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s <br />( "), in the Original prifncipilil stun of $— —000.-- ° O#dh interest thereon, (b) the performonce of all coveriants. terms and <br />condnions of a BgWV low► Agreement dated October 23, 19 Wmdmg for the construction of certain improvements on the <br />above described Property, (c) of all the coveriants and agneenrients of the Borrower herain contained. aid (d) the <br />repayawit of any fut m advances, with interest thereon. made to Borrower by LerKlor, so long as such future advances do not cause <br />hereby, exclusive of amounts advanced to protect the secunty of this Deed of Trust, to exceed the original <br />principal tun of the Note as aforesaid plus $ _.._6.x020 COQ <br />COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS. Borrower and Lendw covenant and Was as s, <br />t. UNENCUMBERED TITLE. Borrower coveriants that Borrower is lawfully semed of the estate hereby conveyed and has the <br />right to grant raid convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and t hall Borrower will warrant and defend generally tfhe title <br />to this Preperty against an dskr4 and demands. <br />2. PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. Borrower shall promptly pay when die the principal of and any interest on the <br />indeblieffness eviffenosid by Wa tom, prepayment and Isis charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest on any <br />by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. COMPLIANCE WITH LOAN DOCUMENTS. Borrower con" with an the terms and conditions; of the Building Loan <br />the Note, and any otter document evidencing or securing the debt secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />$. ACMUPATION, (Am awwworsbraegh of any covenant or t, or any I pure to perform any tortes and (ron Yt oris <br />of flas Deed of Tr4o, the No% or Building Loan Agreenient or other documents or Securing this kmn, the entire amount of <br />the MdfbWWWM, inckX" Wk"* WW MWGW and any SUM to thffi seciody :hf this OiWd sat Truth, wfhnti, at then <br />apen of U~ immeft" become due WW ° fiat and shall bear irftresl as provNlod in the Noto <br />2c, <br />