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RELEASE OF MORTGAGE <br />Chi: HUM= AND ONE (101) IN RAILRQAD ADDITION HOM ADDITIONS BEIM TO THE <br />CITY OP GUM ISLAND, HALL C0IA+T1'Y, NEBRASKA. <br />Which said mortgage bears date 9TH OF December 1976 , and <br />is ceded in IN&M of mortgages on MW <br />Document # 76- 007222 <br />of die records of Hall County, Nebraska, said Association hereby acknowledges full satisfaction of and releases the <br />saano. <br />In witness whereof the said THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, has caused this instrument to be signed by its President and attested by its <br />Secretary this 19th day of October A.D., 1987 . <br />Euqubable Building and Lean Association of Grand bland, NeWaAa <br />on" 19th day of October A.D., 19 87, before me, a Notary Pubes <br />duly and qualified for and residing in said county, personally came N. H. f4c Kedq <br />and J. w. Oisan <br />to see known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above release as President and Secretary <br />of and acknowledged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and dead and the voluntary <br />act and dead of the said THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />g•ra <br />MY amnission expires ...Y...e....C_1�.`? <br />