<br />ADDITIONAL TERMS ® 146660
<br />(m.
<br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRI At. OF THE FIN ANC'F. CH ARt F F\en though 1 J n t hale m pay I nm• then the %tofu "h IuI,J nu %illy pnxnu nt I hag doe rigs t
<br />w prepay the whole amount owing w you intuit at an time or in pan ,rnm time to time It the lending rn,utuuon or bank that hua n% cone tit compute" the f ma r • charge
<br />daily, 1 know my finance charge will tot less it I make an earls payment. and it will he higher d I pay laic: I also rec ogm7e that -my necesan adjustment to Ill" '_oral finance
<br />charge will be reflected in my Total hill: also know that the amounts shown
<br />,,it the re,ene side for the 1 finance C'hargc. Total of Va%Incnt.. unit the Toted Sale Iinve are esti-
<br />mates based on the ussumptlan that you will recc%• each of the payments exactly on Its due date: and 1 know that there \\Ill bz no rrhuul It I prepax because there is nothing
<br />to refund if 1 am charged on a daily basis. If the lending m,titution or bank dots not compute the finance charge daily, and it I prep:% the whole amount v nt will refund
<br />to me the unearned portion of the finance charge I inures% M the accounting procedure known as the actuarial methoJ: and the amount tit my repute will he I igured on the
<br />scheduled dates and amoun%o! my monthly pay mem and not on the actual dates and amounts of the prepuymeots that 1 pay' to you. I know that a refund 0 Ie„ than SI.00
<br />will not be made.
<br />ER ON ITS OWN BIh7lhacer cad. n detail . the separate,, I Il}F A R 1.1%l 111: 1) WARR ANT Y' which. it made rcoropames the s contract It explains the eonditionnand circumstances
<br />in w "high the manufactured products w dl be rep.ured r replaced, 1 take notice of the hm nations on the,, ar,anly , and l pani,al art\ reaogm 7e that any Iniphed warranty which
<br />applies tothego. s astnonh A, longs the ,arran[Nor,ersice %frog,
<br />a t I have read. nt detail Ihr , { drat " I IAIITI) INS r Ai I A FIO\ N ARRANT) \%high It made. s'cunip;uues rho contract It explains the conditions and cir-
<br />cumstances to which the installation of the s,hng \a dl be ,d,me I rake notice ,I the tun italUnn, nn ih • \xarrann , and I pameuhnl\ recogni ie that ar% Implied warranty which
<br />applies to ihzimtaliauun ants onyas long as the warranty ,r ,cry r:, anmra,t
<br />SPEC IAN: ORDER GOODS: 1 know that you h:%e ni,a,u red nth hau,c and Ire opcmngs +a that Not, can make the produce, n, lit n% pan I"I tar house. I take notice that the
<br />gtxxis that are manula,turcJ for nn ,pc•cdtc house pn,hehh \\ dI not III an other hou,es. ,utd under such condwon >. I know that I cannot cancel this contract at any time
<br />otter the pznod tit unx green to me. by la\x.mw "high uocau,rl After that lee-al Ivrodot t l iii, \Ikm,wlt) :Illha \e legit', +bltgamUtl ill pa \xUn 1 ❑tUll the lni to eepit
<br />ORI Il ATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSIRANC•E AND NtA REAL ES FATE.: I I proms, Io keep m\ house m good repair and to keep it insured for
<br />a least 81)t of as replacement \ alu, by buy mg s li end extended .,,,rage m,uranee pohcy "! he Insurance c ulpan% rim t he a pro, J by you. and the policy must have
<br />a beneficiary ct m,e which sax s that y u are to F,z , :ud i there , a la„ [ oiliest conq, :ui, must agile that n w ill not c :unc�nry police w ithoW first telling you. I au-
<br />file thmi7c the msurancc corolla,% u, pax cou directl\ kor am toss. 1 ,u can ch, rouse du o,urence pax nvem t„uher reps\ eny amount. 1 \ce you or to repair m} house.
<br />1 ha\ c the option of pn%,&nl, pmpzm u%urance through :m cx I,tin_ pall, � ,r through a police in ependends obtained and paid Rn by m 1 also pmtmse That I will not
<br />allow anyone el,e n. place an, Ilan %,.n n v r - l r,t.,tc wnh,ut \ our w often peruu,su,n i 1 promise In pax all tax, asses,nnnts and other charge on my real estate when
<br />due S. 1 p_o,,,c. u, tunc•I\ make all p,y cut ,.n 111y pr ,r loan, ,ccurx•d h\ I read estate I also prum%e that I \ dl not extend. rene\s ur chan_c prior loans \vitfinut }'our
<br />w ritrat p,rnu,su,n ± tf 1 cfu n.. -a ut,urc n% housr �r lultill my uther,hln_auon, t, m, real estate. then gnu c an do n for me rt you u.Int (hut cou do not have uri. If you do
<br />{ a% ant ,+Y throe ohllcation. hu •,,e. i a i e t, pas \ „u h- it ,n del"An d plc% uttere,i .d tin• hrgh„t l awful cantr.0 e cdr of uncrest l ntil I pax you back, these amounts will
<br />he edd,d n, rip dcht t, son: •.\hen s tied b, I d •,cue end mitt” I kris that !xou dcrld in bin m,uranse ter lug Ih:d xou d, not hoer ro obtain ao homeowner
<br />- hahih% nosurancc
<br />S.ALI :OF MY "Olt SE: I t"om "e ""t" "�! Ic.+,e,•r e;sc 11, loos, t, am.nte urad I hang tulh rep.ud oi\ debt u, \ou
<br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if
<br />I . 1 don't make a payment when due. or
<br />1 break any promise l made to you in this contract. or
<br />3. Sonethingelse happens which causes you to believe in goad faith that t do not intend to pay you as pmmiscd: or
<br />3. 1 definition acv obligations for which 1 am using my home as collateral: or
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any . in it.
<br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that yew have the right to f :=close the Mortgage I have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if 1
<br />am in fault urxltr this contract. Before my house is sold. vow will do everything that the law requires. Ifyou hire an attorney to assist you to sell my house, or. to sue me,
<br />am to protect your rights. I ago to pay you for. cur reasomabic atiorteys"fees and for other related expenses such as court costs, title searches and money you expended
<br />oo. topto3ect my how e. if you are allowed to collect such amounts by law.
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can chawse not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or• we can delay enforcing any of the rights
<br />without losing them. Wecanalsouse any rightsnow or inthe future given tousby law.
<br />DELAYS: 1 know that you will use your best efforts h: install the products I am purchasing on my house, but 1 also understand that in some situations you may encounter
<br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining ntatenals, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I understated that you will
<br />not be liable for such delays.
<br />ARI3ITRATIONi: If 1 have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantny. quality or performance of the products. I understand that my dispute maybe submitted to
<br />and s according cording to the mediation- arbitration program that may have developed in my cammunny. 1 also know that any decision made by an atbt[ratotis) would en-
<br />be
<br />in the court having jurisdiction over me and you.
<br />SAI.A "AGE % ALOE: I know that live window,. woodwork. ,.It bnek and other mile als that n :%c to he rcmo\eJ to xou for stns nnt.iilaunn have NO salvage value.
<br />When sou remove them. cou can hace them for whatever purl—C sou w ant
<br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some of the products that you sell. I understand that in special situations that your Regicinal Office may have to review
<br />and accept this contract. I also understand that this sale occurred to my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct information important to this transaction
<br />at our fingertips; I give you my consent to correct any obvious erron that may have occured when the blanks in this contract were completed.
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