<br />7 106472
<br />ELRC S 9 M I N
<br />GALE E. ME INK and LADONNA K. METTENBRINK, Husband and Wife, herein
<br />called Grantor, in consideration of one Dqllgr. ($1.29) , receipt of which
<br />is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and convoys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a
<br />permanent and perpetual easement and right-of -way to survey, construct,
<br />inspect, maintain, repair, replace, extend, remove, and operate tnareon,
<br />underground electrical utility lines, cables, terminals, transformers, surface
<br />markers, and other appurtenances connected therewith, in, upon, above, along,
<br />across, underneath, and through a sixteen (16.0) foot wide easement through a
<br />tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast. Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (NE- 1 /4,SE -1/4), and part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (SE-1 /4,NE-1 /4) of Section Twenty Four (24), Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska; the
<br />centerline of said easement being more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly right-of -way line
<br />of the Burlington Northern Railroad, said point being three
<br />hundred ninety seven and seventeen - hundredths (397.17) feet
<br />Southeasterly from the intersection of said right-of -way
<br />line with the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the
<br />Southeast Quarter (NE- 1 /4,SE-1 /4); thence Northerly along a
<br />line three hundred fifty (350.0) feet East of and parallel to
<br />said West line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (NE- 1 /4,SE-1 /4) and the West line of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE- 1 /4,NE -1 /4), a distance
<br />of six hundred (600.0) feet to the termination of the
<br />centerline of said easement.
<br />The above said easement containing 0.22 acres more or less,
<br />as shown on the plat dated 9/2187, marked Exhibit "A ",
<br />attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference,
<br />together with the following rights:
<br />Unrestricted ingress and egress to the above described easement tract for
<br />the installation, maintenance, operation, and removal of such underground
<br />electrical utility lines and appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of ingress and egress shall include all rights necessary for
<br />the full and complete use, occupation, and enjoyment of the easement herein
<br />granted, including the right to remove, clear, and keep clear trees, bushes,
<br />hedges, undergrowth, and other obstructions interfering with the surveying,
<br />construction, inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, extension, removal,
<br />or operation of such underground electrical utility lines and appurtenances.
<br />No improvements, structures, buildings, fences, or other obstructions of any
<br />kind whatsoever, shall be allowed in, upon, above, along, across, underneath,
<br />or through the easement herein granted.
<br />All underground electrical utility lines, cables, terminals, transformers,
<br />surface markers, and other appurtenances connected therewith, placed in, upon,
<br />above, along, across, underneath, and through such easement shall remain the
<br />property of the Grantee; and may be removed or replaced at any time.
<br />