A tract of land gomprlrlul�lI s part Or the West I141f u( the M,utbw,at quarter (Wei SPW a0d a Fart of the hgilt IoRet Qn "rerr
<br />(Shill of Section Scvm (7J, Tls.nship•Tan (,l U) Worth, Nange Ism (J0) Nast or the 4111 1'. H„ fait Wooly, Nebraska and a.n'u
<br />particular3y doaarivad e6,1911arst o -
<br />hcginul0g at o point on'the north ling of sold Southwest Quarter (SW'.), said point timing Seven Hong ii, fiii,N Ana
<br />11.11 1ifty.111FOO Ilundredths (757.53) feet west or tlae canter of Wald Section Seven (7); thenco N /0 37' 59" W :gunny,
<br />and tope+" the north IIna of sold Southwest Qnsn'ter (SW4) a JJstancu of Six Ilundrail Forty -FOur and Two Tanthan'444420)
<br />feet tlntvace S ate 26' 3211 F. a Jistanco of Ono hwalred fifty -TWO unit Party - Throe ihutdredtlas (162.43) foot; u
<br />N 44 Ih' uN" 1: u distance of aunt IhatJrod 9wonty -iota end SrvmntyNino lindredths (121,79) rest; thence S 51 u." 07" 8 1! 4 e (354.99) fb, o � , s l
<br />dittunce Of tln .a
<br />TwolktndreJ TwontyeFaur and Seventy -rour Ikndradhs(22474) feet' tl•vnee 507 Is' 5 E a distance of Fourllaodred
<br />Eighty-Flve mad 'rwonty -Nine Hundredths (486,20) Jack; tiotre 5 126 13' 15" E . distance of Three hundred Twelve and
<br />IilghtX -S/x lindredths (312.86) fee #i Whoa S 22 231 I31' E 0 Jiatance of Two llundrod SixtyT'wo and Forty -Ninv hul-
<br />Jredthe (268.49) feet; thence 6 82 63, till a a distance of Eighty -Niue slid Flighty-These ilndrodths (41,/38 feet;
<br />thence S 43 210 3211 0 a distance of Your.Ilundrad Eighty -TWO and T'wo IWnJredtha 082,02) Peat; thenco S 41 02' 41" E
<br />a dlatnnco of Five Hundred Forty -Nin€ mad Tent Three Ilwalrodths (549.23) 'feet to the point on the South Ito; of saki
<br />Y- u Jisllove
<br />Southwest quarter (Shy); thence S 69 50' $6" E "long slid upon the south line of said Southwest QuatKer (SW',)
<br />of Throe Ik�Jr¢d Five and ThlrtySevm IlwndreJths (305.37) feet to the mouth Quarter corner of sold Section Seven (7);
<br />thence S IW 47' 14" / slung lid upon tlno mouth line of salt Wcet Ilf of the Southeast Quarter (W4 lifi4) s distance of
<br />lino Jhadred Thirteen and Nlno Hundredths 0 13.09) feSt; thence N 000 54' 21" W o distance of Two Ilmdrod Thirty-Six
<br />'anal T.aaly -Six flwwlredths (236.26) fort; theete N 99 $4' 05" E a distance of Ono ibnJroJ 'Iwenty -Elght and Fifty -rtao
<br />Ihadredt I's (128.61) feet; thence N 03 02' SO" r. a distance of Two Ilundred NlnetyUno and .14) ve%; IthencedSC20 4.'S " °t
<br />feet; thence N 89P $6' 33" E a distance of Five Hundred Sixty and fourteen dlundredths (Sh�t.14) fret;
<br />•s
<br />-distance of One IhnJ[ed. ll+enty -line .and Thirty-ong IlundreJths (121.31) feet; thence S 68 56' 10" E a distance of Inn•
<br />IhsuJred Sixty -Hine and Sovmty -Two Ilundredths (460.72) fact 'to a paint on the cost lino of said Must IWIf of tilt,
<br />Quarter (11's S94); thence N 000 091,65" E along snllrepon the east lino of maid West Itnlf of the Southwest Qawnrtea
<br />(wit SEy) a distance of Five hundred Forty -Soya. and Thirty -Five IlundreJths (547.35473047; feet
<br />distance N3620 10'' 54" F
<br />distance of Ono•Thoussnd Four. Ikndied,S,vmty -Throe unit Forty -Seven Hundredths (1,4 )
<br />a distance of TWS Hundred Sixty and 'Nineteen IlundreJths (260.18) feet; thence N 42 45' 31" W n Jlmtanco oil tine IkalJn•d
<br />Fifty -Six and Twenty -Ono Ilutdrodths (IS6.2)) fer3; thence N 20 35' 35" W a distance of Ono llundrod Tilroty -Five unit
<br />rfghtySix IltnJredtht (125.66) foefi; thence N 011 51',55" W a Jistanco of Illur Ilundred Ninety-Four snit Sixty-Ole Ilun-
<br />JroJShs (4!4.61) feet; thence N 20 3t $ce W a J;stsnce of Ninety -Five and i'aur IlundreJths ('95.04) feet;" hence
<br />N 45 51' 43" W a distance of One Hundred Sixty -Four and NinotyOne Ilundredths (164 911 feet; thence N Itl 22' U7" W
<br />a distance of Ono Jlundred Sixty. and Fifty -Two Ilundredths (1611.52) feet; thence N -00 41) 40 "Wadi atones of Fi vo
<br />Ilundred Fifty -Nine (S59,0)'fui to the point of haginn(ng and containing 35.77% acres, more or Jess,
<br />seeerving to the grantor and its successor■ in ownership to the following deerribad property, to -wit:
<br />A tract of land t'oq'rising ,a part of the West half of the Southtest Quarter (WS SL%) and u part of the Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW'a) of Section Segall, (7); Township Ton (10) North, Range Ton (10) Nest Of the 6th P, :1., lied County, Nebraska and more
<br />particularly described as follows. ,4�.
<br />Beginning at Tile northeast cornor of said Nest llalf of the Suuthsast Quarter (W', SG'.); thence S 000 U9' SS" W along
<br />and ulwu the cast line of said West IWIf of the Southeast Quarter (lull SEW.) o distance of One Thousand f•.lght Hundred
<br />and Five lluldredtl;s (1,600.05) feet; thenas'N 8g0 03' I1." N h
<br />a distance of (be Taousand four udred Seventy -Throe
<br />auJ forty .Serer. Ilundredths (1,473.47) feet; thence N 6: lO' 54" W a distant. of Two Ilundred Sixty.onl Nineteen
<br />Ihadred1lin (260.19) feet; thenee'N 420 4S' 3l" W a distance of One Hundred Fifty -Six and Twenty -two: Ilundredths (156.:55
<br />feet thence N 20' 35' 35" W a distance of Ono ilundred Twenty -give and Nl ghty -Six iWmdredths (125.86) fact. thence
<br />N 00 Sit 55" h' a distance of Four llnndrod Nlnoty -Pour and Sixty -Ope Ilundredths (494.611 feet; thenco N 2U 37' S3" In
<br />a Jistanee of Ninety -Rive ad Four Hundredths (95.04) frrS; thence N 450 51' 43" W a distance of One Ilundrt'J Sixty.
<br />pour null Ninety -0"o IlundreJths (164.91) feet; thenco N l8 22"07" W a distance of one ltuudreJ Sixty and Fifty -'Iwo
<br />Iludre:lt:'s (160.52) feet; thence .N Ile 40' 40" X o distance of Flvo Ilundred Fifty.Nine (559,o) feet to a point on the
<br />north line,of sold Southwest Quarter (514IQ; thence 5 690 37' 59" li along slid upon the north line of said Southwest
<br />Quarter (Sins), a distance of Seven Ilundred Fifty-Seven and Fifty -Three Hundredths (757.53) fact to the center of so;,l
<br />Section Seven (7); thence continuing S 690 371 59" 1'. along mad upon the north lino of said West Ilaif of the k- the —t
<br />Quarter (tilt SF.:) s distance of Ono Thousand Throe Hundred Seventeen and Savonty -Nine Hundredths (1,317.79) foot to th,•
<br />point of beginning and containing 78,335 acres, more or less.
<br />The right of an Easement for Ingram. and agrees over and across the East loo Feet of the above - described
<br />property beirr; deeded herein.
<br />F-1
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />In
<br />