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raLn Ott re v wdi l - r <br />of lia> io its of ray v nom anvil partmraaa anti fAx Security; I atn giving a wwway interra in: <br />die rtrxla, t,4 rvicee and -- -- g Ptr"party Iemg patifascrl, t <br />tst Ruyttttnt /� I:nunraAVa! lu he clays after thu date '7 of rbe c-tuplettn cetificate illy teal chador and IntProvtstmtnts, including my <br />__ house, all at troy "Addram" deny fie. <br />Alt sultaeEgtar.,nt mstalhrtcnts on the same day of <br />_ �1 1,iIP ca+'h consecutive mtnth until paid in full. FMOWRIKordi" ft" $- V!_qP_ <br />row r - --- - -.._. - --- I,trte closaw., If a paytttem in sutra than pan (10) days <br />it NAr iNSKaW slut credit disabilify insurance tiro net guile[ to obtain credit, auut will late, I will he a°Itarged $5.00 Ira 5% of the ? pay. <br />le des! n I sign and tit pay ft Additional cant, f he <br />prctaunr ��t Sianatuw <br />'T aEam trtsciit hfe__� <br />insuratc. . Ha re -'Auya . <br />ir <br />I wan credit aende <br />anti health insurancerm u e hdyer TT <br />WON, w aG aver IA , <br />Prepay If 1 pay off early. 1 will riot have to Foy <br />PFF PC" Is and I may he entitled in a refund of part of <br />Ana charge. <br />--° 1. , 0 1 will review tither portions of this contract <br />for Additional utfitmImitur about ri nrpyment default, <br />regmrad repayrxnt [n full before fl scheduled sc►eduled date, <br />1FMYtretnf refunds and penalties. <br />u means an estimate, <br />L y . amp I may obtala such hasar•anee from Anyone I want who Is acceptable to you or 1 may provide It through <br />ex6ft policy. If 1 this insurance through you, I will <br />twY S - -. r- �_.'�t`- �?'�_. for ___� _months of coverage, <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: The finance -It •e tintcrcr.t) is estimated to star on <br />f9 <br />daft dim I the t except in the event that vow comp tote thx installation of the gars and services tin tmotber date, then the finance charge (interest) will begin to run on the <br />and I sign a Conrptfction Ceniflcate. The ammtnf of finance charge (interest) may be more or less than ilk :unount disclosed depending on the anxmnts I pay you <br />my thmokocias to making payments. <br />PMWAVMM —. I may volut �fy prepay the ani unt 1 awe yew• in full or in part, at any tµne. If I make a partial prepayment, I'lust continue to make my regular paynnents Z <br />REQUEFf FOR EtI1,L PAYMENT: If I Ala, mt pay when due. you can okclare all that I owe under this contract payable on once. I agrtxt to pay you interest on that Anwunt Q <br />at maxitmtm contrast t rase allowed by law unit tic amount I owe you is paid. I also know that you can kin.clow the Mortgage I have given to you. <br />COIJAWTION COSTS. If 1 am in default of this contract and you demand full payment. I understand [bat you may send it to an attorneyy for collection an! a 'ltitrcertmnl. <br />If y do go. 1 o pay your reasonable attorneys' fees plus any court costs and expenses imurred by you. that is, if you are allowed to coflact such anount.s by law. <br />Of this cOntrALt as TOAGEr I hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and mortgage uo you, as Mortgagee, my real estate and house heated at my "Address– designated to the top punkin Z <br />unity for all amounts dim t+i you under this Installment Sales Contract. <br />> KV= SIK- I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A 4 <br />Z PART OF TM INSTALLIMIT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT I AN BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON TOE FRONT OF THIS VERY <br />o NISTALLKNT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIANS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBUGATIOO. <br />NOTICE TO BUYER < <br />I, I do tW to SIP this contract before I read it or if any of the spaces intended for the agreed terms to the extent of then asauaide information <br />F= we kit Ithunk. 2. 1 am eadilled to A copy of this contract of the time 1 sign it. 3. 1 may pay tiff the full balance due under this contract at any � <br />t:u dW&, tW In so doing I may be entitled to a rebale of the unearthed finance and Insurance chargers (if any). 4, 1 understand that this Instrument .1 <br />to a and that this lastramem is owl negotiable. 5. It shall not 6e legal Po• you to enter my premises unlawfully <br />or commit any breach of the paste to repossess goods purchased under this contract. <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I MAY CARET THIS AGREEMENT AT MY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE U <br />THE ACCOMPAINY0116 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN FJIPIANATION OF THIS RIGHT.) <br />COPY RECEIVED: I acknowledge receipt of a completely filled in copy of this contract along with two )copies of the Notic of fight to Cancel Form. <br />IN WITNESS WH EOF. this}Anstallt�ne�m /ggaleess C'ot/a� t and Mortgage has been signed on this _ day of <br />at (city) _ -__d___ZSr_ . State of Nebraska. <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION ISni.LFn - MURTUM&E, <br />1FA"MY NF. <br />State of Nebraska ) <br />ss. <br />County of <br />My conntnission expires: <br />The foregoimm Jr pi�nc i was acknowledged tr me on this Qday of 7 <br />I by the above designated <br />Ruy'er[s). Morigagor(s) <br />c <br />v <br />Notary Public <br />a <br />