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i e! <br />COFFEY/aRAYES @ ®, 145986 9004455 Customer <br />RELEASE OF MORTGAGE <br />IN CONSIQERATKNI of the payment of the debt named therein, CFS NortBase 9MMtion f /k/& <br />Tom' Financial, Inc• , hereinafter referred to as "Lender ", hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />US rinancial. ing hereinafter referred to as "Mortgages", by <br />X A. g9MY and DALE hUsband and wifq on the following described red , to -wit: <br />Fart of Block Two (2), of "Koehler Subdivision" located upon a part of the Southeast Quarter <br />of the Southwest Quarter (SE k SW )q) of Section Fifteen (15), in Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Mine (9), West of the Sixth P.M., and a part of Lot Fourteen (14), tsf this County Sub- <br />division of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (fits SW )a) of Section Fifteen (15), in <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described <br />as follows, to wit: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block Two (2), running thence <br />North along and upon the west boundary line of said Block Two (2), for a distance of 204.3 <br />feet, running thence east parallel with the north boundary line of said block for a distance <br />of One Hundred Sixty (100) feet, running thence south parallel with the west boundary line of <br />said Block for a distance of 129.9 feet to the Northerly boundary line of the belt line of <br />tie Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, running thence in a southwesterly direction <br />along and upon the northerly boundary line of said belt line for a distance of 175.3 feet to <br />a place of beginning, all in Hall County, Nebraska except that part conveyed by Warranty Deed <br />recorded as Document No. 78- 003971 in the Register of Deeds Office, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />which mortgage is recorded in 84-000966 of the Mortgage Records of <br />Hall County, State of Nebraska <br />N TESTRAONY WHEREOF, the Lender has caused these presents to be executed by its Vice President and its <br />corr" seat to be affixed hereto this 28th day _ Rep—he" _._ , 19 97 <br />Co# CFS Mortgage Corporation f /k /a Towm FinayskI, I=. <br />�p9 j Lender <br />9� <br />By <br />Co ppORATE. z Vice President <br />W. SEAL- r c ! <br />On 01js 28th day of SADtmbar , 19 87 , before me the undersigned, a Notary Pubhc in and <br />fortsaid Cody, ply carne L. Mori , vice President Of <br />CES Mmmtgmea , +.lien f/ /a To .m Finsnnial _ T.v._ to me personalty known to be the identical <br />person whose name, as such officer, is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument <br />to be the vokxttary act and deed of said Lender in said official cap y voluntahri�y done and executed. <br />My Commission expires: A cd=AdNgf-ry .St.l.afN-!X <br />ELLEN M. lOERZ Notary-' U <br />W C ®mm. E> A. M- x.18,1491 <br />TMS•ODA <br />R-v 7 95 <br />0 <br />I <br />