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'f <br />,7 r, <br />A travt of land cusy,rls Isis 4 part of the Wvst 11:11f of ale 1N,U[I14Nat qquarter fW', SP'.) and a part of the Sops hwa +[ gn.rfvr <br />(5N4) of Svoclon Seven (7), lownship•Ten (IQ) harmh, Hangs Imt Ile) Waot ur for Ott) I'. M„ Ilan (aunty, Noraska and nut° <br />particularly Joscrib°J me. followst I - <br />lk'g1 nn ins sit n point an. the north lino of Bald Southwest gtmrter (5641, soil paint heiny Kt'vvn 111ma�rrJ 1`ifey -Seven <br />.unJ 1Lfty »1hrou IlmdradtIts (857.531 rent rcpt of the centr'r of quid Scot Ioil vven (7); thvnco N 69 $7' 59" h alnn(: <br />au,J upon the north line of xald Southwest 4- rter (SW'.) dlernacc or six lilmdr}J Party -four Plod Two 144914 (644,221.) <br />feet• thonce S Ul 26' 32" F. a distance of UP* tluiutred fl rty -Two arid 1,01- •Three 1NmdreJths (152,43) feet; thvnc4 <br />S 446 H6' nW" U u Jlstance of One Itutdred Twenty -0,10 and Srvtnty -Nina IbmdreAlis (121,7'!) frSt; thence S Sit' tiI' TIT' i <br />u Jls[anea of 'three Hundred Fifty -Four and Ninety -Kine lluldradthx (1.',4,99) fact; thence S 20 H1' 57'1: a'. "I' <br />Two Iluadred Twenty-Four slid Seventy -tour Iundredths (224,74) fast, thence 5 070 18' 5714 E a distance of four IHlmdreJ <br />Eighty -Five aad Twenty -Nina Hundredths (485,29) feat: thence S 12 13' 15" E a distance of Three IluaJrcd Two )ve aoJ <br />Eighty -six 14ndredths (112.86) feop theics 5 22 23' 13" E u Jlstance of Two Ihmdrtnl SixtyT'wo and ('arty -Nina Ihln- <br />dredths (26.49) foot; thence S 61 53' 12" C a distance of Eighty Nine anJ Eighty -Three Hundredths (6'9;654 feet; - <br />thence S 43 210 32" C a distance of Four Hundred Eighty -1'wo and Two Hundredths (482,02) feet.' 'hence S Ol 02' 4)" 6 <br />a distance of Five Hundred Forty -NInS and Twenty -Thrce Humlrcdths (549.23) 'feet to the point on the south line of sAid <br />Southwest Quarter (SN'I); thence S 69 594 56" E along and upon the south line of said Southwest quarter (Swy) a distance <br />of Three Illadtvd Five and Thirty -Seven Ilundredths (305.37) feet so the south Quarter corner of said Section Seven (7); <br />thence 5 49 47' 14" 8 along and upon the south line of paid West half of the Southeast quarter (W't SEOi) a distance of <br />Ono Humdr;d Thirteens unJ Nine Hundredths (113.091 fast; thence N 0(? S6' 21" W a distance of Two Ihndre4 Thirty -Six <br />and TwentySIX Hundredths (236,26) lost; thence N 89 $4' OS" L• a distance of One Ilin JrvJ twenty -fight and PiftyOne <br />IiulJredths (128,51) feet; thence N 03 02' SO" C n distance of Two Ihndred Ninety -Olio and 111fry -Pour Ilan Jredel., 5291.51, <br />fact; thence N 89°. S6- 33" E a distance of Five Hundred Sixty and Pourteen.liundredths (560•14) fret; thence S 26 41'10 "E <br />-a distance of one Ilundr °d.TLeaty -One and Thirty -One Hundredths (121.31) feet; thence S 68° 56' IV E a distance of Iw,r <br />'.Hundred Sixty -Nine and Saventy -Two Ilundredths (469.7I) feet 'to a point on the east lino of said West tt11f of thv 1.0 h. <br />cast Quarter (W'9 SEls).; thence N, 00° 09' $5" E along and Vim the cost lino of sold West half of the Southeast Qluric, <br />(Wy SEi) a distance of ?Ivo•Hundred Forty -Seven and Thirty-Plve Hundredths (547.351 feet; thence K 88 <br />distance of One.1bousand Four Hundred. Ssvent y- rev and forty -Sevcn lundreJths (1.473.47) feet; thence N h2° lU' 54" n <br />a distance of Twa'Hutdred Sixty and Nineteen IlunJreJths (26U.1g) feet; thence N 42° 45' 31" W a distance of One itun0r, -J <br />Fifty -Six and Twenty -One Ilusndradths (156.21) feet; thence N 20 35' 35" M a distance of One llundreJ Twcnty -Five and <br />Eighty -Six Hundredths (125.86)'fecb; thence N 00 $1' 55" w a distance of Pour Ilundred Ninct•v -Four and Sixty -Une Hun - <br />JruJ,hs (494,61) fact; thence N 20 37' S3" k' a distance of Ninety -rive and four Ilutalredths (95.04) feet; thence <br />N 45 510 43" W s distance of Due Hundred Sixty -Four and Ninoty -One IlunJreJths (164691) feet; thence N le '.' U7" W <br />a diatauce of ono Hundred Sixty and Fifty -Two IlunJreJths (160.52) feet; thence N00 40' 40'1 W a distance of five <br />Hundred Fifty -Nino (5S9.0)' feet -to the point of bog(nning and containing 35.721 acres, Dore or loss. <br />Reserving to the grantor and its successors in owns -hip to the folloving described property, to -wit: <br />A tract of land comprising a 'part of the West Ralf of the Southeast Quarter (W', SE'.) and a part of the Southwest Quarter <br />(5W'+) of Section Seven, (7); Township Ten (!0) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P. H,'. Ilan County, Nebraska and more <br />particularly described as follows: . <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said West Ilalf of the Southeast Quarter (W-t SCI,); thence S OUP 09' 55" W along <br />and upon the cast tine of said * W est Half of the eouthcapt Quarter (W'h SE4) a distance of One Thousand Eight llundreJ <br />and Five Ilundredths (l,BUV. U.) feat; thence•N 68° u3' I6" e a Jlstance of One Thousand I'cur HOmdrud Sevvaty -Three <br />­J Forty -Sevcn Itundredths (1,473.47) feet; thence ll 42° I1 54" W a Ji s[antc of Two Hundred Sixty and Nineteen <br />Ihmdredilm (260.19) feat; thence -N 420 45' 3l" W a distance of One Ilundred Fifty -Six and Twenty -One Ilundredths (156.21t <br />feet thence N 200 35' 35" W a distance of Ono Ilundred Twenty -Five and Flghty -Six I4mdredths (125.86) fret• thence <br />N n0 51' SS" W s distance of Four Ikndred Ninoty -four and Sixty -Ope Hundredths (494.61) feet; thence N 20d 37' 53" h <br />a distance of Ninety -Five and Four lundreJtIts (95.04) fees; thence N 4S° 51' 43" W a Jistance of One llundreJ Sixty- <br />Four and Ninety -One Hundredths (164.91) [set; thence N l8 22'•07" W a distance of One Ilundred Sixty and Fifty.1'wo <br />11— olredths (160,52) feet; thence N UO° 40' 40" W a distance of F14e Ittmdred Fifty -Nine (559.0) feet to a point on the <br />north line.of said Southwest Quarter (SW'r). thence S 89° 37' 59" E along and upon the north line of said Southwest <br />Quarter (SMs), a distance of Seven Hundred Fifty -Seven and Fifty -Three Hundredths (757.53) feet to the center of said <br />Section Seven (7); thence continuing S 69° 374 59" C along and upon the north line of said West lialf of the Southe—r <br />Quarter (Wy SEi) a distance of One Thousand Three lundred Seventeen and Seventy -Nine Hundredths (1,317.79) feet to the <br />point of beginning and containinj 79.335 acres, sore or less. <br />The right of an Easement for ingress and ogress over and across the East 100 Feet of the above -descr Lbed <br />property barn,; deeded herein. <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />a <br />I <br />M <br />0 <br />