls <br />greater <br />12 IAiscNOerledus Provisions. <br />(a) Borrower Not Released. Extension of the fame for p.ymen, or mod,bca!•an of ainarL:ahrzn , lnn sores seised by Ihr_- Dee" pl Tlost granted by <br />Lender Io any 5ucce s5o, In ml a rest of Borrower sba!i —t Operate!� n0ea" .ri any 11:.11•: f -r !re l'a b,ii!, 'A Inc r,riq,nal Bo,r — and Borrower s su ccessars in <br />Interest Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against sue, succe55ur c:r reiu5e !i> er 1n" 1ne fur piny n :eel pr other wise modify am OrtiZdbon <br />of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason 0 any demands ma,ije by the i >•,gm.ii ei,, w inn Porrower s site"'."." n, inieresl <br />- (b) Lairds /e POerer!_W,thqut .11— ung the liability of any"„her person iat.!eip.!r.,epay merit Ot any Oh „gatinn In"",,nenhOned and w:I.npul affecting <br />Me hen or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the property not I”' o, Ine,e+o +ore elea Sep as sec,;,.tY for the ful,, amounl of all unpaid obligations. <br />' Lender may. from time 10 time and without nonce 1i1 release any person so ',ably ,, �. tend ine maturity c, .tier any bl the terms o, any S:cli Unbgatrpn5. (nit <br />grantothermdulgences- !,v)releaseorreconvey or cause to be rn!easedot re<orn'e ye- atone trine at Lender snphp'•5 airypar , el, poruonoratloflhe Property. <br />(v)take or releasearry otheror adVionat secuuhr for any phiigalidn tit (. mrritinn d i ri k - -r. ,.s .r U!nP. nr.gnment5 with deniers in relation <br />thereto <br />tci Forbearaneeby Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lende, iu exe,cis,n ^any •dn; ,ei -.<ty revn_;nder ofr,e,wise aliprded by eppj,cable <br />law, stI lnot be a wavier of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy the p,nC :,•er *,e ^' : " -' �. r. payme „1 J!!A xes p, r %trier liens G,cha,ges <br />by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of !rte •ndeblel ^tin Si s,.. ..,r s Deed r_•i T•u,! <br />(dl Successors and Assign Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Caption.. The coverar'S a id agmen =eels ne,e, r- <nnla,nc•d sr:.0 n,nd and me rights <br />hereunder shall Inure to. the respective successors and assigns of Lende, and Borrower s., i ... ,aph fi le! herepl Al: covenants and <br />agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several The [..lions inn Headings tit thPp agfapn ! r .-)e•tl- f5!areforrodven'l nGn Only and are not 1p rte <br />used to interpret or define the provisions hereof <br />(e} Requestfor Notices_ The parties hereby request inat a—py of a"r,),c.'I - ..” _ tan' •t Ce of sale he,e;irAtr be mailed to <br />each party lolh,S Deed of Trust at the addressset forth aboven-,I"manner pled —reo by aPlli -1:e lax L.rr•f- " :Y•anY.}nrr ^c•=ce,eV U,reC Unite, apph<dble <br />law to be given in another manner, any notice provided to, in tins Deed .1 Trust wail ne g,ver. tv ,.air -:q s Villein ! :y :.eri,f,ed —,l addressed !p the other <br />parties, at the address set forth above <br />Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shat1 be deemed to have been giver !. 6or,owe, or Lender wnen given ,n the manner desrgnaled harem <br />11) inspection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries u po'r and'nSpPC!'OnS ofthe Pfoperly provided that Lender shall give Borrower <br />notice prior to any such inspection Specifying reasonable cause Ihefefo, related tO Lender c :tit ?sec, m ire Property <br />Iq) Reernveyxree. Upon payment of all sums secured by lh :s Deed of Trust Lender strati request T, usteC tO' ccpn ✓ey the Property inn shali5u,rende, <br />this Deed of Trust and all notes ev,dencmg indebtedness secured by this Deed of ;o T.,; ine ' - . , ev the Property wnnoul warranty and <br />without charge to the person or persons legally entitled thereto Such person or persons sr :al' pay atl i�S;sfs u,- --o, dat'<;n f any <br />!hf Personaf Property. Security Agreement. Asaddoio 1ScCu Iy for the payment of :^. e Note a'i f,elures e npmnn! and :_!in-per,- 1p,.p,,rIy U'ed <br />, nconnecti on with the real estate or — curryements localed thereon. andnototherw,5e declare d o rdeemeo!o he a part o!!he real estate secured hereby shall be <br />subject to a security,n!erestin favor of the Lender under the Nebraska t.n,form Commercial Cede Ths'n5tiurn�nl snarl be construed ass Security Agreement <br />under said Code. and the Lender shall have all the lights and remed'e5 of a secured party unite, Said Code 'n add,t — "the rights and rn —d,,, created :: .,der <br />and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust <br />fit Severabkify_ In the event that any provision of this Deed of Trust conflict will, app -ab:e iavv Cr are^.eclared,nva!,d or otherwise wnen forceable . such <br />conh,ctor,nvandOy shall rt of affect the other proviS,ons of !his Deed of Trust or ineNou, w hich c an he given else[ l without lh+ nfl,cllnq provision and l0lh,s <br />end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable <br />Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust the date written above <br />( i I liam W Roberts <br />t^^aflor A. Roberts ^ewer <br />