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QUITCLAW 01991D 87- <br />MM W. B94KO and =M BAMM, Wwbemd and Wife, GRANTOR. In consideration, of, <br />W D=M 01.00) AM MW VMIMZ OWSIDRUTION DMLARG received from GRANTEE, <br />quitchilm to GRANTEE, the following described real ostate (as defined In Neb. Rev. Slat, 74-201): <br />lots One (1). Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4), Regency Bv The <br />Grim Second Suibdivision to the City of Grard T;sland, Hall <br />Lots Thr-ee (3), Five (5), Seven (7), and Seventeen (17) through <br />Eight (38) imlusive, Regency By The Green Subdivision to the <br />City of Grand Island, iOl Cbmty, Nebraska. <br />------- <br />