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ME=, <br />Late Seven (7), and Ten (10), and that part of Lot Eleven (11), sore <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Westerly corner of Lot <br />Eleven (11), (which is also the Northwest corner of Lot Seven ), thenew in a <br />Northeasterly direction on thin Northerly line of said Lot Cloven (11), a <br />d1stsaoe of 71.3 Peet, thence in a Southeasterly direction on a line at right <br />angles to the Northerly lot line, a distance of 49.0 Feet to a point an the <br />Scmth�rrly line of said Lot 11, (which is also the Northeast corner of Let <br />10)#I thence Westerly on the Southerly lot line of said Lot it a distance of <br />K.S Feet to the point of beginning, all being in Block F (4), <br />ivis on of Block Four (4), Second Addition to Holcombs Miqbway Now <br />Subdivision, in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter ( I/4 1/4) <br />of Section Twenty Eight (28f, Township Eleven (11) North, Bang* Nine (g) West <br />of the Bth P.N., Nall County, Nebraska. <br />,,a <br />