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t 94n 41M tic;►nel A ciation OWNERS bIBN CERTIFICAi° <br />AWN" s Pbst Office Box <br />Omaha, Alrbraska 68103 <br />the owners of the following described real astate: <br />THE SOUTH TWENTY FIVE (25) FEET OF LOT TEN (10) AND THE NORTH FIFTY (50) FRET <br />OF LOT ELEVEN (11), WOLFE'S SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HAIL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />br sk F <br />hereby certify to Norwest Bank N b, �lational Association in order to ind f ort uce the payment o Y thousand and <br />ft0l 100------- - - - - -- -Dollars ($ 41t, OOO 00 ) that there has been no labor, material, machinery or fixtures <br />performed or furnished in connection with the preparation, seeding and landscaping of the land, the construction and <br />erection of a house on said land that could become a lien on the above described property. <br />We further agree as part of the terms and in consideration of the mortgage loan that we will not contract for or assume <br />any obligations in connection with the above described property which will cause any person or give any person the <br />right to file a lien against said property, and in the event any such lien is filed, we agree to discharge same and cause the <br />lien to be released of record forthwith upon the request of Norwest Bank , 'Rational Association. <br />DATED October 15, f9 87 <br />E <br />MW Rft a <br />i <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />Patrick A. Tindall <br />, c) I r\ CI <br />Susan D. Tindall <br />A <br />