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3. INV At, I If PROVISkIINg; if arty provision ,J1 his ,,ol i&f violates I Ile la" and is talrolofkeable. the I CSI of ill, :01111 at :1 will he 'A d � 11 011) part it [hl, t,uaftict fequlm,� <br />h I, tiffic 14�% d1jow, 5ou to collct:1 <br />law' licall is, two loon w it loob, have I tic fight tit '0 kc (I win life the alliollolol intere <br />('(,P,4PL1KTENFSS0F THIS CONTRACTO'lahcollit4o cijfloroly tit, thlingod if) wrinns <br />sold to a titran,:141 jil.,lituo'loof a hAok.afl4 I hficadd nixic. that the nopor <br />The follow tog, notice bounlos to Illy attention the fights thot I have cy;,n "licil [ills contract is <br />nsucte of this foovihiii" is stressed y if% appearance of tell Ilia al, hold five fypc� <br />NOTICE 87-10"w$4 <br />This credit Befflifecol fintimicige a purchase. All al rights which the Nuyor has 1111PI11111111t the <br />I also valid mat any holder of this <br />WA of this transaction, Including &tit claims and del ginges, are t <br />The right to recover money from ft holder under this provision Is limi to Me amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim is a IeWy valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense Is a Noly valid reason for not paying <br />that Seller. A holder Is anyone trying to coIIW for the purchase. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION; It I have 11(pWit cancellation )I fly coverage will be arranged with the insurance carrierw and <br />rtft <br />I irsuraricc Ili this pur� hasr, I may cancel such request for insurance for any reason within fifteen 0 5) days from be <br />dfite;� thin, counat ill, ta-gaving vial to the holder % in writing, I know that tht. colic <br />a full refund orovy foliffilitionio t'lIether withapplicAble fill.4facC ChAlgl! Will be credited in 011% V011141"' <br />PLEASE NOFE: It I have requeMed In"'Pulfe Ili flay. pitwhast, I will receive within thirty (30) dayNa ceniticate Lot ulooirinice more fully describing life insurance coverage. <br />I that I an) covered only in <br />I know, that if there " AlIv cont-It 'l all the coverage or ells language of (tic VVniticarc of insurance unit the, following Notice ill Propitw'A Insurance <br />theestem stated in life toflowing Nome of Proposed insurance, I also know that I have insurance coverage only ifs have been charged for it <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I take Lattice that culler Credit Life or Credit A,c ident and Health Insurance, or both, will ho- applicable ILL this Sales contract on the reverse side only if I have chosen <br />it by signing the request for such insurance. I In, insurance so, ill only cover the Ivison signing the. request it life cost for each type of insurance shown. -Subject In rice co! <br />) and wolf etintillue, only tor the "umber (it rnonibs otter the effective thfoo, equal to the =Of <br />by the niauralacc couriffoloy. the antoranco will tic cill"I've A, (it (Wo 4 n I ran have an <br />inthly payments I undierNiArat that this particular insurance asa�, not provide coverage for my last few payments• and that during that period time I wit Y <br />aa"'euancc coverage. All, and proceedi of the Insurance will he paid to You or 11) a I . inuncial institution or a bank if it purchases the Sales Contract to the ciftent of its <br />ov, pay the Towl tit lfaymcnh� [hereafter, the insurance <br />Interests and an% balance will he payable to mc� The initial amount of C redit Life Insurance is the amount required to re yet. "it we have both sighed <br />-Hu <br />diecoreases to�f the amount of each monthly payment on a scheduled 30 day basis. If I if"' Jointly obligated oil the Sales ( touract wi)tHhsa Cloumations or waiting period stated <br />itte request for Credit Life Insurance• drath herlefit% will tic payable only �vah respect toille fast one ofustodic. Subject ci <br />in the insurance policy or certificate, Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the benefit amount of 1,130th of each month's payourn ((it each day that I Am totally disabled <br />due to an injury of sickness while I ovo: any payment to you: ho%% e vcr. I understand that I have to be pre vented hunt out wotti ng due to such total disability for mare than four- <br />Iten 114) consecutive days before the insurance ticriefa is paid back to the first day of my filial disability. :1 also know that I cannot obtain any hoomraince from you III <br />rim over 65 yesionsoliage lofty, and I pain know that the insurance coverage provided to me may y contain a maximum amount of coverage which will But pay in Waffle <br />cam, the covithre anuffornot that I owe you. Duc to, the ilia x I all, rojinount of coverage stated in the insurance once fall ICY. I know that any unpaid arraitint in excess Off Insurance <br />coverage will still have to be paid. Ifilic Sales Contract is prepaid in full prior to the list payment date, any unearned insurance premiums will he refunded tome in the man- <br />ner prescribed by law. Within thirty ( 30) day,. I will receive the •erfifi•ale of insurance more fully describing my insurance coverage if the insurance is nix accepted by <br />the insurance company. I will receive a refund of the insurance premiums I have paid. <br />BUYER: The next two paragraphs contain wit rant ics relative to this sale given by us In the financial inst 11 Lit ion or bank in order tor it to i buy Ili is contract. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALL NT SALFA CONTRACT. AND RTGAGE <br />FOR VALUE 11F.CEIVED, Seller hereby sells, j,,signs. convcys, transfers and delivers it) <br />(Assignee; all of its rights. title and interest in and to the Installment Sa le, Contract and Mortgage. together with all liens existing it) secure its pays rit. and the Ilroperty, <br />a c <br />encumbered hcrcbv. Assignee I, here tisfiluted Lt., Mortgagee under the Mortgage provisions of this contract. Seller warrants and represents; 0 l It has the right it) make <br />b )a a <br />this assignment. 0) All 11filglure, in this contract all<] fit life Buyer's statement are materially true and correct; (3) This contract arose front The bona fide sale <br />of the gociols and services described herein; 14) The cash downpayment shown in this contract was actually paid by Buyer and no part of said downpayment was loaned di- <br />rectly or indirectly by Seller ill Buycr. (5) Each Buyer is legally competent in conflict; (6) This contract is not and will Mollie subject In any claim- defense. demand or right <br />of otfs= (7 1 The execution of this contract and the underlying sales transaction giving rise therein did not violate any federal or state law, directive. rule or regulation now <br />in cfficct: (9 1 In the event that this contract Of the underl) inp safes transaction is subject to a fight of rescission or cancellation by the Buyer, such rescission or cancella- <br />tion period has expired and neither the rule nor this contract has been cancelled or rest noted, THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. the undersigned I n authorized representative of the Seller and has signed below on behall of the Seller on this <br />day of asir-_ - I I of IT. <br />The foregoing HISITUMCIlt was acknowledged before 'Tic tit, <br />_j <br />by fit,- authorized ugent 0 <br />My commission exptres <br />JE�TA&Y-9ILn,.f NA Aga <br />451E C. GILBOW <br />coffle-Exr-D <br />THE PACESETTER JCRPORATION (sons) <br />By <br />In <br />A <br />R, <br />