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of the Nab Pda*d Meridian, cowwaing mail ------------------ acres according to Government survey: <br />fro Ran ad, To MM do pt+tnsises above 4secr4bid. with all the wwwanoes the rawto bektaging aid including rV batting, <br />phimbing,end 10ding thawn and @*dpmm now or hereafter aftacbed to or used in connection with said red estate unto the Mort - <br />pmad to IN swoessors; and sm*v6 forever. The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mortgages, do the Mort. <br />MW hes load right to wB and owM said promises; that they me her ftoss encumbrance; and that the Mortgagor will Warrant and <br />dideod'the same against the kwM defies of A parsons wbormorver; and the said MwWW hereby nWqWdm all rights of <br />boalftead. and AN marks! tWo. ekber in law or in swAy, end W other condepat harests,of the Mortgagor in and to the above- <br />, 1'M I peeadear. Me handon bWaS to convey beraby an absolute title, in fee skVk, including sU rights of homestead, mid odwr <br />Ewa and,-barests a aforesaid. <br />pool d Adam and dwee presents am enamted and ddivered upon the following conditions, to wit: <br />MN,MMIP@w agrees IOPNY the MatPPO,Of order, the PdOdP'd mom Of Sixty Eight Thousand One <br />.Run,dred and no/100 ------------------------- DoHws($ 68,100.00 <br />wilkiefterst from does at the ram of T a n Par centunt ( 10.0 %) per ammm on the <br />anImid blift" a1ff Paid- The said PWCWW sad Interest shall be P%Y8bW At tits OW109 Of T h e E q u i t: a b I e B u i 1 d i n g <br />and Loan Association, <br />its' Grand Island, Nebraska, or at such other pisce as the holder of the now <br />ate#di4.m of Five Hundred Ninety Seven and 631100 -------- <br />------------ DOB— 0597 .63 1 ). commencing on the first day of November <br />It 8 76 and on the Orst day of cub mood tbK*u*w uaW dw principal and harm we flaft paid, except that the fhW payment of <br />'and Y6trsa. V aot sooner psK sb@U be due and pay" on the first day of October <br />M 17 ; AN sareedft 10 *A term Of a certain prombsory now of even dest herewith awaited by the said Mortgagor. <br />Previeve EdNWW Are Obsolete <br />Pop I of 4 <br />w <br />