<br />87, 1G6071
<br />It Lender required mortgage insurance as .I condition of making the loan secured by thin Security In-
<br />strument, liurmwe•r shall pay the premiums rcquifed n) mamf:un the IIIS111l3llle Ill ed let I nerd 5+14'1) ttitle rill rcquirenlcnt for
<br />flit- insurance terminates 111 accordance with Bonnwur's and I.Clid •r's written agrc•enl!f1a or applicable law.
<br />H. Inspection. Lcnder or its agent may make rcasonahlt• entries upon and inspections of the property. Lcnder shall
<br />give Burrower unlike at the time of ur prior In an Inspection spiv.dying 1'e,lsnnable cause for the ntspecliun.
<br />9, Condemnation, The proceeds of any ,+ward ur , lain) for damage,, direct or tunsccluentia1, in connect ion with lily
<br />once moat ion or other talking of : +ny part of the property, or fur umveganeC in lieu of u>ndennhatiun, art hereby assigned and
<br />shall be paid as Lender.
<br />In (lie event of a total taking of rile Properly, the proceeds shall be applied [o the sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument, wherher or nut then due, vvarh any cxke•ss paid to Borrower In Ihcevelu ill .I partial takinguf the property, unless
<br />Borrower and Lender urhurwlse :agree• ul writing, ncc sums secure,] by thrS Sccukit) Instrument shall be reduced by the amuunl
<br />cif rile proceeds n)ultipliU1I by rile following fraction t.I l the total anhount of the stuns se, Liked ni n ediarcly before taking,
<br />divided by (b) tilt• fair market value tit file Property immediately before the !,king. Any balance shall be paid Io Bornluer.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by liorruwcr, I )r it, after not Ice by Lendcr to linnuwei that Ihe Londein nor offers w make
<br />,ul award or se[tle a claim fur daillag", Borrower halls to respond Ill Lender w'uhin iO days after the date the notice is green,
<br />Lender IS authorized 10 Cullen and .apply tilt.• proceeds, at its option, eldlul n, restoration or repair of Ihe• Property or to the
<br />sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or nub then due
<br />L IIIICSS Lendcr and Borrower otherwise igrve tit writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />postpone tire due date of the nu)nthly payineml> referred to in paragraphs I and ! or Change rile .nnuunt of such payments
<br />Ill. Burrower Not Released; Forbearance fly Lender Not if Waiver. Flownslon LIf (tic tine• tilt payment or
<br />n
<br />modification tut :uurnzation ill file sums secured by (his SCLUrn) Instrument granted by Lender ro any SukcCSSo r in Interest tit
<br />Burrower shall not operate to release the laabilnf of the original Burrower or Borrower's 511ele•SSorN tit interest. Lender shall
<br />not be required to uunmcnte• pnxC•edings against any StecesSnr in in(ciest or refuse to extend time for payment orotherwisc
<br />modify anlortizatiunof the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower
<br />or Borrower's Successors in Inte•resf Any forbearance by Lcnder in exercising in), right or re•nle•dy shall not 130.1 waiver of or
<br />preclude the exercise tit any right or ceinetly.
<br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co- signers. Thccovc•nants and agreements cif this
<br />Security Instrument Shall bind and benefit rhr.• successors and assigns of Lender and Borrowed. Subject to the provisions of
<br />paragraph 17 Borrower Luve•nanfs and agreements shall be lull)[ and sc%vtal. Any Burrower who Lit -SIgflS till, Security
<br />Instrument but does nor exe cmC• the Nuee t. aIISCO- SigningfhsSCCUroy Instrument only tonuntgage,graillandumveythat
<br />Borrower's interest in the Property Under the [c•kins of this Security Instrument, I bl is not personally obligated to ply file
<br />sums secured by this Security Instrument: and It e agrees that Lender' and any whet liurrnwer may agree to extend, modify,
<br />forbear or make any acannne,danons with regard to the teens of this Se•cunty InsrrunlC•nt ur life Nutt ulthuut filar
<br />Borrower's consent.
<br />12. Loan Charges. If the loan Secured by this Se(urny Instrument IS Scd)jen toe la% which sets (11ex11nun) loan
<br />charges, and that law is finally interpreted Su that the Inte•resf or other loam charges tullelled ur 10 be tollt-ctet] in connection
<br />with the loan exceed the permitted limit, then (a) any such loan charge Shall be reduced by Ill(: ,unuum nekeSSary' to reduce
<br />the charge to [lie permitted limn,, and I b) any sums already u)llC•ned from liorruwc•r which cxc•CLIed permitted linins will be
<br />refunded to Burrower. Lender may choose I.) make this re lUnd b}' rcduetng the principal owed under file Nutt or by making .I
<br />direct payment to Borrower. If .1 refund reduces principal, the fed,IL11(in will he freaked is a partial prepayment A ithout al))'
<br />prepayment Charge under the Note
<br />13. Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. It enaLunenl or expiration of applicable laws has the effect of rendering
<br />any provision of rile Nute•ur this Seco'oy Instrument unenfurteablc acording it) its terms, Lender, at itsoptaun, may require
<br />immediate payment in full of all Sums secured by this Security Instrtunenr and may invoke .lily remedies permitted by
<br />paragraph I9. If Lender exercises this option, Lendcr Shall [akc• the• stepS specified in tire second paragraph of paragraph 17
<br />1 -i. Notices. Any notice I,, Burrower pn)vtdC•d for in this Security Instrument shall be given by de•liveiing it or by
<br />mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law rt•(julreS uscof .uumher me•fhod. The notice Shall bedirt•ned to the Property'
<br />Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to Lender shall begiven by first class mall
<br />n) Lender's address Stated herein or any ether address lender L''e•signates by notice to Borrower. Any nofic• provided for u)
<br />this Security Instrument shall bedeenud it) have• been given to Burrower or LC•nder when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br />15. Governing Law; Severahility. This Security IIISIR llletlt shall lie governed by federal law' and the law of flit: jurisdiction in which the property is lok.ncd In the event that any provision or elrusc•uf flits Sccirity Instrument or [lie Note
<br />conflicts with applicable law, such conflict Shall not affect otlief prm!stuns of fhs Se•cunty Insn'unefit or file Note "filch call
<br />be given effect without the urnflitting pro%I'lon 'I'n till, lend the pronsu)ns of this Seci my Instria unl and flit- Nutt .Ire
<br />declared to be severable
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shell be gscn one L,,nlornn -d topy of Ihe Note .Ind of till, Security' Instrument
<br />17. Transfer of the property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If JI or any part of (lie Property Lid en)
<br />interest in it is solder transferred for It e beneficial one•re,r n) fiurrimvi is sold of n.usfcrred and Burrower s nor a Molit.d
<br />person) without Lender's prior %kitten consent, Lcnder may. .11 its option, rtsµnre Immediate pay nium ill full of Al suns
<br />secured by Phis Security Instrument I fowever. tills opi Ion Streit nor be exerL ISe•d by LL-1114A It exe•ru,c IN prohl6ned by feder.11
<br />law as of the date of tills Security Instrument
<br />If Lender exert ices this option, Lendcr Sha II give Borrower IIW It ill at LC let l It) o 'fhc nor e• Shall prL1, Ide a period of
<br />not less than illdays from the date (If(- notice is dukered or mauled wlthnl wlulh Burrower 1111111 p,ly ill 111111, !caned by till,
<br />Security Instrument. If Burrower falls of pay these sums prior ni flit- expuailon of Ihls period, Lcnder may nm,ke any
<br />remedies permit Ielf by this Sectlr it Ilist nlrnent wit hout hurt ter nootc tit dtn6ntd stn Ii. lYnwer
<br />18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Burrower meets certain tondnion,, Hommer ,h,Ill had a rhr tight In Baler
<br />enforcenle•nt of this Sctunry Instnnnt•ni dl,tonnnucd .n any amt• poor Io Ihe canner of 1.1, s fey'•, rim loth other pct ❑,d .I,
<br />applicable law may spe, Ify Ind it lo,f.nt-mnnr i befurr S,de of the• Property pursuant I., .,m pow rl'0 ,.Ile, ont.nned'n 11)1, Sr
<br />cunfy Inslrurncot, or I1), t-ntry ,I a jud„mcnl cnfor(m); rills ScLUrny InStom'.of I ho,e , nl,{u1 nn .nr Ihar I ;ill—,- I
<br />pays Lundt'l .Ill cum who -Il lilt n would be dot• under lhs'ScLUrIIy lo,numcm and the N'.uc 1).i :l it: :.ill rlri.iti „l) 1 :t, in li J- h
<br />�re� shy Irf.ntllillart),Ilheitom n,mi—I igrcenleills itIpey,allc silk It,t, nLiincJ lot nt,'il_ 1,1:1iu,`o, ,alt In a Inon:
<br />Intl) I, i,g. but nut Illnittd ro, tt I'.moble..00ll s, fit,, od I.h r'lkt, "0, "t-11 1, I code 1 -t H 1- 11101, is I I .i,
<br />sure that the Ili', „t till, hL,wiry In,lnnnt tit. Iendt r , iight•. in rhr P ,pert, n .I I4 .,,, a
<br />,rtnerd is Ih:, crunty In,t ill 11rr)r SII,illoonnnur nnolijI,yol 1!1,.n rrni,i.itoIncn' I', 14..11, :r,ri I! :i, • „, ,1�: 1n�n1,�.<u;
<br />�ni! rhr In if ,tuiir,l h<iL'hy , {fall a in.un liillt el itorte
<br />r;,,i .ipj,I, rt1 Iflr :- I,r,�f .n,11t -a ,un�n un,1r1 p.0 .i;n �j.11
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